I miss being a simple murder hobo

If they keep giving us bigger and bigger threats, this will happen because the bloat will be so absurd no one will play anymore and Blizzard will go out of business.

Sadly, the writing team seems to be completely without any amount of self-awareness; utterly inept and we’ll continue down this dumb path of bigger and badder threats.

Our characters will face the First Ones, next and use the Heart of Galactis to cast an EMP that’ll disable them utterly because they’re actually robots.


Not sure if they will go this way, but we can easily have an expansion on Azeroth proper (EK and KD) while having a looming threat over us but not actually interact with it.

The days of killing Kobolds are over though. Especially with scaling, those old zones won’t play well with new WoW which makes me sad. They did the Hogger thing is Cata. They redid a ton of old instances already.

I really want an old world expansion though, the cosmic threat nonsense is very fatiguing.


Agreed! I’m the Hero-Champion-Mall Walker that can defeat all but sometimes gets overwhelmed by crabs and tiny critters.

It would be nice that if when we return from the Shadowlands enough time has passed that our fame has diminished.

I guess I can just consider that my character has developed over the years. It just gets a bit old, especially with multiple alts.


More like running from the huge pack of Murlocs, because you pulled one and it MRGL’d for all of its friends. LOL

Sure it does. There’s no reason not to return to some semblance of cosmic stability and deal with the crap going on around our own planet.


Day-o! Day ay ay o!
Daylight come and we wanna go home!

As you know that’s basically what I’ve been doing when I am not barely keeping up with current content. I am running out of fishing content. I am keeping up with current content enough to count as a casual. However you define that anyway!

I’d definitely tally some banana over dealing with this whelming expansion.

It isn’t overwhelming. It isn’t underwhelming. It’s just. Whelming.

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This is one thing I feel like the obscurity of our characters is different though, like this that I quoted I very much would want but not a return to being just a random mercenary type maybe thats a nice line in the middle of things idk

Imma firin muh Lazers



Speak for yourself i find just playing as a normal soldier in the alliance or horde boring and dumb, like if we are no better then all the nameless other soldiers in the army why are they sending us on quests when they have tons of other peoe to send, we are nobody, and it gives my character 0 purpose in the game, i could sit in the inn and it wouldnt change anything

Umm… I did? LOL


The next enemy, a literal planet. After that, a sentient black hole. Final expansion: hogger+


Undead Void Infused Lightforged Arcane Titan Hogger!

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We already did that when we defeated Argus the Unmaker which was the corrupted titan world soul of the planet Argus


Some kind of DH joke?

Maybe… Just maybe… The prophesized one is a Murder Hobo! How far down the rabbit hole are you willing to go Alice?

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Only two reasons for the game to have this current approach:

  1. They want to appeal to kids on their 10s; 2) devs are detached from their players and think that they have some deep self confidence problems (or themselves have it) that they need to compensate with a messianic character.
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If Tirion can take a stepback, I would like to as well. How does one get exiled after saving the world multiple times?

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Eagan Peltskinner in Vanilla: “I’m hungry. Kill some of these wolves so I can make wolf steaks.”

Blizzard in Wrath: “Oh heavens, what would PETA think?”
Eagen Peltskinner in Wrath: “It pains me to ask you to harm nature’s creatures, but I need you to put down diseased wolves.”

Blizzard in Cata: “Orcs are invading the valley!”

To be fair, Star trek also managed to make an entire race of gods interesting with the Q continuum, I don’t think Danuser is on the same level as that…


i want a cosmic battle in the vein of legion. but bigger. planets crashing into planets while giant titans fight, like endgame

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There is a middle ground between being some rank and file soldier, and a messianic figure who battles interdimensional beings of unfathomable power. It doesn’t have to be one or the other, you know.