I must become death and a destroyer of Alliance!

I have reached level 80 along with my Leveling Quest Partner!

Now my missions becomes one of becoming an unstoppable wall of armor and death!
So if anyone might have some suggestions for how I do that please feel free to chime in.
I know Wowhead is a thing but I just thought Id ask non-streamer influencer people from the server I love.


You can start by clearing out Goldshire over here.
That’ll get rid of one of the main chunks of Alliance :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Ugh, There are some filthy places even I won’t go to.


Not gonna lie, this gave me some really bad flashbacks of ol’ whats-his-bucket. The Alliance PvPer high off the smell of his own farts, who liked to bring in “groupies” to sing his praises that were just alts of his own.


Reroll aug evoker.

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Wait, did I accidentally load up the MG forums? Does WrA-A have a secret ERP Goldshire cabal I’ve never seen or heard? Freaking ninjas.

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That was the same suggestion I got for my question in Age of Wonders 4…
“Reroll as a Dragon…”

I slay Dragons! I don’t play them!

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Varsinax? Was one of them at least.

Kiethoo, what you want to do is reroll blood DK because then you’ll never die and people will get upset.


Orc fury warriors were born that way. Don’t try to change them.

Do not say that name! We don’t want to summon the Snax.


Don’t speak the name.

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Raid Stormwind. I might be getting Ephie to come back to the game, I hope we can find cool bugs to sneak through walls again!

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Sorry , can’t help. I’ve reformed. I’m a hippie. wipes blood off armor We’re all friends now.


I used to sit in the sewers of Dalaran (Northrend) and after or before Wintergrasp duel Xara over…and over…and over again… Warrior vs Blood DK…and I kept losing, every now and then though I’d atleast get CLOSE to beating her. I could even beat her before they made it so killing blood worms didn’t count as a “kill” for using warrior heal attack.

Lousy Blood DKs…

I have begun to gear up for Tanking!
I forgot how brutal the loot system is…ugh.


Nah, I’d hoping he’d phase over here to MG real fast to start his Alliance purge adventure.

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Just gotta say it 3 times and…


The frightening filth of parts of MG Goldshire certainly is overdue for its usual purging. Spend two minutes reading some TRPs or pick up a weird random whisper or three and you’re done with the Internet for a week.

Level means absolutely nothing when you suck at PvP like I do, but…

I’m yer fen berry.

Would it be faster for me to dungeon to 551 or should I just farm ore and have my friend craft me plate 80 stuff ???

Uhhh…heroics and world quests that drop armor, probably. But you can level up gear now. I have 606 shoulders from leveling them.