I never thought I would say this, but I don't feel like logging in anymore and here's why

they screwed it so badly… i am just waiting for everyone to get burned out. It is inevitable. This xpac is extremely unfun.


Def! Been playing through the old ps1 Final Fantasies (back when FF was still good) with the fam. It’s been super fun! It’s pretty cool playing the stories over as an adult with a bit more understanding lol, and the nostalgia is a trip.

A quest is a chore. The game is a quest to get to the finish . The chore is beeing delayed for the sake of drawing it out.

I get it

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I’ve given up on playing the actual game. I only ever log in to RP anymore. I really like SL- the dungeons, the story, the atmosphere, everything. It’s the execution that really killed it for me.

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Still perplexed how people keep bringing up time played metrics hot off the heels of BFA.

This is the least I’ve had to play the game since WoD.

Biggest issue to me is M+ is simply too difficult for the ilvl and amount of gear it rewards.

Time gating isn’t my problem it’s just not much is fun.

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Why not both? Because it’s both to me lol.

Time gating stuff is fine if there is fun things to actually do while you wait.

I hear you OP and made my own thread about time-gating. I tried to leave some feedback to the devs on the matter.

Here is my personal thoughts on time-gating and what the real issue is with it.

Valuable Feedback, Purchased time just for this - Community / General Discussion - World of Warcraft Forums (blizzard.com)

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ditto on this is what I’m doing as well. Phasmaphobia is pretty fun :slight_smile:

It appears they only created 5-6 WQs per zone. There is no replay ability unless you’re a mindless drone. I leveled 3 60s, only touch my main other than profs. Started a horde alt, hit 57 through BGs and realized that there was zero chance I was running more Boreghast, so I shelved him. Unsubbed, waiting on Classic BC news at Blizzcon. Just fiddling around on Classic now.

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i feel the exact same as original poster. i’ve been trying to log in and play SL, and i’m just not feeling it. i’ve been playing since 2006 and i’m seriously letting my subscription end at the end of this month. the latest nail in the coffin was getting to level 52 and not being able to get any more quests until i hit 53. it was a long, boring slog just to get past that gate, and im not looking forward to that feeling on another toon.


theres like no time gating other than the campaign missions.

people keep saying this like campaign missions havent always been this way… WOTLK and TBC didnt come out and you could do the questline that lead up to defeating Arthas/Illidan.

I’m actually enjoying the raid a lot. Some of the dungeons are fun. I’m sorry you don’t enjoy them. That’s how I was last expansion.

M+ is no longer the way to gear. People need to move past that concept. We get one guaranteed piece each week from the vault. We have world bosses for a chance at loot. We have covenant gear that will upgrade to 197. We’ve got the raid. We have PvP. And M+ is dead last in an attempt for gear now.

I do feel the droprate needs to be modified. But we do have ways to get gear. It’s slower but they exist. And this content isn’t changing any time soon, so there’s no need to rush.

Homework? No one is forcing you to do the entire thing. Do what you want. Don’t do it all. I’m convinced that you’re really only getting two or three choices regardless of how many things you run. Because everyone I’ve talked to said that’s pretty much all they see: gear for only two or three slots from all of the choices.

Sorry you’re not enjoying it. There’s a bunch of stuff I don’t like either and the sheer amount of time gating and parental controls is over the top. Good luck in your gaming endeavors!



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Warning: this post contains lots of subjective opinions with which nobody is forced to agree. If you disagree, good on you :slight_smile: I don’t care. Anyway, with that disclaimer in mind …

So it’s Sunday & I’ve actually got time to play for several hours. So I logged in, all set to make a push to finally finish Maldraxxus & move on … & less than an hour later I logged out. Maybe I’ll log back in, maybe I won’t.

As an uber-casual I couldn’t care less about “time gating” or the loot “issues” or pretty much any other complaint people have raised. I simply freekin’ DESPISE Maldraxxus. The zone is ugly, the quests are dull & uninspired, I hate the faction I’m helping, I don’t care about the “story,” & I’m close to offended that I have to complete this entire abortion in order to move on to the next zone. I only have 3 chapters left before I can move on … & I just can’t even :frowning:

The railroaded “story” is the single-worst thing Blizzard has ever done. I even feel like I cheated myself by getting the epic version of this expansion before trying it & upgrading later. Other people have their own opinions, & that’s fine; I’m only stating my own. My own opinion is that Shadowlands is the worst expansion in WoW history, & close to the worst of any MMO I’ve played since 1998.

I will likely keep playing WoW, at least for a while. I’ve got plenty of fun content for lower level characters that can keep me amused for a LONG time. I don’t need to keep banging my head against this wall; yea, I wasted $80USD on this, but I’m not going to worry about “sunk cost fallacy,” I will instead admit that I made a mistake & take the steps to correct it.

I’m sorry, Blizz. I know you guys worked hard on this & I know you want to be proud of your efforts & I’m not going to tell you not to be. I’m just going to say that from my POV, you failed. & that’s just MY subjective opinion; believe it if you need it, or leave it if you dare.


i was thinking about going back to classic as well… BC is where i started playing, could be pretty fun going down memory lane.

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The time gating especially with covenant stories is a bit much. 3 renown levels a week just feels so slow


bye :wave: :wave: