I loved the resounding silence at Earthen Allied race

Ofc the Pandaren likes another furry fantasy…

I just like cutesy races. Gnomes and goblins are kinda creepy, but pandas and vulpera are actually cutesy.


I would have been fine with another playable group of Vulpera for TWW. Firstly, there’s only one instance of Vulpera, and secondly, the race is extremely popular… unlike Dwarves, who are already represented twice and pretty unpopular, except for a handful of raiders.


There’s several pirate factions of vulpera, just have one of them decide they wanna work with Kul Tiras or something, and then we get ally vulpera.


Yep. They could then have their own little ship in Stormwind Harbor. Generally, it would make more sense to swap races rather than giving one faction the same race three times as it is now.

For example:
Pirate Vulpera for the Alliance, Pirate Kul Tirans for the Horde (or just use the model for ogre… it’s about time).
Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Mechagnomes, and Lightforged Draenei should have been neutral anyway.
Night Elves (renamed to Highborne) for the Horde, Blood Elves (as High Elves) for the Alliance.
And so on.


yes , but think how much you’ll enjoy the excellent writing…

My only issue with Earthen is I already have a toon for every class they can be.

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Yeah… I can’t wait to find out how Xal’atath is actually the good one, who wants to save us all, while she previously did nothing but evil to us. That will be such a surprise.

Since this is a topic again on the forums, a story with Taelia would be fitting. I think she was one of the few characters in BFA who was relatively appealing.

High Elves are the OG wow-elves everyone wants to play. Blood Elves were supposed to be the edgier version, hence why the whole theme went from blue to red.

They are politically two completely different groups. You should know this as a Dwarf-player. You are canonically a Wildhammer.


Yeah, they left the alliance in the frozen throne and joined horde in tbc.

Correct but also incorrect at the same time. The Alliance has two High Elf settlements in the Wildhammer region, so this argument is already defused.

No, you mean some individuals are living in other people territory.

“they” don’t exist as a group, “they” don’t have a leader, a culture, an organization, a tribe, a clan, a kingdom.

The actual race and Kingdom as a whole, joined the horde, and if people actually like then, would not want to be alliance just to play with their model, which is already there anyway.

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This is another point of discussion which is either not presented within the game or lore. But as a matter of fact:

The Alliance has right now High Elves which aren’t in Dalaran, Stormwind or Void Elves.

This alone makes your initial point not worthy any further discussion, because you haven’t paid attention, again, to the lore.

Yeah, individuals who live in another people territory.

Again: “they” don’t exist as a group, “they” don’t have a leader, a culture, a tribe, a clan, a kingdom.

The High elf culture, kingdom, people and thematic is already playable, there is no need to go further into this nonsense, just because some people, cant accept it

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The more I look at them, the more I don’t want to buy this expansion at all. How can anyone in that company thought that rock dwarves was a good idea to begin with? Let alone making them part of the Horde?

All I wanted was just Taskarr for the Alliance, Gnolls for the Horde, and maybe the Vrykuls as a neutral race. I don’t care for Ogres but if so many people want them, why not do it? If they want to play as the most dumbest and ugliest race in Azeroth, they would pay $70 for this expansion just for that!

And the people that are getting insulted the most out of this are the Troll players that been asking for beards for male Trolls for YEARS. Only to see female rock dwarves can have beards before the male Trolls do. That gotta hurt to see that if you’re a male troll player.

All I’m saying is this. I’m not going to be playing this game when this expansion come out, just because how the Horde will look after it release. I’m sorry but I’m a hardcore Horde player and seeing any kind of dwarf in the Horde is just flat out wrong to me.

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To add to this, they didn’t cancel it just because of the amount of unsubs, they did it because of the amount of unsubs and someone on the forums doxxing a CM and posting his full name, address, phone number, and if I’m not mistaken the full name of his wife and kids as a demonstration of how horribly wrong it could go.

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while dwarven accents about put me up a wall, they have personality.
I dont see stone dwarven living statues having the personality of a Dark Iron.
Just feels like they cheaped out and went with that race for an allied because anything else would have been too much work for making mogs work right.
Just sayin…

on the flipside, the whole accountability thing assumed the listed name was your real one.
Mine isn’t.
When the bnet/WoW merge happened WoW had my real name and the throwaway bnet account I used had a fake one, turns out bnet took precedence.

I mean, even with a fake name it still increases accountability over what we have now where you can just swap characters and all of your past sins are immediately forgiven. Tying it to real names just wasn’t the way to go about it.

I personally wouldn’t be mad if it went by bnet account name like the Overwatch forums.