I must become death and a destroyer of Alliance!

Drink the tears of a Dranie, kick the gnome high.
Eat hearty of the dwarf, wear the skin of an elf. (Nightelf)

Do all of this and crush the skull of a human child without feeling…then you will become the bulwark which the Alliance break themselves against, and the sword which delivers them unto death.


You know as much as I love the old forums…Discord has kinda spoiled me now.
Why don’t we have a dedcated WRA discord?!
For Horde Only?
Cause Alliance have Cooties!

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If enough people were super interested, we could spin one up, but it would probably be very similar to the Wyrmrest Community Project (crossfaction), with same people, only talking about their Horde characters.


Hate to break it to you but most Alliance players are also Horde players.

We’re inside your walls.


i mean yes but this does not stop me from killing ur toons. let’s gooooooo (vague memories of killing horde during BFA with my mythic geared paladin)

honestly i haven’t done any pvp this expac but i imagine once the season opens up it won’t be hard to get pvp gear.

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I have attained full Dungeon Heroic Gear a mere day after becoming 80.
This is not enough, I must be unbeatable, unstoppable, a fount of horde zeal, and most importantly to impress my Orc Shaman questing partner ^.^
Sadly my vacation is now over so, back to just having three days off in the middle of the week to play.

Still I might try this week to start putting together that Rated Battlegrounds for Absolutely horrible, super chill, no elitists PvPers.
And maybe looking for some Raids.

I outgear you by 8 points. Work harder.

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Overlord Kiethoo! I’ve gone and retaken Wintergrasp from the Alliance!


Icy Veins is a good place to check too.


Two great resources for pvp and pve respectively are Murlok. io and Archon .gg

These two sites show stats on what talents people are running and what gear they’re wearing. It’s not like wowhead or IV where it says “pick these for X activity,” instead showing you all the talents/items and ranking them based on popularity. Which use useful because I think they call the data from the top players. Or at least Murlok does.

Archon also has tier lists for specs that they rank on popularity, throughput, and survivability. So BM for example is S tier popularity but probably B tier throughput. I don’t think they have data for TWW just yet but I imagine they will after the first week of raiding.

Something to add to your information arsenal, for sure.


I will look into them.

Ive officially tanked and dps’d all the heroics a few times now without too much trouble. So I guess it’s just waiting for Mythic and + now.

I think I might forgo “PVP” related things because it seems exploiting Warmode and BGs is a huge issue from Dragon Flight and still is this expansion, I’ve seen it myself a few times now. Dropped down on a lone Alliance and suddenly…vanish.
What a shame.

Ohwell Gonna be posting my new Title post here in a week or two and hope people enjoy it.

Also got a few WRA events on my calander to go to!

We really need our faction pride back. Especially after tonight. We have Alliance guilds walking into Orgrimmar like they own the place, no one is defending our cities!

(edit because I don’t know why it was a response to Topsail when it should’ve been a response to Kiethoo)

We’re all part of the same collective unconscious, and so to respond to him is to respond to me, is to respond to all others.

We are the Chiefmind. We are the Horde.


I dont feel its a question of “Pride” so much as a Question of Lack of Care on the part of the Developers. I find that many of our WRA Horde are still very prideful, but no one wants to have to deal with poor game mechanics.

I got into a group of Horde today and we tried to do alittle world pvp while on together and every single time we jumped Alliance 2s or 3s they would just Exploit the follower dungeon system and vanish.

It was very morale defeating.

So If I can’t enjoy PVP, I can still show my pride by helping my fellow WRA Horde gear up by Tanking for them and supporting events and RP story lines with my famous Kor’Kron ZEAL!

Small edit : Did some more world pvp tonight with a small group and we were killing off an alliance group 2:1 size. Amazing Druid Healer.

I should do some BGs this week, but I haven’t even gotten around to heroics. I’ve been soloing delves with my good friend Brann Bronzebeard.

I got up to level 6 last night, but I still feel undergeared.

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I hope Brann’s been going all out, at least a little bit.

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Is WM really a thing here on WrA? I suppose it could be but I really haven’t been confident enough to turn it on and check out the WPvP for myself.

He’s really good at finding gold, starting to mine my nodes and building a campfire. At the end of the night, I saw someone mention in the delves chat that they’d been hiding and letting him DPS down the mobs. I bet that gets nerfed by Tuesday.


I was running a delve yesterday and at about 15% health on the end boss, my phone rang and it was a call I had to take. Answered phone thinking I’d probably end up dying and have to start over but no, BFF Brann took over and killed end boss.

Definitely guessing that gets nerfed.


It’s all fun and games until Brann boots you from the group.

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