I love the new Transmog looting system

I have been annoyed with Blizzard over a number of things through the years including the story, decisions regarding classes, and such. But this new way to earn transmogs on a single character is one of the best things they have done in years.

It’s been a joy the past few days going back to old raids and dungeons and finally getting missing armor and weapons without worrying about what is going to drop because I am on the wrong class. I have gotten a lot of new transmogs ever since this was implemented, including finally getting the freaking Nemesis bracers (warlock T2) to drop out of BWL after 10+ years of trying.

Thank you, Blizzard, for this wonderful change.


It is nice. In addition, apparently things that were class-drop-specific are no longer so. So personal loot items like the Scythe of the Unmaker, Taeshalach, the Dark Shaman ensemble, etc can now drop for anyone instead of it only being on the table for those who could equip it.


I think my only gripe with the change atm is that it doesn’t seem to be very reliable telling you whether you’ve already collected an appearance or not, even if you’re the same armor type. Hopefully they fix that in the near future. Other than that, it has been pretty nice for farming.


I do like the enhanced appearance acquisition. All The Things has been chirping a lot lately… Though, things should improve more in 11.0.5 according to Blue posts.

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It hadn’t fully sunk in for me yet how amazing this change is until yesterday I went “you know I’ve always wanted those Uldir armor sets” and decided to run a couple characters through the LFR and Heroic versions for fun.

Within one reset I’ve now gotten the full appearance sets for multiple armor types on both difficulties and am only missing a few pieces here and there and felt consistently rewarded the whole time, it’s honestly incredible. This is one of the best QoL changes they’ve ever made for transmog nuts like me. :pray:


I wish they would take it a step more and let us get the mog appearances from class specific items, in the nighthold for example we currently can’t learn a ton of class mogs on alts farming it you have to be that specific class.

Is that important?

Because I was able to learn the mog of a bunch of stuff I could not equip. And other gear you learn just by selling it.

So, are we talking the same thing here, or something different? Or is it just “sorta” working?

I’m talking about class specific sets that are still transmog locked, the OP I believe is talking about how for example a shield that drops on a character that can’t use shields can still learn the appearance.

I just want that extended to these class sets so I don’t need to farm on every single character to get the stuff.

Yeah, there are things they do right. A lot more wrong than right, and I wished the good would outweigh the bad, but it doesn’t. Not for me, anyway.

There are some items like the ones I listed that did not drop from the boss’s body, they would be deposited straight into your bag as extra personal loot. Before the patch only characters capable of equipping the item were eligible to see it drop. Like Scythe or the Unmaker is a polearm, so something like a Mage or a Rogue would never loot it no matter how many times they tried. Post-patch everyone is eligible even if it’s a class that can’t normally equip polearms.

The other poster is talking about class-specific items like tier which currently don’t work properly, but I believe Blizzard said that they are working on it.

See this: Collecting Appearances in The War Within

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