I miss old talent trees

To all you people claiming there was only “1-2” ways to build, that’s hog wash… you guys are discounting the FUN element, or the theory crafting and hybrid builds.

Lets be honest, to all you people regurgitating this linear thinking, as many people as I just read ALL of you guys were in the top 1%?
LOL NO, i’m sorry thats statistically impossible so you just repeating/mimicking what the top 1% built doesn’t make what you are saying relevant.

Furthermore, the theory crafting was some of my best memories, trying to think of fun ways to play my shadow priest back during WOTLK while running BG’s or old content… I respeced quite a bit just to test out different fun idea’s.

Hell at the END of WOTLK, I would que as a healer but play shadow and pull mobs dealing top damage taking aggro, effectively healing and tanking because of these weird builds. I would take aggro because it meant healing anyone else less and I could sustain from vamp embrace consistently.

To each their own, some people are only followers and lack the ability to think outside the box.