See that’s where you are wrong. The cat and bird have nothing to do with the lore “yet”.
Stay tuned for the next exciting expansion of World of Warcraft: The island of Lost starring DBZ!
See that’s where you are wrong. The cat and bird have nothing to do with the lore “yet”.
Stay tuned for the next exciting expansion of World of Warcraft: The island of Lost starring DBZ!
Will pay money…doesnt want to buy the mounts. Checks out
i actually still have a code for a skychaser, I went to blizzcon and bought a virtual ticket that year lol
Orgrimmar Interceptor - Is the best goblin mount for me at least. This reminds me of WC2 and WC3 Goblins Zeppelins
It attracts people who feel superior that they were at the right place at the right time and encourages those to lord it over people who were not, blaming them for not having subscribed to wow before they ever heard of it or even before they were born.
This is the “community” devs are trying to build, one where new players are unwelcome unless they are not really new players. There’s no place in the game now for an actual new player who isn’t already skilled at games like this to learn on their own time.
The problem here is most of them never mount it they have hundreds of mounts and never use it. Some players quit so there mounts are not being used either who claimed this reward.
I mount ONLY mounts that look good on my toon. Pally got his class mount for PVP and ground and i use a Armored Gryphon (New one) for flying thats it. I dont jump on a dragon with my pally (Never) so the Mount i use is the mount i stay with.
For the players that want to feel superior than others well i got a solution for this the Orgrimmar Interceptor all you need to do is take off the blizzcon logo and problem solve those who were there can show the flag
Also as for the Teldrassil Hippogryph if that is the case than take it completly out the game i am doing battle for darkshore and everytime i fly back they have me mount it and i look and say damn… that mount looks good with my toon, and i can’t even claim one… Thats messed up.
Wait until you discover all the content they removed.
Check out the Xiwyllag, the mount made from two other mounts. They’re sold for 15k-19k at auction or trade chat on my small server cluster, may be cheaper on larger servers. The mount is defective however, the back seat is unusable. Can’t even have a pet ride there!
I seen on Wow Mounts all the retired mounts (Most were nice if not the best, like Deathwing and the mounts i posted) As for content I know something of Sargeras Story why he stabbed the planet. but thats it i left in Firelands and bought the original in 04 (5 CD install). So anything after Firelands idk except for what I did in-game recently