I need help!

I turned off my authenticator yesterday, and when i log in, it still asks me for authenticator code. Unfortunately my US number is no longer in use ever since my graduation in 2020, now i hv returned home in China, which means im not able to check both SMS and authenticator code. I tried to open tickets at battle.net, it could create anonymously without logging in, but after several replies, i have reached the max number of active tickets. Im out of my moves! So i jumped on my gf’s battle.net and came here asking for help. Please! I want my acc back!

A few things:

  1. Given the fact this isn’t your account, no one can talk about it.
  2. You shouldn’t be on your girlfriend’s account at all.
  3. The forums is unable to help with this kind of thing and can only be done via tickets.
  4. Depending on your region the account is linked to, you’d need to file a ticket on that region.

Im paying subscription and game products for both accounts. So i own this one too! I have all the transaction ID of purchases from my financial statement that i can provide. i just need someone to collect them and look them up. Those assisting ticket issues are giving me a heart attack. Otherwise i wouldnt be here begging for help

It sounds like you didn’t remove the authenticator from the account page. If this is an NA account, you can ask a GM to remove it for you. I highly suggest you get a new authenticator and put it back on quickly with your new phone. You won’t be able to have SMS protection, but at least you will have an authenticator. What region is the account in question?

Also, a GM won’t care who is paying for what as long as the account is only logged in by the person whose name is on it. So if her name is on the account and you are accessing it, that is in breach of the ToS, even if you are paying for it.


So it’s your gf’s bnet account?

Or yours?

Who’s name is on it?

This will make a bit of difference when trying to get help. It’s coming across as someone is account sharing.

Technically my husband pays for everything I own too (we are a 1 income family) but my bnet account belongs to me and only me, my name, email, phone number are on it, not his.


Ur right. But the problem here is, since i cant log in to my own battle.net, im not able to review my previous tickets and reply directly to it, so i had to reopen a new one each time, over n over again til i reached the max number of it and can create no more. In order to reach out to them what else i can do, im literally out of my moves

Let’s not derail this one further. :slight_smile: Wildkittyg is just looking for help.

It sounds like you have multiple tickets open at the same time? You shouldn’t need more than one [ticket] thread.


The best thing to do is open a new account in your name to make the tickets and reference your other account in your tickets so the GM can find your other account. I you do it that way your communication with a GM will be easier, and they can help you easier.


Make a new battle.net account using a new/different e-mail than your original. Make it in your name (which will be the same as your original account) and submit tickets from that account.

If this account that you’re posting on is in your girlfriend’s name (as it should be) then that will prevent the GMs from being able to assist at all if you’re ticketing from it.

You NEED to be on an account in your own name.

From the new battle.net, you’ll be able to track and respond to the tickets without issue. You can also reference your previous ticket numbers to help out. But your ONLY option to have an authenticator removed (since you no longer have access to the old number) is to do so via the ticket system.


Im here for help, not for more troubles ma’am, jus read my words, u will understand why i had to try this. Speaking of the account sharing, im seeking for help, n my girls willing to help, dont see y not? Otherwise shed lose a game partner

Is Blizzard asking you for something specific at the moment? They do have a process for removing authentication methods.

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Thx! Finally! A wise voice

I understand this, but, account sharing is against TOS, this could get you in further trouble than you already appear to be in (meaning you cannot access your account).

and nobody was derailing

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I like ur advise, thx mate

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You are welcome. Glad to help. Just to point out, we are simply trying to assist and prevent your gurls account from being closed. It’s easier to get yours back than it will be hers.

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Yes they did, the first came assisting hand me a list of security questions to make sure im the owner. N i answered all that. N the next came ask for sth else, i looked up the link he gave, thats a certification list, asking me for marriage cert, divorce paper, n death cert, i mean yea, sure, id definitely prepare all that if i can get my acc back

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Sounds swell.

I think you have all the information you need to proceed. If you have further questions, we’ll try to help. Good luck!


Looks like you still have two open on this account.

The number of tickets will drop off over time.


Thats sarcasm my friend. :laughing: im not married yet, theres no way for me to offer marriage cert and divorce paper. And for death cert? What? Only death can bring me back my acc? :cold_face: but i do appreciate your help, im getting it back! I have a life in it