I love these horde

Imagine using the already overused “imagine” meme

Oh crap I just did it too


Bookending your meme with two other equally trite memes was the ironical point of… oh, nevermind.

Not everyone. Just those trying to avoid pvp to access their pve content. PvE servers don’t have this problem. In case you didn’t know.
So. Are you getting “the real Vanilla experience” your streamer overlord told you about? Sounds like it. Wasn’t what you expected eh?

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I didn’t use adorable in a meme sense though, so. It’s naive to think this camping/ganking in large numbers doesn’t happen to Horde where Alliance outnumber them.

This is a game. A large part of the game is cross-faction warfare. Horde’s goal is to kill as many Alliance players as possible and disrupt their progression. If you are on a pvp server and you don’t appreciate this principal . . . what the hell are you doing there?

Transfers to PvE servers are now avaiable.


based on the description thus far, it sounds as if you’re basically trying to ruin your own game.

Replace this with alliance and you describe our server as well.

so odd. what are they thinking? if you think pvp is ganking the other team to the point they leave your server, enmasse, resulting in no one to actually pvp with, you’re a few cans short of a sixpack, the elevator doesnt go to the top floor, or you are intent on sabotaging your own game.

ganking is really not pvp. its similar in concept to challenging a level 5 to a duel while on your level 50. the idea is preposterous. and expecting them to keep enduring that, is just asking to ruin the game. if your goal is to stop their progression, then your goal is to have no one left to pvp with . in other venacular, you are soiling your own nest.

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Stop acting like it’s a horde thing, alliance does exactly the same on servers where they outnumber horde 8-2 (Heartseeker, etc).

Guess what, all HS horde lvled while getting ganked since p1, it’s not about the faction. Difference is, I’m not crying about it.

Git gud.


yep and its equally ludicrous since all it does inevitably, is ruin the game. this is how you destroy pvp servers. you insist on ganking, which is simply put, not pvp.

Another player that rolled on a pvp server by accident

This guy here is in big brain mode!

To avoid pvp issues avoid pvp by rolling pve server. It really is that simple.

To complain about being camped is just wow! So what if you are being camped… Yeah it’s probably not for Honor, so what? Why would this be considered wrong or out of line?

gtfo of here with that crap.


i knew better. i could tell it would be a gankfest and that eventually, one faction or the other, would transfer out or simply quit wow altogether.

We love you too buddy

No that’s pvp.
You’d be a lot happier on a pve server where you can chose when to flag yourself.

Red is dead.
Why does there need to be an honor reward? You kill easy giant spiders all day, why not kill easy players too?

so what? you’re chasing away your potential competition if you gank, that’s so what. if there’s no one to pvp with you might as well have rolled pve also.

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Yep again, you complainers gtfo of here!

If you are not enjoying the game the way you are playing it now it is you that must change. Stop trying to get others to conform to the way you play. You hate being camped roll PVE. Move along

that is not like a 10th commandment. if it results in having no one left to pvp with maybe you should rethink your strategy