I miss old talent trees

You only had two or three choices that mattered the old way. Sorry but it’s true. Those ancillary talent points you were forced to take to get to the one you wanted are not meaningful choices.

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Even with the smaller amount of talent trees there’s still more actually viable choices than there were back then. In fact there’s more choices on a single azerite piece than there were back then on old talent trees

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WoW is an endgame only kind of game. Some like some don’t :man_shrugging:t2:

Really I think if old tree fans want to get Blizzard’s attention then it makes a lot more sense to begin petitioning for new talent trees, not just reminiscing about how much they miss the old ones. That’s just guaranteeing you won’t be taken seriously.

Yep, and this clashes directly with turning WoW into an e-sport, resulting in further de-RPGing of the game.

MMORPGs just aren’t cut out for the same sort of competitive gaming as Starcraft or DoTA or whatever and by trying to make WoW balanced and competitive, they’re hammering a square peg into a round hole. It’ll fit eventually but not without a lot of damage being done first.


I would love a new talent tree. As long as it gives me more options. The model we currently have is too small and has almost no real choices or room for innovation. The best talents are obvious. Maybe I swap Double Time and Storm Bolt around for PvP to PvE. Maybe I take improved execute over improved whirlwind if I’m in a fight with like no adds. That’s it though. That’s the closest I get to actually having to make a choice.

That’s you and I’m sure you’re not doing it right. I make changes in every single talent row on a regular basis based on what content I’m doing

I kinda miss them as well. Mostly because I felt I gained something every level. Even if it was just 1% crit.

However, there was more RPG-ness to them. It is a shame that at max level content, there were cookie cutter builds you basically had to adhere to. But while leveling or just playing with friends, you could play sub-optimal, but more fun builds. Like ret-tankadin where you tanked but did some extra dps.

I feel that cool freedom I had to play the character the way I wanted when playing solo or in regular dungeons is gone. The new talents are more meaningful individually (though there really should be more rows) but never really let me feel like this character is my own design.

Hope I made sense here haha.


I have never seen this happen and doubt you have either save from needing someone to cheese a boss.

Maybe Druids have better options than Warriors. I only ever change 2 talents around.

It happened back in BC days.

Never once from mc to sunwell have I ever seen someone get kicked for not having the exact talents the rl wanted and I pugged them all.


To all you people claiming there was only “1-2” ways to build, that’s hog wash… you guys are discounting the FUN element, or the theory crafting and hybrid builds.

Lets be honest, to all you people regurgitating this linear thinking, as many people as I just read ALL of you guys were in the top 1%?
LOL NO, i’m sorry thats statistically impossible so you just repeating/mimicking what the top 1% built doesn’t make what you are saying relevant.

Furthermore, the theory crafting was some of my best memories, trying to think of fun ways to play my shadow priest back during WOTLK while running BG’s or old content… I respeced quite a bit just to test out different fun idea’s.

Hell at the END of WOTLK, I would que as a healer but play shadow and pull mobs dealing top damage taking aggro, effectively healing and tanking because of these weird builds. I would take aggro because it meant healing anyone else less and I could sustain from vamp embrace consistently.

To each their own, some people are only followers and lack the ability to think outside the box.


There will always be a top raid spec but it never meant that you couldn’t do well with others did you want more output or utility. The biggest thing lost is its not about spec its how you play. I would rather have a druid deep feral with HoTW and NS that knew what he was doing than a deep resto druid that couldn’t down rank or manage mana. The game was more than just x is a dps increase y isn’t so x wins people that tout that talents were all cookie cutter never gave real choice didn’t look into how gear, play style and encounters all effected the talent choices you made.

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There are only a handful of actual choices you made with the old talent trees, and that’s basically what talents you really wanted and then you’d take the best route there.

People seem to act like every time they leveled they had to decide which of 10 possible spots they were going to point their point, but that’s silly. Just a lame attempt to make it seem like the talent trees were more impactful than they actually were.

I was amused when I tried to make a destro lock build for wotlk as different as I possibly could and it still overlapped 80% of the time. The reality is that the vast majority of talents were ultimately filler that didn’t change much in the way of playing.

That said, leveling is super lame right now. They really should do some kind of level squish. Something else they could do is instead of just giving people passives, have a pool that are made available as you level up that you can pick from. Say you hit level five and passives A/B unlock and you pick B. You get to level 10 and passives C/D unlock so you can pick from A/C/D now and so on. You could make it so there just enough of those to cover leveling for balance purposes, or have extras for some customization. I would probably say just enough to level, so everyone ends up the same in the end, but you can tweak yourself over time a bit.

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Yes and they are easier to balance and i agree , not a good reason for me either.

I have no choice at all as a lock, i change when Aff 1 talent row depending on fight encounter.

Destro i can run 1 build for everything

Demo i have 1 m+ build and raid i change 2-3 abilities (i havent played in 6weeks and tested new demo build, i maybe off a little)

Meaningful choice, c’mon that’s a joke.

Its different for different specs. I have a ton of combinations to choose from for m+, for example.

Not like you had meaningful choices with the old talent trees.

Thats whole class

3-4 abilities changed on whole class depending on content in pve and you think i have choice.

Like I said. Its different for different classes/specs. The same as with the old system. In the old system, if you werent using an accepted build, you just werent invited. You had to use specific builds that ended up removing your choice.

I had some crazy builds back in the day, especially on my warrior. Can’t remember now exactly what it was but it was like Fury but with Mace Mastery stuns. Took people by surprise back when I PvPed.