This is what I thought this post was going to be about.
Imo try a few… people talk about the classes getting homogenized, but that’s not really true for gameplay. I’ve had every class maxed on both factions since BFA and some classes/specs I really like, and others I just don’t enjoy. Some have too many abilities for my bars and some leave a lot of space empty.
Go do the intro quests for a few classes or wait for timewalking week and run a bunch of dungeons with some. If you haven’t found the class you love yet (pally, dh, monk for me), think about how you like to play (e.g. melee vs ranged, tank, healer, dps, class fantasy, armor class, etc.) And spend a day or a week or a month playing a bunch to find the one that makes you want to keep playing. No one on the forums can really know which ones you’ll enjoy - you need to try them for yourself.
Good luck!
A Pandaren monk - if you can, go through the Wandering Isle to see the ‘origin story’ (at least of the player character).
You can try out healing or tanking if you want, or just dps if you want too. It completes your ‘armor class slots’ (Since with what you’ve played so far, you’ve played a plate wearer, cloth, and mail). Might as well get that leather wearer in.
Plus, you can make them Horde OR Alliance, whichever you’d prefer. I agree with another poster, personally, and suggest playing the opposite faction that you normally do, to see other quests and storylines.
Thank you, all! Very interesting takes. Healer does seem to be calling me!
Roll mage.
Mechagnome mage.
I know for a fact you haven’t played one out to the fullest.
The same about you, other viewer.
Warrior specs are pretty good - whatever you can’t cleave your way through, just swap into Prot spec with a 1-hander and board (should take about 2 minutes to get both in at least 390-ish quality) and you’re pretty much unkillable in open world content.
Rogue is good for a challenge since it’s not “easy” to get the most out of it - same with kitteh druid.
DH is fun if you’re constantly overdosed on caffeine.
But one of the most fun specs is Shadow Priest. Take a little time to understand how it works and you can tear things up in instanced content.
I’m more of a Kaja Cola man, myself.