I mean, it is kinda that bad for the Horde

She objectively did not lol

Not even remotely close. In fact, its laughably far apart. Which is why BfA also was so unfair because the Horde got to completely annihilate the Night Elves while the Night Elves never got to strike back properly and get some victories against the Horde.

2 faction game btw, but only 1 is allowed to deal damage to the other.

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Which one? Because you guys won most of the wars. And it’s not like the Alliance hasn’t committed atrocities themselves. It just gets written out later.


Can’t remember winning anything. We got a hollow victory in Darkshore (told not shown) which was retconned in Exploring Kalimdor later and the Horde ended up with a significantly stronger military than the Alliance somehow.
Almost all of those that were complicit in the genocide got away and the Night Elves never got a chance to get a clear victory against the Horde. In a 2 year faction war expansion you’d expect Blizzard to have enough time to give the Night Elves a questline or cinematic where they actually win against the Horde for once in Ashenvale or Darkshore.

Also the biggest atrocity the Alliance commited was letting the Horde get away with commiting genocide once again instead of asking them to stop attacking Ashenvale. It’s like the Alliance completely abandoned the night elves to appease the Horde and so that Sylvanas can defeat them in Undercity

Blizz stated that you won the Warfronts.

Negative. Alliance has done the purge, Taurajo, slavery and other things. It’s a war game. No side is innocent. Until Blizz retcons it.


So just another sunday morning compared to what the Horde does. The Horde also got much more justice for Taurajo than the Night Elves got for the entirety of the war of thorns and the torture of their souls

Both sides do bad things and the Nelves are far from the first ones genocided in war.


What justice did we get? You got Sylvanas and everyone else funneling souls to help build that seed and doing chores for the Alliance. And I went against Sylvanas.


I’m fairly sure that the taurajo looters are either dead or imprisoned, and so is the general who ordered it.

The seed was built before the sould were funneled out of the maw. Sylvanas is just benched for a few expansion and all the Horde soldiers that were actively killing civilians and blighting night elf lands were never punished. That’s why it would’ve been so important to give the Night Elves an onscreen victory against the Horde in Darkshore/Ashenvale but I guess there’s not enough time when all the resources were spent focusing on Saurfang and Sylvanas.
The night elves are also still dead after all.

We got Baine siding with the Alliance. That was great.

Negative. The souls we saved in the Maw were used for the seed.

Still way more punishment than Jaina and Vereesa got for the purge.

Yeah because Jaina’s story got no attention all expac. The whole expac itself was setting up Nelves to have their saga.

Not the first elves that happened to. They can now join Blood Elves with that in common. They even got Dark Rangers too. Copycats.


The seed was created at the same time that Sylvanas was sent to rescue the souls.

Wasn’t it established that Jaina only killed those that resisted and attacked?

The saga about getting a new world tree? That still doesn’t change that they never got to properly strike back against their abusers in the supposed faction war expansion which was essentially just the Horde bullying the Alliance until it was over.

Huh last time I checked Arthas was dead. Even his soul was obliterated in the end even though his crimes were less severe than Sylvanas’

a genuine night elf fan moment


The same guy who killed his father, genocided two kingdoms, wiped out the defenders of the third one and than continued his atrocities as the Lich King?

You think that guy did LESS than Sylvanas?


You are confusing two different things. We save the souls in a questline that lead from Ardenweld to Torghast where we save the souls for the seed. Post raid at the end of SL Sylvanas is sentenced by Tyrande to help funnel every last soul to it’s proper place and not return until it’s done.

The reason that Amirdrassil has blue in it is from those souls saved from Torghast and put in the seed.

No because in the scenario she killed civilians and shopkeepers. They then backed that up in BFA and then changed it where she orders Vereesa to do the dirty work. Her and the Silver Covenant go ham on civilians. Vereesa even points out that she wanted to do it long ago. So it wasn’t resistence (unless cowering is resistance). Vereesa even had dragonhawks murdered and the Silver Covenant fed a man to a shark.

They did. That was the warfronts.

Right, just like Garrosh. And his crimes weren’t less severe lol. Sylvanas only targeted Darkshore and Teldrassil. Arthas tore through the Eastern Kingdoms.


Some Nelf players are like this. They think their suffering was the most, that they are the world.


Sylvanas is literally an exact mirror of Arthas but with a bit more cruel details

She genocided the Worgen and the Night Elves among her countless other crimes. And then she tortured the souls of those she killed and tried to obliterate them, even had success with a lot of them.

And she got many more killed in the war she started.

Well we only saved a small portion in that early questline. Most were still in Torghast after.

The warfronts were a back and forth battleground with no winner. We were then told (again, not shown) that the Night Elves won offscreen just for Exploring Kalimdor to tell us that it’s a blighted wasteland and the victory didn’t matter. All that while victim blaming Night Elves for fighting against Horde attackers in Ashenvale.

She wiped out Ashenvale, Darkshore, Teldrassil and Gilneas which included large population centers. Then she got many more killed in the war she started and tortured the souls of the innocents she killed with the intention to obliterate them, which she did to many of them.

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Just the Night elves were genocided. Gilneas wasn’t. They weren’t even targeted for being cursed humans or for any reason really. The attack on Gilneas was a military land grab ordered by Garrosh

But what would I as a worgen fan know right?


Which is why Sylvanas is sentenced to funnel the rest.

Not at all. Blizz declared Alliance the winners of the Warfronts in a Q&A during SL.

Ashenvale was not wiped out. Darkshore and Teldrassil were. Gilneas was Cataclysm and the Worgen weren’t even with the Alliance yet. Much of the conflict over Ashenvale was between Orcs and Nelves over resources.

She did not do more than Arthas. You have to be completely senile to not remember how bad Arthas really became.


And that means the rest did not get to be part of the seed. Not that it matters of course because they are still dead in the end.

Yea, that’s exactly the problem. That they won’t show a Night Elf victory in a 2 year faction war expansion, but they were willing to show one devastating Night Elf defeat after another just to appease Horde players.

Uh it pretty much was. The Horde killed all the civilians they could find in Ashenvale.

Okay and the blood elves weren’t Horde when Arthas attacked them. And they also weren’t “blood” elves.

Which was resolved after MoP where the Night Elves gave the Horde Azshara for their resources. The BfA genocide had nothing to do with resources.

I don’t remember Arthas intentionally torturing and obliterating the souls of his victims

Right. That was never argued.

BFA did not appease Horde players. I’m really starting to doubt that you played through that expac when it was current. Because there was such an uproar from Horde players that they put in the quest to choose whether to be loyal to Sylvanas. Because Horde players were mad about being villain-batted yet again to make the Alliance look good.

No they did not. Did kill some, not all. Alliance also killed Horde.

Right. They were Alliance. Arthas took out entire kingdoms and killed off the Alliance of Lordaeron. Sylvanas genocided the Nelves. No comparison. Not even slight.

It did at least for the time. Because it originally because of Azerite. And we were lead on to believe that Nelves were keeping stores of it with plans to use it. It was instead part of Sylvanas’ plan to feed souls to the SL as part of her deal with nipple man and Helya.

Lmfao he did that exact thing to Sylvanas and her crew of Helves, holy crap, lol.


C’mon now. You’re aware that there have been several expansions centered around Night Elves, and, now, eventually getting them a new home.

I can tell you firsthand that I loathed BFA and the burning of Darnassus. LOATHED it. So much, that I’ve only done it one time, because I hated it so much. But because, narratively, you don’t get a choice in the manner. And, as my original post outlined, the Horde is in tatters.

Like, really, what more do you want? You didn’t get some grand victory, militarily, as a Night Elf against the Horde. I’ll concede that well enough. But you can absolutely login as a Night Elf character and feel like you’re part of the word and the story because the last couple expansions, have had heavy emphasis on rebuilding the egregious damage done to the Night Elves.

You can not say the same thing about playing a Horde character. I feel like I stick out, like I have no place to belong because the last several expansions have been either mostly neutral, with some aspects of trying to atone for the things done to Night Elves. Which, again, I had ZERO AGENCY OVER.

Like, when is it going to be enough?