I miss Garrosh

I miss him too but, I have a token to always remember him by. :grin:


Like pistachios. Can’t stop at just one.


This is true but also look at how many liked that idea. Granted Orcs were at a low place so they were willing to embrace him (right or wrong) because he allowed for them to feel pride in themselves once again.

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I don’t. He was the definition of a 1 dimensional character. Literally just an unga bunga orc smash character and it sucked


Ab-so-lutely! I would take bloodthirsty murder army with a “get onboard the killtrain or get the hell out” policy over… whatever the Horde is today.


Good sir you were trash to him and he did not care if you lived or died. The kill train included you as well. I am not particularly fond of people that see me as disposable.


just got back from work and good lord this got alot more traction than I thought got some hater out there which is fine not saying you had to like him but alot of love 2.

What really got me thinking about this lately other than watching some garrosh video and the youtube was I came back to the game a few months ago and was just trying to get a good grab of what been happening in the world. after leveling a few clases and sieeing how the games works now I finally jump into DF a few weeks back and at first zone is was ok, not great but ok the second zone though, SO BORING, whatever stupid story these centaur people were trying to tell was sucking all the fun out of the game for me and haven’t gotten much further after that last thing I remember is a green dragon got shot down.

the gameplay overall in fine rather good really and I bet the raid and whatnot are a blast but the tone it just not there and being more of a fan of the Horde there pride and zeal it gone.


I’m sure you undead were seen more so as “recyclable”


Nope, lore wise Garrosh saw us as abominations. Us dying was a mercy, which is why Sylvanas started making her own undeads to replace those that were killed.

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Yiu can meme all you want. But Ive encountered these people in game and youtube comments under any "garrosh did nothing wrong " video.

Not all of them ofcourse, but Ive met a fair share of them

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Yea he was like this but he was cool. He was never a “6D villain”. Garrosh came at the right time to oppose Varian anf his alliance. Thats why in the mop setting it worked imo.

It wouldnt work now because of what happened with garrosh and sylvanss

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I like to think I would be the Conductor of the Killtrain! As it leaves the Pain Platform to Murdersburg, population: Everyone!

I also feel like Garrosh was the kinda guy who appreciated merrit. So if I just kill enough Alliance and dissenting Horde than he would appreciate my worth even as an undead. And if he doesn’t, oh well.

Sure sure. I believe you. But you’re right, lot of people these days have a problem separating fiction from reality.

*Eye twitch. *

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I do sorta miss Garrosh trying to get us killed. Was rather refreshing to have a leader not think we’re the best thing since sliced bread (nathanos doesn’t count!).

Really miss his lines. Say what ya want about him, he had some fun lines (and had a great VA). Guess there’s always Hearthstone and HotS. :smiley:

Still, even for an orc, Garrosh was a bad bad person. And he’s now in the Void. That’s how he chose to go out so let’s respect that… blizz


Lok’tar ogar! Victory or death - it is these words that bind me to the Horde. For they are the most sacred and fundamental of truths to any warrior of the Horde.

I give my flesh and blood freely to the Warchief. I am the instrument of my Warchief’s desire. I am a weapon of my Warchief’s command.

From this moment until the end of days I live and die - For the Horde!

Damn…this game used to be awesome.


Lol yeah, so many “muh feelings” and getting astonished that people like war, war crimes, warring factions, slaughter - in a game, a virtual IP, with those subjects as foundations :laughing:

Yeah. The Disneyfication of… well damn near everything, is just sad


“There is no instance of a nation benefitting from prolonged warfare.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War


“It’s a game, my goal is entertainment, not life lessons.”
— Fostracize, Horde Player


I am undead I never took that oath, lore wise my loyalty was to the Dark Lady.

puts on gasmask


I can respect that. Dark Lady watch over you.


Why can’t we just have Eitrigg as warchief. Yeah, I know he is old but I still really like his character.