She’s a popular character lol. Though I doubt she will play too big of a role considering she is supposed to be stuck in the shadowlands.
In the cinematic his arm was damaged, X didn’t take Lt Dan’s legs from him
And FFS, we can rez people from death…
We aren’t going to heal our most powerful mage?
He’s in a literal wheelchair…that floats…
The only reason my boy isn’t on a flying carpet or anything else that makes more sense in-universe, is to put on display how “inclusive” of a good-boy Blizzard is
Back pats all around
Garrosh sucked because he was written to just be part of Thrall’s character arc. They dialed back Thrall’s presence after all the Cata green jesus memes but Garrosh kept his original story beats with the other Horde leaders as substitutes. It made no sense to us at the time why Baine didn’t apprehend Garrosh at the end of siege or Vol’jin duel him to death in WoD.
In retrospect it’s obvious though, he was an evil failure so Metzen’s self insert could look even more awesome in comparison. If Garrosh was written in serve of the Horde’s narrative instead of Thrall’s he 100% would have become something far more respectable and engaging for players.
It wasn’t.
Khadgar: The Dark Heart was created not to destroy, but to capture and harness all manner of power.
Khadgar: When I felt what it was doing to me, I transmuted myself into pure arcane energy…
WE can, as an in-game mechanic. It is a more rarer thing to do in the lore. What someone explained to me for anduin being able to do it is him basically asking the light if there is any one last thing he could do, then for it to be that. And if he goes around trying that again, then it won’t work because it would be him taking the light for granted.
A flying carpet is the most ridiculous thing anyone can suggest… A chair is fine, the dude is old and weak.
Anyways, you turned this into something off the rails from your original comment.
We will see how this devolves as Ive found many garrosh fanboys that actually love his racist rethoric and share those views irl.
He was a fine villain. Cool voice acting and matched Varian very well.
I dont know how the current sissy horde would ever get someone like that when its a bunch of babies.
Well, unless Sylvanas has a broom and dust pan, you can still find him.
My dude, look at the Anduin BFA cinematic and tell me no one in the whole alliance could fix one mage’s back
Get real man
You’re right, the flying chair with wheels is much less ridiculous than my hat pull example…
A gryphon, robot gnomish exo-skeleton, literally anything makes more sense
He was a terrible leader for most races of the Horde. He was only great if you were an Orc. He saw all other races as beneath him, only suitable for cannon fodder. Great villain, one that held his convictions to the bitter end.
People that talk about missing Garrosh do so not because he was a great leader but because he made them feel powerful and manly. He went from weak crying manchild in BC to a powerful leader…in ugly pants. How I hated those pants.
I don’t know what’s more ridiculous, the wheels on the chair or the people that try to justify it.
It’s so blatantly insincere and poorly executed too
I’d feel insulted if I was a paraplegic
People have been trained to not only eat crap but enjoy/defend it though so
Well, Syvanas was garbage so I won’t try to defend that.
As a mainly Alliance player Garrosh pre-Theramore war crimes and pre-sha infected nut job was actually a good set up for him to become a strong antagonist. If they had passed on sending him off the deep end and instead of all the Orc supremacy stuff they had made him a figure all the Horde races could look up to he could have been a good character. A hero to the Horde and adversary to the Alliance without being a “villain”.
So I guess it was the original potential in the character I enjoyed.
I’ve always been opposed to player housing.
However, if I could decorate my house with paintings of Theramore exploding and Teldrassil burning, I’d be all for player housing.
Don’t worry guys, we’ll be getting a Lightforged Garrosh in the future!
Garrosh was the top og. Forget the haters. Thralls a soy boy
And if a character was “better than any Horde characters who came after” but that’s only because they stopped giving new Horde characters any focus or development, that doesn’t mean the first character was good.
It just means that was the last character they had before giving up on the Horde.
Ah, yes. I too hate all non orcs in real life as I hate them in Azeroth. Which makes life all the more difficult as an undead.
Exarch Hellscream is not Garosh.
He has a different mother, because in the AU Garosh’s mother died before having a child.
And he has a different name, because this version of Grommash met Garosh already and wouldn’t want to name his new son after him.
I hate time travel.
The fact that that he only cared about Orcs doesn’t mean was a great leader for Orcs. He’d have turned his race into something little better than when the Orcs fist invaded Azeroth.
I think I remember killing an orc by that name at some point. But after awhile, and after so many, you stop remembering their names.