I miss deterministic gearing. Bellular nails it

Good contribution with poignant counter-points. Let me reply: Blah blah blah etc. etc.

Well seeing as how I don’t even know who you are, why you replied to me as if I were even talking specifically to you, I had no need to make a counterpoint to an argument I wasn’t even involved in. Lol.

Oh? I’ll make it clearer:

Then I repeated the typical points people bring up in regards to this and gave my personal opinion.

Almost as if… I was discussing the topic.

But if you prefer just going “blah blah blah” then have at it. I won’t stop you.

It already is a grind. I have to do something to get a chance to pull at the lever.

It’s not like I know if I do Underrot X amount of times them I’ll get Tusk by then. I may do it once, I may do it 100 times. And I’m pretty sure running Underrot for the 100th time will feel like a grind.

I like the titan residuum currency. I can more quickly buy a Mythic piece but have the rng of not knowing what piece it is, or I can save for 5 times the amount to get a targeted value.

I see you have a tendency to miss the point.

Blasting ppl on the internet == $$$

Its a simple equations really. Translated from blasting ppl in the newspapers.

It’s fine, you made a comment that this was the “new” buzzword, and I made the statement that term has been used for years on these very forums. That was it.

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If you were in a decent guild before, you could be 100% sure you would eventually get the best loot in the game. They took away lootmaster, and added extra layers of rng on top of it. Now it’s basically impossible to get the best gear. So what’s the point of even trying anymore? How can I justify paying to play this game?

The blizz ceo said in an apology that “people expect great things from us”. That is no longer true my friend. At least not for me.


Well this is and isn’t true at the same time I think.
You still get great gear, but is best based on ilvl, corruption, stat effecrs, etc.?
Using Toweliee and IcyVeins as an example. Icyveins clearly lays out the best stat priorities for Prot Pally, but when Toweliee gets an item with said stat priorities, he doesn’t want it and actually prioritizes one of the lower stats instead as he determines this is his “Bis”

I have T1 Stars on my pally main and it’s coming out as <1.4% DPS boost. It’s not the game changer most make it out to be. Of course, everything else has been either T1 VR, or leech or avoidance. Oh well, thems the breaks. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

Tier 1 is junk. Gotta get the tier 3 to be able to have fun in this game.

Sure, it’s not going to be much if you’re using it for world quests when things die fast. From my understanding it’s pretty dependent on if you’re doing single-target or multi-target, along with how long the target stays up in order to stack the debuff. It’s going to perform differently depending on how you’re using it and what you’re using it on. You can’t just say T1 is a <1.4% dps gain.

Go play classic if that’s what you want.

Every other thread on the forums in a couple of years:

Watch this new Bellular video as he slam dunks on the nub developers and explains why gear in MMOs need more RNG to keep players engaged!

I really hate how boring gear is now. Remember back in the day when every day you logged in you always had a chance at getting an upgrade? It made every drop so exciting! Now… not so much.

Static gearing sucks. Game has been trash since Ion was fired and replaced with NAME HERE. Where is the player agency anymore? I have to slog through 8 bosses just to get my one chance at a 3% upgrade every week. Unsubscribed.

I like the cloak actually, I mean the way you have to go and upgrade it. But the thing is the horrific vision are a core feature I really think we should be able to go in as many time as we like and have fun even tho it’s not rewarding anything.

Currently it’s gated by the same repetitive dailies and weekly events which we are going to do everyday until the next expansion, it’s going to feel… well, repetitive, sooner or later.

And at the end the reward from horrific vision isn’t that great in terms of progression, full clear with 5 masks reward 460? I think we will all be over-geared by then, so IMHO, it shouldn’t reward any gear and just let us run for free, with a daily or weekly quests for momentos, or maybe just change the current gear reward to momentos.

This week you cleared with 5 masks? Here’s your 10k momento, Aaaand your cloak upgrade.
Oh you cleared it with 5 masks again? You already got your reward this week. <— Better time gating

I swear they’re going to mess up Torgast by time gating it. Rogue-like dungeon are supposed to be unending cycles of “oh you failed? Try again, from the bottom”. I don’t think they know that honestly.

I want to be able to do Torghast much more often than I can do Visions runs.

Also, I’m leery of the word Legendary. Does that mean there’s little point after getting your first one unless you need to grind a new slot?

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That’s what my Details report says after running the Vale assault + WB+ three rares and the 2nd LFR wing. Overall 1.414%. :see_no_evil::speak_no_evil::hear_no_evil:

Yeah, I wasn’t arguing that you were wrong, I was just saying that the damage that you specifically get from it is going to be wildly different from someone doing cutting edge content. Rares and world quests mobs aren’t up long enough to get a good gauge on the potential damage you can get from 7 minute plus single target and/or multiple target encounters where the debuff has a chance to stack.

So using that as your example for “See! It’s not the game changer people think it is!” is going to yield incomplete data. Especially when you lump all those activities in together for an average.


I do - sick of getting crap I can’t use.

Don’t worry. Corruption, essences and azerite traits are going bye-bye in SL.