It is the time gating bros. It is everywhere and it sucked the life out of WoW.
Its like you just cant disengage the frickin parking brake so you can actually play the darn game and it feels awful.
Just cant play anymore. I tried, but i just cant, it’s too much.
They slow you down at every corner, and that feels really bad, it’s like they don’t want to let you play. Dungeons and raid are boring and loot is almost non existent so you cant even progress when you feel like grinding…
Pvp is the only good thing, but it is time gated too… so it sucks!!
Right now all you can do is do your homework so you can have x amount of vault slots once a week to choose ONE item. And i am not here to do homework. I left school years ago and don’t want to go back.
I am so done with this. It’s sad… pretty much the only game I liked.
This thing burned me out in less than 2 months, and i played bfa… BFA!!!.. for like 6 months without getting burned out. Crazy.
I feel like the NPC’s that drag me around the shadowlands are dragging me around to different rides in an amusement park instead of an open world to explore. That’s the biggest downer I have so far after finally getting out of Bastion and in to Maldraxxus.
That too bro… its like the world shrank to a fricking backyard. You cant have the sense of exploration anymore, the feeling that you are going into an adventure, it’s just places, small zones.
I mentioned this in a few threads, shadowlands is made for one thing only and that’s time played not fun had, everything is designed to slow you down, time gated story, time gated gear, mob lvl and mob ilvl scaling, everything is handmade to take longer. They know what they are doing and I think it was their entire purpose.
I have a feeling when they were designing this xpac they put up a brainstorming board put all their ideas on it as to what features there would be then went about working out how to make it all take as long as possible to do.
Amen. And they destroyed the game doing that. I give it 5 months and its going to be a riot. There is no way people can endure this for more than 4-5 months.
…but then there’s going to be a new raid or whatever so they can keep sucking the life out of their customers…
Yep. I’ll never purchase an expac before x.3 again. They’ve lost the mojo to make fun games. Every new system is trash and a waste of development time. Already unsubbed, waiting to hear about Classic BC. Otherwise, I’m out.
I agree. I wasn’t going to purchase SL until 2-3 years after it started because for me that’s always the “sweet spot” in an expansion, plus you get to earn flying right away (no waiting). However, boredom and curiosity got the better of me and I regret buying SL - they wont fool me again. If they hadn’t nerfed the gold in BfA I would still be playing that (yeah, I know they do it every expansion, blah blah blah).
Anyways, my sub runs out in 18 days - if they would add pet battles to Classic I might stick around and play that but I know the fans would have a fit and never let them do that. Oh well. Onward!
I think someone in activision just needs to lose their position forever. They ruined CoD:MW when CW released and it’s still unplayable. I uninstalled MW even though I loved that game. I bet they strong-armed a lot of design decisions into shadowlands as well to fulfill certain success metrics. In the end it’s going to blow up in their face just like the cod cold war stupidity is currently. So many new CoD players just never going to touch a CoD game again after how they handled MW support.
I think the way forward for blizzard is to find a way out of their toxic partnership with activision. It truly is a toxic partnership though and I think there might be no way out. So where do we really go from here? A new game?