I mean if anyone would do that it would be a goblin
There evil to the core
I mean if anyone would do that it would be a goblin
There evil to the core
Well when you put it like that…
Mr Krabs is Blackhand, Thrall and Scourge lord Tyrannis
That is all
You miss the idea of garrosh, not garrosh actual. He was laughably incompetent and singleminded. But he could rally, no doubt about that. Need someone who can rally and is more complex than a toddler drawing a circle with a crayon
Again, you can’t casually do that stuff in the lore. Pay attention.
If lore characters could pull that stuff all the time or the same stuff we do in-game, nothing would matter. Oh you died? Let me just cast ress for 10 seconds. A bomb landed on my city? Let me just channel tranquility…
Feats like that aren’t something you can do with your eyes closed.
You can’t just heal away everything. Characters are still blind, your character is still bald and you can’t just heal hair to grow. Do you look at a pirate in-game and laugh because they don’t just flash heal their eye patched eye away?
Maybe one day a wheelchair in the game won’t keep you up at night.
I’ve been doing the tour of old raids for all the expansions I never played. Did all the (many ) chores just to be able to reasonably get around shadowlands and eventually got to sanctum of domination.
The little cutscene after the boss that’s torturing garrosh put a smile on my face. At least Garrosh has got personality and pride in the horde.
Who even is the warchief now? Who cares, doesn’t matter they’re invisible
We get Stonetalon Garrosh, maybe, but we do not need, nor want, a Warchief, or High King for that matter, who can be written to be brainless the moment creatively bankrupt idiots need to throw into the Uselessly Evil Chair to kickstart an expansion.
If Garrosh had been willing to acknowledge his faults and take the advice of Thrall’s advisors, things might have been different, but Garrosh was too headstrong and arrogant to acknowledge anything but the ‘Orcish’ way of doing things, even when that was directly harmful to the Horde, even the Orcs. And that recklessness and disregard for their cultures is what made those same Advisors pull back and become hostile to Garrosh, leaving the spaces open for ‘Yes-Men’ to fill and rubber-stamp every stupid decision the Acting Warchief put into words.
And perhaps one morning you’ll wake up and realize something very poorly executed and rather silly like putting an important, powerful mage character in a WHEELchair (that has wheels, but floats), in a universe where we heal the wounds of foot soldiers, is going to look hallow and more like checking a box than adding anything meaningful to the story.
If you, like it great!
It just comes off as weak and back-patting and pandering to me
Global Distribution System?
My gosh, you just conveniently ignore anything being said, ok… Enjoy being mad at the wheelchair I guess.
I read what you said, I just disagree
The only rare ability in the lore is rez
Blizzard is doung themselves a disservice because even though dragonflight was the most tame expansion ever… now with tww they had so many chances to bring back some edge to the game.
Yea the cutscenes we got while leveling were cool but nothing comes close to WoD nagrand finale garrosh vs thrall, legion stormheim finale sylvanas vs greymane and many others. The dazar alor intro cutscene with Jaina and the alliance was the last cutscene me thinks.
Moira crying over magni, anduin and the chick from hallowfall… its like there is no edge not in the slightest. Where are the cool fights where is the drama. There is nothing even in tww. Evertthing is too soft. This “alliance horde friendship” is harming the game.
Imagine when the alliance and horde forces were landing in khaz algar and a small skirmish came out between turalyon forces and that magar savage girl. Something like jade forest mop finale with taylor and nazgrim. Man, it pisses me off
Garrosh was the catalyst for conflict and that role is necessary imo.
I am feeling attacked!
If take time to look around WoW you will see that we really don’t heal the wounds of foot soldiers all that well. There are still first aid stations and you can see npcs struggling to give basic first aid.
Just because it works in game play does not mean it works in lore. This has been the case since WoW started. If game play did work the same a lore then everyone should have headed to the warlock order hall and got soulstoned.
To each their own, but I think it is bad and low effort writing to shoehorn in a clear virtue signal
NPC locks keep them soul stones self equipped
So we are facing a world ending threat but instead of trying to save our world we fight with each other. The level of stupid that Turalyon would have to have to let that happen is crazy. If anything Turalyon would be the one to see the bigger picture and not weaken either forces with a stupid skirmish.
If the stakes were lower than yeah, I can see tempers getting the better and people fighting like in Wrath. The stakes are too high for that to happen now. Besides Thrall stole our kill in Nagrand, never forget that.
Are you new? We can have world ending threat unity and we can have conflict. Just like I mentioned in legion, bfa, and almost all expansions.
That is no excuse to be “peace forever friendship”. Because as weve seen it doesnt work.
And yes I am not saying start a faction war right there. There are many ways to spark co flict that can slowburn for later.
Absolutely agree. And that’s the prob. Give us someone we love to hate. Someone who sparks conflict. The title is Warcraft not kumbaya not to mention I feel like the horde to alliance character loss ratio is way skewed.
These are considered by many (myself included) some orlf the worst expacs for lore besides SL. Legion is debatable, but WoD and BfA?
The faction conflict never felt more forced and probably what killed it off for good.
If you dont want the imaginary “World of hand holding” do pvp.
Knowing the actual origin and history of this song, i cant tell you how weird it is to constantly hear WoW players misuse its meaning.
Insane take.
I already pvp. But world of friendship is doing long term harm to the gamr and that can be seen RIGHT NOW