Okay, so, I’ve been holding this in long enough, and I gotta let it out.
Naaru are just Old Gods but with the Light instead of Void. I got science to back me on this, too!
Both are aliens without homeworlds. Both are hard to look at, Old Gods drive you insane by looking at them and Naaru are so damn shiny they probably aren’t easy to look at either, like King Neptune’s thinning head. Both whisper in your head. Both use mortals as pawns through manipulations. Both have agendas they are pushing. Both think they are saving Azeroth, or whatever planet they are on. Both were birthed from a fundamental force of reality, Light and Void.
That’s all I got to say. Naaru are the Light parallel to Old Gods, and I gotta say… I really wanna see and Old God and Naaru directly fight. But given how easily Xe’ra, the Prime Naaru, died to Illidan’s Cyclops blast… My money’s on the Old God in that fight. Speaking of Xe’ra though, I got my own thought’s on her demise, but that’s a talk for another day.
I’ve got news for you: basically every force in WoW is exactly the same as every other force. The Scourge, the Legion, the Old Gods–they all operate by making people crazy and have a vague urge to control to the world for some reason. There is no difference except the color scheme.
EXACTLY. All magic is is just some mystical/magical cosmic energy. It’s the being created from it, mutated by it, or influenced by it who have the morals and agenda. There is no “Light’s will”, just the will of those who use the Light. Same for any other magic type, Light just being my example here.
The Light is a bucket of water. A bucket of water isn’t going to pull someone into it and drown them on their own. It’s also not going to grow legs and dump itself on a fire to save others.
However a second party can facilitate that themselves.
I also don’t think Void entities or Naaru are hive minds. We’ve seen naaru defend the weak, and force their will on others.
We’ve seen Void entities drive people insane, and we’ve seen them pragmatically use their abilities to assist our friends. I think the Void is Chaotic while the Light is Lawlful. Whether that alignment falls on good or evil… the mileage varies depending on who you’re talking about.
TL;DR- if you’re talking in absolutes about either force, you are incorrect.
I really dislike the new lore and peoples perceptions of it. It’s basically Blizzard trying to say “there is no good or evil” while proving themselves wrong.
That’s why I lean more towards the idea that naaru are the equivalent of the faceless ones or c’thraxxi.
Elune, then, is the counter-part of the old gods. Just as Locus Walker says, the Void sees many paths and believes them all true; the Light sees but one path and sees it as the only truth. In the same way, the Void Lords spammed hundreds or thousands of Old Gods into Creation; whilst the Light Lords focused in harmony and sent one true god into Creation: Elune.
I think it’s a part of their push for moral greyness. But given how that’s been going down… Glares at Sylvanas They need work. But I like how they’re kind of dissolving the conception of “Light = good and Void = evil by default.” It’s not the power, it’s how you use it. That’s what truly matters.
This is not meant to detract from your post. It’s actually a very good theory, with the multiple vs single truth/gods. Anyway I have always felt that Elune is a crap diety. I don’t find her impressive in the least and her powers are ho-hum. But I can’t tell if it’s Blizzard story telling or what. She just doesn’t work for me.
Elune is seen to also have a darker side.
However, it is strange that spells related to Elune usually deal Arcane Damage, if she’s this holy deity, why don’t attacked themed to her deal Holy Damage?
As for Elune’s feats, off the top of my head and without looking it up, she can cleanse Satyr, cleanse Nightmare corruption from Ysera, but oddly enough only AFTER we’ve beaten her to death, then again she could have just cleansed the tear and pulled out the part of Ysera that remained uncorrupted, I’m getting off track again, damnit, Uuuhhhhh… She can also eclipse the sun at will and turn day into night. I’m, sure there’s more, but I’m drawing blanks… I think it’s more of Blizzard’s story-telling. They don’t seem to know what Elune is either. I bet they’re winging it.
It’s not that though. We have 12 years of Light good Dark bad against one year of seeing the Light be totalitarian. To me that demonstrates a dichotomy, not an absolute.