I miss when era was popular

Yea, I looked at that and there are a lot more Horde over there. World PvP isn’t for me though, so Mankrik is really the only other option. I’ve been casually leveling with a friend on Horde just to see what the other side is like. It’s going ok, we just can’t really find leveling dungeons.

I agree that other versions of WoW aren’t really ideal. SoD was almost interesting but the crowd that went there is the same crowd from WotLK (and Cata) and it’s just not my jam. I’m glad they exist for people who want to play them (plug for TBC/WotLK Era servers though!) but Vanilla is where it’s at for me.

I have mixed feelings on fresh tbh. That feels like something that needs to be the right timing, which might not happen until a Cata lull and SoD is finished. But hey, power to you. People are making their own fresh over on Deviant Delight though, so that could be a thing worth checking out.

*EDIT: You’ve probaby seen it but just in case…