I’d give a lot to just have our classes + artifact abilities baseline back, minus the BFA GCD changes.
The rest I’d live with so long as I can have classes like Legion WW/BrM/MWer monk, Vengeance DH rotation, Arcane Mage, Frost DK, Guardian Druid, Holy Paladin etc back… Classes with artifact weapons + talents were a ton of fun.
I’m sorry, getting one shot by rogues, having every bear tank in god mode, being tier locked with no choice in the matter, having a no counterplay FoF was fun or great for the game. WW is in a healthy state and you actually need to skill win rather than burst and port when they burst you back. The xuen azerite trait is the best thing since butter.
PvP stuff, can enable the BFA GCD changes for PvP then. Don’t care about PvP.
Take it out for PvE as stacking CDs (which is higher DPS in PvE and an unavoidable tactic) feelsbad when I pop SEF/Serenity, wait, Touch of Death, wait, maybe Xuen, wait, start DPS rotation. GG wasted time from SEF/Serenity and ToD.
Now, you’re locked into 4 peices of Azerite gear that will always have a BiS/ideal setup… So you’ve traded 4 slots for 4 slots and took away the secondary stats of tier gear. Plus you had the chance to customize your 2 legendary choices to fit your needs.
Welcome to PvP!?? The entire Arena championship is CCing, then burst, then avoid opponents burst. Rinse repeat. Burst CDs is the only time the announcers voices get excited during the whole match lol.
I’ve been playing BFA since launch and I’m happy with the expansion. I enjoy it a great deal. That said, I miss Legion as well. Playing a demon hunter in Legion was awesome, because the expansion fit the character like a glove.
I don’t understand? Legion had Rares worthy of killing for pets/toys/mounts, emissary rewards for paragon, class hall campaigns, better follower/mission tables where you could customize your many iconic followers etc
Am I misunderstanding your point? Apologies if I am I’m still a bit unsure.
I liked the zones and quests enough, but what I miss the most about Legion were the class halls. Feeling like your class mattered and getting quests around your class was something I felt the game was lacking for SO long, ever since they stopped having the class trainers give out quests. I feel so bad for those trainers, just standing around doing absolutely nothing these days. Class halls at least felt like your class mattered again.
I also miss the sub rogue buff where you couldn’t die even if you dismounted way up in the sky.
I’m sure there is more I miss, but those stand at the most for me, personally.
I miss Legion too OP. I actually came back to WoW after long break which I started game in Dec 2015. I disliked Draenor like a passion. Legion was fun with the artifacts and class halls and gearing alts in Argus. Good ole days. Hope Blizz makes 8.2 8.3 and especially next expansion worth while. Alt Friendly PLEASE !!!
BFA NOW has paragon rewards. For a long time you got your rep then just… stopped doing them or farmed them for Azerite power… There was no point to doing WQs…
Treasure chests and rare creatures in Legion were worth fighting and looting. Now Rares are just world quest property and I don’t even bother with treasure chests. There’s no point, even the grey items from them don’t sell for enough to be worth dismounting to open these chests. They’re pretty much the polar opposite of Legion.
Plus yknow, the other 2 things I mentioned out of them all that weren’t replaced with anything in BFA…
I miss wrath more than anything. BFA is about on par with legion for me, experience wise. It’s worse in the farming department and about the same in every other one. I still have gripes with RNG layered rewards, perma-grind even existing, and blizzard trying to convince me to do garbage boring content via tasty rewards that can impact content I actually want to do. What I really want back is wrath. Or vanilla with ret being raid-desired.
I can’t find anything except mounts being added in 7.2 to paragon rewards? You may be right?
Even if so, it’s no less true that Legion had different types of content that BFA doesn’t that was replaced with nothing… I feel that impact in game.
Non-instanced content specifically that is, since I fully respect and admit that raids and m+ don’t interest some players and that’s fine, play your way to have fun and all that. But at the same time… Those are the players that feel what I’m talking about the most.
And please, for the love of anything/everything, can we change the Horde capital to have all features centralized?!? Roughly close to each other?! This is a change that doesn’t hurt anyone and only brings a positive aspect to the game. Please.
Yeah I agree, and that’s one of the reasons why I don’t like BFA. Also killing rares and grinding WQs are the same thing now, which takes the loot table from the rare kill away and I don’t bother with treasure chests in BFA.