I love these horde

but i didnt roll a pvp server. i’m witnessing both sides, soiling their own nests.

It’s true this is what ultimately happens, but not for this reason.

The true reason is that a lot of players choose this game mode incorrectly. Either peer pressure or incorrect expectations, they think they like the pvp server game mode or they want to like it…but they don’t. So they will leave one way or another.

There’s no shame in playing on a pve server.

This thread is another win for the horde.

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thats nonsense. if you gank, you drive away your competition, and eventually all that’s left are friendlies playing the opposite faction to give each other honor pts.

If I keep serving someone pizza at a pizza restaurant and they hate it and eventually leave…is it my fault for bringing them pizza or is it their fault for going to the pizza restaurant?

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You drive people away that shouldn’t be on a pvp server in the first place.

I’ve been ganked a billion times since my first mmo. I still play on pvp servers. Do you see how that works?

ganking is not the equivalent of pvp. so your pizza store advertises pizza but gives you a moldy pepperoni and tries to pretend its fresh pizza.

Yeah, turns out classic sucks unless you pve.

the idea is, two opponents capable of pvp with each other or two teams of opponents capable of pvping with each other. if the person in question cant even land a hit or spell on you, that ain’t pvp.

Yes. Yes it is.

It ok that you don’t feel that way.
But the reality of the situation is the rule set is clear. You enter a contested zone, you are flagging yourself for player vs player combat. You have given consent.

If you don’t like the idea of being at risk of being killed by people of any level, a pve server is your ideal game mode.

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An interesting concept; you should find an mmo that works this way. Wow does not.

This is wow.

The same way a giant spider won’t kill me, or a thorium vein won’t kill me, a lower level player won’t kill me either.

Again, pve servers exist for those that don’t want this rule set.

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it isnt player vs player if your opponent cant pvp against you. this is not a hard thing to understand. its like trying to claim a person who is afk in stv, is a pvp target when they aren’t even at their keyboard. might as well just have the game engine generate opposite faction members with no one playing them, not even an ai, that just stand there like target dummies.

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There’s pve, rp and pve-rp servers for a reason…

of course it is pvp. the word you should use is “fair”.
pvp is never fair on a pvp server. that’s part of the enjoyment for some.

they are flagged. they’ve given consent. they are a pvp target.

those are called “dungeons”

but seriously…this is how a pvp server works. killing lower players is allowed.
again, its ok if you dont like that. but it’s allowed. its part of the game on a pvp server. and if that game mode doesn’t appeal to you (which is fine) then there are pve servers.

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yes and pvp means both players can actually engage in the event. why do you think battlegrounds have equal team sizes in similar level ranges? its so you are actually challenged. 20 people killing one person or a high level ganking a low level, that’s not pvp. i dont get why the pvp community on pvp servers, thinks they’re engaging in pvp if the other person has no chance. that’s not player versus player. that’s player vs. target dummy

that’s not how wow classic works.

its an optional game mode for those that want to play this way.

because it is pvp. it’s permitted. it’s allowed. it’s part of the game.

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Alliance vrs Horde is pvp regardless the numbers and levels.

BGs equal level brackets? A level 60 is going to wtf stomp any L51 that enters a bg.

You rolled on the wrong server for you and now you expect blizzard to take the pvp out of pvp servers?

its not pvp. its player vs. target dummy


i didnt roll pvp servers. i see the dominant factions , either horde or alliance, on pvp servers, soiling their own nests. you’re ruining the game for yourself, not just the target dummies who you defeat with overwhelming odds.

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according to blizzard, it’s pvp.
according to me, it’s pvp.
this is how wow works.

if you want to design or play a game that works differently, dude its a free country.