I Need A Jolt

I need a jolt of energy and newness to WoW. Pitch me on a spec to roll and to learn.

Im not a player who has tried every class or spec, not even close (I’ve played mage and DK). So likelihood is I could try something I actually know very little about. I also don’t care about “meta”, that’s not why I play this game to have fun / as a hobby. So nothing about dps charts or OP specs will matter.

I’m curious on unique angles, opinions, or views on a spec that would make it fun and engaging to learn, level, and start to get into end game play.

Willing to listen!!

idk play a warrior or a druid an d reroll a new faction and r ace u don’t usually play

Play another MMO, this game is terrible.

why do u still play then?


They been homogenized. RIP in pizza.


If you play one faction, make a character on the opposite for a change of scenery. Maybe focus on a couple of professions that would complement your new race/class. Skinning/LW for a troll hunter, for example. Give it a backstory that you think would be fun to rp.


Try playing a healing spec, it sounds like something different from what you’ve played and no dps charts.

I think resto shaman, holy paladin, and disc priest are all fun and interesting healing specs right now IMO, there’s a good mix of healing and doing damage with them.


Is aff lock still good in PvP? That’s what I used to play. Spreading dots and watch the healers have a meltdown, especially with the fear on dispel and dampening kicking in xD It used to be so fun.


Thanks all, and yes sorry should have clarified, I’m not burnt out with WoW. I’ve tried countless other games and this is just my game, I enjoy it. My point in posting is more as a spontaneous new char than a feeling of barely hanging on.

Appreciate the recs so far! I’ve literally never healed before so that would be a learning experience.

Healing spec. Doesn’t matter which one. It’ll give you a new perspective.

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I don’t play

I can’t speak as to endgame stuff, but I started a fury warrior just after DF release and have been having a lot of fun with it.

Mowing stuff down with two big swords is kewl.

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Play enhancement shaman…it’s got the jolt you’re lookin for!


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but then why do you pay a sub for a game you don’t play?


u do if u still have a sub


Enhancement Shaman Vulpera, anything Vulpera or Gnome.


Well if you are looking for something different I’d try a pet class or a hybrid.

Druid would certainly be quite different from what you are used to and the flight form is quite nice for leveling gathering professions/farming, it also gives you the unique options of caster dps, melee dps, tank, and healer.

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Play SPriest in keys. That’s a blast.

Yet you’re here.

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When i first came back to the game ive rolled WW after playing numerous other classes

WW as a dps has something that other classes dont really have and its that you can spammy spam spells which is frustrating but also super cool. In M+ you obviously use Spinning Crane Kick quite a bit but its not only that its a builder spender and hit combo it your optimizing you shouldn’t be repeating spells.

Its super fun to me because of that part of WW which is so different from many other classes

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