I miss Garrosh

Still she is kind of extreme. Definitely not leadership material.

Also didn’t they have to fight the Burning Legion at one point?


Clearly so good that he got completely erased from existence like Arthas.


We need more characters like Garrosh in the game or at least with more charisma. I am so over the main characters feeling sad and sorry for themselves.


Tyrande didn’t lead the War of the Ancients, Jarod did. And then he… retired, I guess? Got bored? Was written out of the story because no one likes Knaak?

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Everyone misses Garrosh. He was such a nice young man, always excited to share his culture with everyone around him.


If anything, WoW has suffered for such a stupid decision.


As is the natural course for any character that takes a villain arc.

Lol, so whats your deal? You hate traditional warcraft characters? Who’s your fave characters?


Best era of wow IMO, was CAta-MOP, because how well the worldbuilding and the immersion about factions and races were established. Maybe it wasnt masterpiece, and had it flaws, but it was enjoyable, i was able to “feel” the world i was playing.

Cataclysm there was no bs about good two shoes alliance, they were bombing taurens to hell, killing orcs, trolls, and we had to fight then to defend our ourselves, we had to invade ashenvale to get resources the elves kept denying to trade

And the alliance had their reasons to fight. Because wow was a game about how factions were each owns hero, but a villain to the opposite side

Now? is gone, Warcraft doesnt give that warcraft feeling anymore, factions are useless and meaningless, nothing makes sense, its bloated and flawed


I couldn’t stand Garrosh. I sort of miss why tho, never thought I’d say that :smile:


The conflict between Cataclysm through Warlords got me interested in playing both sides and experiencing the story from two opposed perspectives. Garrosh is kind of the face of that era of Warcraft, so I have a fondness for him.

Now it’s just one story for both sides. No faction specfic hubs. No faction specific characters. Something very special has been lost.


No, thanks?
Yeah, he’s an arrogant and self-justifying character, but nothing more.

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An ultra aggressive manic isn’t much better.

I swear Lor’themar is the only major lore character that doesn’t behave like a teenage.

That’s kind of the problem, and why Blizzard will probably never do that again, most players don’t want to be the bad guys.

I think “tensions” with minor skirmishes is the most majority of the players can handle. No one wants to go into dark stuff like war crimes. Blizzard doesn’t have the writing talent to do that kind of dark stories properly anyway.


He called Sylvanas a naughty word and Blizzard doesn’t like that anymore so ofc they want to pretend like he never existed. I didn’t do any of the Classic Cata questline but I am 100% positive Blizzard new dev team removed that part.

His only reason for being relevant was his father. Thrall really did not like him at all.

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But the alliance players were not doing it, they were defending themselves

that was the whole point of the two sides of the conflict

The alliance players were not bad guys, for then, in their view, in their quests, they were the heroes

Same way the horde was the heroes, in their own story


Problem is, players inevitably learn about the war crimes their side did. No one wants to be part of that - even indirectly.

Blizzard doesn’t know how to write such stories in a satisfactory way either.

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they were fine to be part of it since vanilla, what happened now?

Players LIKE to scream for their own faction, they dont “learn” about warcrimes, because in their context isnt a war crime, for then its right and justified, and its how things were until MOP, when blizzard decided horde bad, alliance good.

that is the truth though


To be fair. To my memory, Garrosh had no clue about the poison.


Vanilla was “tensions with minor skirmishes” that I mentioned. Combat was also relative “honorable” with little to no civilian collateral damage nor acts of unusual cruelty.

The Alliance didn’t have a “whole faction” leader. The Horde’s leader was a relatively well tempered orc. So nothing major happened.

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Not real ones anyway.

Fictional war crimes tho? That’s fun.


If you want to role play an evil character sure. But most people don’t.

That’s the problem with linear stories, the game doesn’t give you a choice. If you want to keep your players happy, the road you force your players to travel better be palatable.

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