I miss Garrosh


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Yup, now I am just farmer looking for some extra coin.
Murder Hobo for hire.
We need a Murder Hobo title.


…okay, I would use that title.


insert “it ain’t much, but it’s honest work” meme here.


You could even have two.

Murder Hobo Rakham or Fostracize Murder Hobo, one for PvE and one for PvP.


I can’t wait to get my player house. I can finally be Rakham Murder Homeowner!


I want a “HOA Member” title for my goblin.
Fear me!
Your grass is too high.
That is the not the correct color for you door.
No lawn decorations!
I need your dues.

I will bring the darkness to WoW that so many seek.


Now that’s just… eeeeevil.


Another triggered GDS ridden dude using a video game character to represent their issues in the real world. /mega-yawn


We’ve had the title of murder hobo for so long, its gonna feel weird at first to not be hobos lol.


I just seen this but honestly just Alexstrasza, everyone else is okay but pretty meh in my book.


Interesting, so what makes Alexstraza so compelling when she’s been essentially a nothing burger “life mommy” except for a bit of Cata, a bit of DF and other odds and ends like Wrathgate

Never. I’m still waiting for him to arise like the second coming. Evil of course muahaha

Dismantle the “Horde identity”? Blizzard actually did that multiple times. It all depends on when you started playing.

To players who began pre-cata, the relatively accepting Thrall was the leader of the Horde. It was his accepting ways that got the disparate races marching under the singular Horde banner.

For players who began post-Wrath, the warmongering racial supremacist Garrosh or one of his ephemeral successors (none who really deserve the position from this player’s PoV*) is all they know.

Today I don’t even know who is the Warchief anymore. That’s how bad Blizzard has messed up.

* Neither Vol’jin nor Sylvanas really did much during the lead up to the Siege of Orgrimmar - the former spent most of his time in bed recovering from an injury. The only one that showed any sort of leadership capability was Lor’themar.

All the haters can say what they want about this and bad writing that RE Garrosh. Doesn’t change the fact that all we have today is pg rated plebs character wise. I would take a 2 dimensional character with a personality any day over the weak sauce we have now. We really gonna sit here and pretend that Tyrande, Alleria, Thrall and mutha flippin Anduin are better. Get outta here. They sit around in a circle jerk and cry and tickle each others cabbage it’s weak I say. WEAAAAAKKK. And I’m a freaking Druid :joy:



In some ways every villain, or even “hero”, has been a “war criminal” in this game. this game is built upon murder sprees after all. 20 years of it…arguably small scale genocide at this point.

I’ve never been given the chance to ask that kobold to trade for their candles. A human quest boss has an item. We’ve never jsut asked them to barter for it. we kill, repeatedly.

You can add 5d chess to the motivations. But in the end…its about the body count in this game really.

The only difference between a mass murdering war criminal or the victor? the winner writes the history book that matters lol.

We are the victors…so we are justified. In our years of killing 1000’s upon of 1000’s of things. All for the chance of a drop to make a quest giver happy. Or to craft, gear to sell to get paid.

NGL…for some crap rate rng drops I’d take more peaceful options. Hey NPC mobs dudes…I want this item.

I got 1 gold for it. Or…I can kill 50 of you to get it. Hell 100, rng is rng afterally. Especially in the old days.

Gold or death dude…pick one. They never get that choice. Murder spree, always.

Stalker 2 put this into perspective. Many quests I get the option to peacefully resolve the matter. Or take that attack option.

I tend to take the peaceful options. I get enough blood on my hands. Or…I am just low on ammo. It can be either, really.

I say the same :laughing: its pitiful, and I won’t pretend its better than traditional WoW like some of these ‘holier-than-thous’.

Ooof speaking of Druids, don’t even get me started on how they handled Malfurion :angry:


when they dropped the darkshore cutscene in BFA I was going cool, We are getting a cool Malfurion now.

Drags that orc down into the earth to suffocate to death in the ground. A fitting fate for them. This is the Malfurion I’d like to see more of.

And now… back to the boring druid who get treated like the crap in expacs after.

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You ain’t wrong my dood. Pitiful ain’t the word. Like Allerias got some 8 dimensional writing lmao. Bunch of teletubbies runnin round here. It’s wild :joy: I don’t even think of Malfurion anymore. He’s dead to me :headstone: expelled from the CENARION CIRCLE :o:




That’s is truly evil, I like it :smiling_imp: