I Missed out can this please return

I left this game in cata n just returned within a year on a new account.

Can you pleaseeeeee add 3 mounts i must of missed it during my long break and these seem like they were advertised the most during bfa.

-Stormwind Skychaser
-Orgrimmar Interceptor (Best mount for goblin by far)
-Teldrassil Hippogryph (matches the sentinel armor the best.)

ADD THEM TO THE STORE i feel like it sucks i pay for the game got all the expansions but some good mounts ya took out. Take out them low poly res mounts instead and leave the nice ones in.

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Those are snooze you lose cosmetics designed to keep people subbed year-round.


The skychaser and interceptor were from one of the Blizcons I believe. You can get them on ebay for about $250.


Love Rocket

the hyppogryph was a event

the other 2 were blizzcon 2017 40 dollar digital ticket

If it’s money they want than add them to the store ill buy all 3

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skychaser and interceptor is the same mount just swaps based off faction and is a blizzcon mount so that won’t come back.

as for the hippogryph think that was related to SL? pre patch or something maybe bfa pre patch that one should return given im sure they just reused the models i mean look at the horde version it’s for sure just a reskinned model as the skeleton is the exact same of the Legion mounts the raid one that looks like a demon.

assuming they put in 1 time mounts mostly to try and bait people to play the game. it’s kind of dumb imo given not everyone can play at X time some of us got other bs we got to deal with irl. also at this point in time it’s kind of just bleh farming mounts now days i mean in reality you really only need 1 mount now the rest is just for looks.

The hippogryph was from the BfA pre-patch event. Horde got the UC bat.


Or they can just put them in a fun questline or timewalking event in relation to what happened during bfa. I associate more with stuff I did in quests vs anything from the store or bmah. Like I forget I have tusk of mannoroth on that I got from bmah. And I like riding my glacial tidestorm I got from my guilds weekly fun BoD during the dead time in 8.3.

Not the slyverian dreamer or tree mount I happened to got for free just cause I was subbed or paid for a 6 month sub.

Agree with u 100% and the event was pre bfa…

But look at my avatar that hyppogryph would be my only mount for my NE…

I get the best mount for my class and settle with that but the goblins best mount isnt in game and night elf one is perfect with sentinel armor but i cant even use it


This is the only way you can get the mount since you missed out

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i know that already lol…

There’s another hippogryph coming with legion timewalking. 5000 badges. And you got 2 weeks of access to get (plus it will be back up in 18 weeks again after that).

But yeah the questline for prepatches should be back in. Make the story more complete. Hell I would do it again just for completionism.

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I dunno about Blizzcon mounts but the BfA pre-patch events never should have been removed. Exclusive mounts aside it’s idiotic to remove such important story events from the game, period.


It confuses me a bit about the direction the game went to. They took out the Night Elf main class mount (Teldrassil Hippogryph) because it was only a event but they added cats in the store to buy that have nothing to do with the lore…

i mean i do agree tbh but looking at the past for reference it wont be done. hopefully in the future they do this. limited time rewards make no sense to me.


I never bought the books, so even if they left that content in the game (let’s throw in all the end-of-Legion content including the story and quests behind Silithus) I still only have half a clue why the heck much of what happened happened.

Devs’ obsession with inscrutable plot twists to sell more books, etc.

The game has been working hard to appeal to people who like limited time awards and attract more of these. I think in the future there will be much more exclusive and limited time rewards. They seem to think the game don’t need subscribers who are turned off by the concept, just like they seem to think they don’t need casuals, who make up the overwhelming majority of subscribers in every MMO.

Get used to it.

It doesn’t and to be completely honest with how Blizzard loves to make as much income as possible it is surprising that they don’t have a lot more things of all kinds in there store.

I think limited mounts should be like seasonal events not lore… Headless horseman mount is limited u can only try to get it 2 weeks out of the year for Halloween add a reindeer for xmas etc… but the hyppogryph and other mounts I mentioned have something to do with Warcraft universe and should not be taken out.

The legion thing I didn’t even know had more story… Why are they pulling content it is pushing me away…

my guess is 2 reasons.

  1. they can use the model and reskin it via a recolor and sell that off down the line which is lazy af tbh but gives the model to people who wanted that limited say mount. this also adds “content” which really it doesn’t. it’s basically like the MT being brought back. rewards are just old recolored tier sets only the druid bear is getting something actually new in terms of a skin.

  2. limited offers promotes RMT i guess you could say via say for example AOTC mounts lots of people want those mounts but can’t get into the content for w.e. reason usually they are gated by low ilvl and lack of having aotc achievement to begin with which yes DOES happen. i pug my raids majority of the time i deal with this bs a lot. so instead they just buy a clear via gold which is easy money for boosters i mean you just need a heroic kill and you can always save the lockout at the last boss to avoid all the bs clearing thats already on farm.

thus selling more tokens in a short amount of time.

idk who it’s gonna attract i mean look at ff14 it’s more casual and yet attracted a lot of WoW players during the law suit fiasco. only thing this type of content is doing is detering casual players which make up the majority of the player base as i mean lets be real it’s not in it’s prime we all grew up and are older now work, have kids, etc… yet they are still trying to cater to that younger audience or that more hardcore playstyle to imo be relevant.

that monkey see monkey do mentality. you see these people pushing high keys who probably stream for a living or work from home and you got people like me who work say a regular 9-5 job wanting to get into that sort of content but can’t because i got bigger responsibilities.

TLDR - all just marketing schemes. in the end this is why they are losing subs. they forgot what making a game is all about yet alone playing a game.

Hmm… what mount does goblin look best on… tough question…