I am highly in favor of the Great Worm from Beyond! The skies should be ours to fly in, but there should be dangers and obstacles. Will it annoy me? You betcha, but I’ll learn how to avoid it.
I can’t wait!
I am highly in favor of the Great Worm from Beyond! The skies should be ours to fly in, but there should be dangers and obstacles. Will it annoy me? You betcha, but I’ll learn how to avoid it.
I can’t wait!
Oh yeah, those guys were deadly.
See, I 100% am right there with ya. I am pro-pathfinder because Blizzard does not want to design the game with flight in mind and I can’t blame them. Its a lot easier to design a world of danger when grounded as well as make WPvP more possible when people can’t just avoid everything.
I would love to see a return of flight from the start and the world designed around it but it takes a lot more work. I think it would be worth it though. I would also love to see PvP adapted to better work in the air, maybe an item that lets you grapple onto people mid air like the grappling mechanic in Storm Peaks for that one quest.
If Blizzard designed the game with flight in mind I would be all for getting rid of pathfinder and going back to flight from the start. However, flight seems to be an afterthought and its obvious from how the world is designed
Even at 50% speed it is far better to fly over any gaps than to go around the entire map
The big difference here is instead of touching the ground to lose the debuff, it lingers for 3 minutes.
As long as it’s just something to prevent ADK flying across the zones then OK. But NOT if it’s like the zone-wide debuff some folks gave mentioned. If its avoidable like the HK thing then no problem, but if it effectively neutralizes flying for the 8.3 content then I’m out. 8.3 has enough strikes against it already.
Or many of us just won’t play wow anymore. Enjoy your dead game.
While i’m glad their throwing something in to spice things up…
Is it any fun to avoid getting a certain number of stacks and not be slowed down or hindered in someway?
Is it any dangerous if all you can do is just avoid stuff instead of having a chance to fight it?
Is it actually compelling to just avoid it?
These are the questions i ask cause i never really enjoyed the idea and practice of either avoiding or dying with having no chance at all fighting back. i don’t ever see the fun in that in these kinds of games. (There are some exceptions, context is everything) Let alone WoW.
I don’t consider getting shot out of the air with no means of defending or attacking back as dangerous or fun, not in this game at least, where the flight just looks like a minor feature to Blizzard with not much effort put forth to it to make it more then just a 100% - 200% movement speed, swimming though the air with an extra model and animations, instead of a well fleshed out integrated feature, plus with Aerial Combat and all that.
Also, this piece from WoWhead doesn’t help either.
Bad news… you’ll probably become very annoyed with the Great Worm From Beyond.
Well, it’s already mildly annoying just thinking about the idea in practice, so they nailed that if that’s the goal here.
Also, speaking of Avoiding, i’m not going to hold out much hope that we can actually avoid the stench he throws at us and not home at us no matter what i do. That’s also another problem i have with this game and it’s handling of spells and any ranged stuff or etc, but i digress.
The aura from one worm is about a fifth of the zone and a column that frequently reaches the ground. This isn’t like the Skettis birds or Ogri’la cannons.
Oddly enough, this might save me from auto-run flying myself into the great sea and dying of Fatigue.
They clearly don’t want us just flying with ease to every single area of the new place. We had Argus with no flight, we get pathfinder with gated flight…now just avoid a mob.
Sure, it’s constantly there and its aura takes up a ton of space…but would you prefer the alternates? They don’t want us speeding through the sky from point a to point b in the new area–that seems clear. Seems like the lesser of possible evils to me. And I’d like there to be something going on in the sky, tbh. If I wanted to afk en route to somewhere, I’d just take a flightpath
A lot of people would rather play on a server with 15 total people than budge an inch on their pet issue.
Threats and things only accessible by flight is what the game needs if we want to ditch pathfinder. I can understand where some are coming from, but if the only way they will be happy is no pathfinder and no threats to inhibit ease of flight then, well, they are the opposite end of what Blizzard wanted to do in WoD.
Same, I use FPs when I want to go someplace yet need to get or do something irl or just need a break from controlling WoW.
So I should download FFXIV then …so disappointed in blizz and thier anti-flight jihad.
I say let’em have it. Blizzard seems to be on their side…or the other way around. Either way the players that love flying have been beaten into the ground (literally). I’ve finally had enough and I’ll give them what they want. I won’t be playing for the foreseeable future. Not until this current dev team is long gone.
That’s where I went and I love it. The devs actually listen to and care about their players.
As someone that is pro-flight, I think flight should be as dangerous and possibly even more dangerous than being on the ground. These worms should have necrotic beams and a ferocious bite to kill and eat those who slow down too much.
I hope it’s as good as most say…its going to suck to have to start paying a sub fee again though . Still paid up through April with tokens so I’ll probably split time things.
There is no anti-flight jihad and those who love flight have not been beaten into the ground. What some are doing is conflating wanting flight, or hating it, with wanting it to be a choice or to have to do some work for it.
Those against this and against pathfinder might as well say “I want to have flight from the get go so I can AFK in flight”, “I want to have free reign over everything” or “I am a selfish brat who wants things my way or no way”.
Really, if you want flight, you better be willing to either put in SOME work for it OR deal with some kind of threat in the sky, after all BC and WotLK had such and they are still remembered fondly.
Was that really necessary or do devs have a problem not being able to do something that goes in the opposite direction of the flight?
I no longer earned the right to fly wasting time in the first part of the pathfinder, waited to be desolately the second part to be made available to players, after going weeks of already meeting the requirements of part 1, so I could enjoy my right to use my griffin/dragon?
When I want to crawl on the floor like a loser, I’ll be doing the Tia blizzard pathfinder.
FFXIV is an interesting place to go to escape WoW’s flaws…and I hope you do enjoy it and get your $'s worth.
If timegated or limited flight is frustrating, prepare yourself for something new… constant load screens! A load time to go under water, a load time back up. Plus you don’t even unlock flight for the zone till you’re about done with it. Since the world is broken down by zones, it feels less like a world to me…and returning to those spots with flight has less value.
Their lack of time gating is nice though…and you might like their story. So much more to it than this BfA . I lasted 2 months, hopefully you’ll get more out of it than I did lol