I mean, it is kinda that bad for the Horde

There was a large portion of the Horde playerbase who sided with Sylvanas and who enjoyed being able to commit genocide against the Alliance with no repercussions.
I do think it was designed to heavily favour the Horde, especially since the focus of the expansion shifted towards Saurfang vs. Sylvanas rather than the victims of the genocide just to kick off the expansion with a major Horde victory.

They did kill all those they could find. And the Horde rushed through all major Ashenvale settlements.

And the Worgen. And massive casualties from the war itself that she started.

The equivalent of Arthas doing it to Sylvanas is Sylvanas doing it to Delaryn. So we have a mirror there too.

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It’s never going to be enough for these extremists. They want a total and complete genocide of the horde and even then it won’t be enough

(Another prime example of why I hate the alliance.)


Wasn’t large enough or they wouldn’t have put in the quest. It was in reality much like the Garrosh stuff where there were for sure fanboys, but a lot more were speaking up against the story.

If it were, we wouldn’t have been villain-batted, would have won the war and wouldn’t have had our story reduced and still had Horde quests. Instead we now do Alliance quests, with Alliance NPCs. The Warchief title was removed, ruining faction fantasy. They killed Horde faction fantasy with that expac. That did not favor us.

And Alliance killed the Horde. The Alliance actually started the fight. Because the story goes that Orcs needed supplies badly to survive. They asked the Nelves if they could use some. Nelves said no, so Horde decided to try and steal the supplies and the Night Elves attacked them for it. So then it became a conflict over rssources

Again, Worgen were not genocided. Their town was razed and blighted and Genn’s son Liam was killed. But it in no way compares to the level of devastation of Arthas, the Scourge and the Legion.

Sylvanas didn’t torture Delaryn’s soul and twist her into a Banshee. She did raise her. And Delaryn is definitely meant to be Sylvanas’ mirror but definitely not tortured like Arthas’ tortured Sylvanas.

And that whole story was dumb anyway. Because why spend years having Sylvanas and the Forsaken fight for free will to only then have Sylvanas suddenly agree with Arthas and be all about subjugation. BFA and SL lore weakened everything about Warcraft lore.


She didn’t even subjugate them, all the night elves chose to be raised


I’m speaking more of what they did to her with how she treated Forsaken that wanted to return to their families. She suddemly wanted loyalty or death. And she went along with Anduin being completely controlled.


That’s what I would’ve wanted.

I get that from a meta perspective, the Horde was ruined for people who were actually trying to play a honorable Horde. But there’s a large portion of the Horde playerbase who enjoyed what they’ve gotten and who like to just be evil. The story did everything it could to appease them and also refused to give the Night Elves a chance to properly strike back.

Like if we just compare losses from an ingame pov the Alliance lost far far more in BfA.

Not really though? I mean all the Night Elves were written as in the past expansions were helpless victims, and then they need the help of the Horde to build a new home far away from Kalimdor so that they don’t upset the Horde?

I get that the story has been bad for people who are trying to play a Horde that is not irredeemably evil. I can’t play a Horde character anymore either because it just disgusts me what the faction stands for nowadays. But again there are a lot of people who loved being able to commit genocide against the Night Elves and we still have to listen to them bragging about it to this day

Your reading comprehension is off. I wanted a victory against the Horde in Darkshore and Ashenvale after the Horde literally got a “total and complete genocide” of the Night Elves.

But yea, can’t have that when the writers are on the (evil) Horde’s side, it would hurt their ego too much I guess

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In all about five seconds, too. There was originally, militarily, strategic value in occupying Teldrassil. But then, on a whim, which actually I guess turned into whatever the nonsense Shadowlands with Nipple Boy was, she said, “Burn it!”.

What a butchering of, what at the time, I considered to be a pretty nuanced character. Guess 5D chess only gets you so far.


Sira said otherwise. And the alternative was being tortured and obliterated in the maw. Can you call that choice?

Yeah, homie. Because I’ll tell you what, I’m sure half the playerbase would love nothing more than to login and further self-flagellate themselves for nonsense storylines the vast majority of us didn’t want any part of at all, and again, had no agency over.

Screw escapism, I want to login to a video game to indulge in masochism.


Yes, it is by definition a choice


This is also all ignoring that the nelves did get their ingame win against the horde in darkshore but every nelf fan memory holed it


As far as I’m aware, they came out with stories that had internal monologues, wherein, as you said: You had to willfully basically consent to be resurrected.

If memory serves there is an element of auto-bloodlust involved, but at least in terms of however Sylvanas’ Valkyries undead resurrection magic works, the individual has a choice to be resurrected as an undead or not.

**Edit: At least as far as the Night Elves killed during the War of Thorns are concerned. I can’t recall if the same can be said about the humans during Silverpine questing.


If someone is torturing you and going to kill you and that person gives you the choice to serve as a slave instead, does that mean they gave you a fair choice?

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they literally weren’t slaves though, you are making up context, they chose to be raised and chose to fight the kal’dorei


Which you got. With help from the gilneans and the Bloodfang pack


Because the alternative was being tortured and obliterated
 like come on now


and plenty of elves made the choice not to be resurrected, but hey apparently its not a choice right


Who are you talking about that was tortured? Delaryn? Sira? I’m not trying to be glib here, which individual are you referencing?

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 in a Q&A
 which was later nullified in Exploring Kalimdor