I love these horde

If this is such a big deal too you then you need to reroll PvE. I lost all my world buffs on the way to onyxia the other day because I ran head first into an alliance raid, not going to cry about it, rather learn.


Says the guy that began a sentence with “imagine” and ended it with chronological snobbery.

Imagine that. In 2020 nonetheless!

PvP is any actions between two toons on combat.

If someone wants an addendum to make it fit their definition then PvP servers aren’t for them.

It is two ways, even if you get rolled and did nothing. It’s your choice if you just walk into it and take it.

Not griefing.

The only mentally ill people in this scenario are the ones that rolled on a PvP server and crying about PvP.

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Allies - “screw you horde for camping us in P2 once I’m exalted with AV from my premades im out enjoy your queues!”

Also Allies - “wtf why are horde camping us in BRM, our flight paths, our boats, and our towns again?!?!”

You were told this would happen, right here, on this forum.

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This. It’s called faction pride.

You might call it something else, but it also eliminates the competition.

and makes your bg queues really long, causes people to quit because they cant get anything done, or drives them to pve servers. that it decreases the game’s population and thus ruins the game even further, means nothing as long as your idea of players vs target dummies is realized.


I accept my Oscar and go on killing Edragons instead.

agreed but that’s not what is causing the problem. it isn’t just one or two incidents of people individually making bad choices. its huge hunting parties repeatedly ganking the same people that no longer give them honor, just for the purpose of claiming they won, which in this case, is likely the opposite once those people find they can’t get anything done and either quit or transfer to pve.

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edragons on wow? not if you ruin the game, no.

p.s. this is one argument you arent gonna win.

How does have Alliance affect my ability to do pve content if there is no Alliance?

If the Alliance left my server id still stay here.

You can blame being outnumbered in Oceania and Alliance getting Against All Odds in retail for this.

Oh the hypocrisy…

Alli do it too, basement dwellers on both sides.

see you are a member of the pvp community. you and similar alliance dominant pvp server players, have the responsibility to actually use your gray matter or risk not having a game to play. the bulk of the servers on classic were pvp. you’re contributing to the decline of the game because you think ganking a level 30 on your level 60 is fun. this is the equivalent of thinking its fun to shoot fish in a barrel or perhaps beating a target dummy till it gives you a score.

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Why people would go on a pvp server and not form a pvp community is beyond me. Anything aside from exploiting is fair game when killing the opposing faction.

World of WARcraft is not for you, my friend.

and thats the problem. this has played out once before. you have the history of retail as evidence. to make your community a stable environment for pvp, it only makes sense you would put pressure on each other not to gank lowbies or make the game unplayable. this is true for both factions.

if alliance dominant servers are doing it also, they should be pressuring each other to not harrass and gank people who can’t defend themselves. by cant defend themselves i even mean max level players who gang up to kill a handful of their opponents, like the gnome who said his guild killed 5 horde who were camping brd entrance . 40 vs 5? fish in a barrel. that’s seriously not pvp.

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been playing since vanilla. lol

It is pvp, whether you like it or not. Go to a PvE server and type /pvp when you feel like fighting.