I miss being a simple murder hobo

I miss the days of being on my own planet, hopping through villages, picking up some gold to go do the hard jobs no one else wanted to do. I miss killing elementals in my own backyard or evil dragons hiding in a cave, just because someone hired me to do it.

I’m tired of being the “prophesized one” who will save all of the universe and put the cosmos back into order. I’m sick of being the competent one, where a bunch of god-like beings look like complete morons, because I’m the “special snowflake.”

I thought at the end of Legion, when I gave up my shiny artifact to stop a corrupted sword, that I’d be able to go back to being a normal old murder hobo again. A legend in our time. Whispers would follow, but I could still just be a murder hobo. Alas, we got the Heart of Azeroth. But then we used to laser beam an Old God and I figured I was free! Time to return home and rebuild and just be a simple hero and murder hobo again.

But once again… alas. I am now the prophesized one. The savior of all cosmic realms. Smarter than god-like beings. Stronger than Wild Gods. More competent than my own Goddess.

Can I now go home and do as Sunszu said in their thread? I’ll gladly collect bananas! Who’s with me?! :smiley:


Not me. Sadly, that time has passed and we can never return to it.

There is no reasonable way to return our characters to their humble beginnings after what we have been through in the last 17 years


I’ll gladly take a murder hobo in fiction compared to prophecy nonsense. The folks in DnD that try the “chosen one” thing are just ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


fighting for my life against a single bloodsail buccaneer or a wiled murloc.
the good times


If a Night Elf character/fan said this, you know you completely screwed up the lore.

I also miss the time where I unwittingly helped Abercrombie make Stitches…

… and him terrorize the road.


I couldn’t agree more and Zovaal leaves me with the impression we’ll be seeing the bigger, bigger bad very soon.

So annoying and stupid.

“It’ll be a titan plus plus plus you guyyyys!”


Well, can’t be bad as LAZOR BEAM and DRAENOR IS FREE, right?


jk, they’re just as bad.


All our table top RPGing was intentionally kept low key.
THAT is what keeps the world ‘grand’. and mysterious.
Blizzard…and other companies…go too far, get too grandiose, with their story lines.
Problem is, like after the battle of the 5 armies…there just isnt any going back home…to how things were.
We know too much. We’ve seen to much. There is no mystery left in the world now.


I have been saying this for years. WoW’s narrative has become too ‘grand’ for it’s own good, and stopping impossibly powerful evils bent on destroying the world has become old hat. We need another expansion like MoP where the stakes are not that high, atleast at first.


Is that really worse than the idea that the next threat to Azeroth is a random overpowered creature that has managed to hide itself from being discovered but has decided now is the time to take over?

In a RPG, there always has to be a bigger bad to allow for progression

Yes. Yes it is.


Well that’s the thing, isn’t it?

Does an expansion HAVE to be about any one specific threat? Couldn’t it have multiple things going on in the world?

Dragons, void cultists, scarlet zealots, etc?

Surely a writing team worth a damn will be able to come up with something that isn’t Villain-of-the-week?

No! Bad! Where’s my spray bottle? Fine, I’ll just use a newspaper! :dizzy_face::boom::newspaper_roll:

Star Trek TNG was able to come up with new stories every week for years and it didn’t involve a bigger bad and a yet bigger bad and then the biggest bad of them all.


We killed the dragon named Deathwing, The World Destroyer…what dragon would be a threat?

We killed all known old gods, who do the cultists worship?

Zealots…really? We have defeated god tier beings from the ShadowLands.

All of those examples sound ridiculous. The only logical progression is off planet or cosmic threats

Galakrond. Hence why Arthas was trying to resurrect him into an undead


Dude, do you not see the ridiculous escalation in your own post? The levels are already absurd.

Would you have us fight the Sagittarius A* star next? Where does it end?


Murder Hobos of Azeroth unite!!

I want a barrage of quests in every local area that constantly update. An evolving world! Gather materials to help rebuild the Thandol Span. But oh wait! Local troggs are hampering progress!

Little Cindy lost her kitty, search the worgen infested woods for Mr Mittens!!


Running from a Murloc because he is going to kick your butt…good times.


It ends when they stop making x-packs.

Until then it makes no sense to spend time fighting lesser threats

We are now cosmic murder hobos.

I dont see much difference between the types of questing we did on azeroth and what we do in shadowlands tbh.

In classic you kill an elemental lord, old god, and some other powerful gods.

In BC you kill a void lord that killed a planet.


You can do that in tazavesh go do gauntlet lol.