I love new titles, of the "of Lordaeron" title really NEEDS to be Undead-exclusive

Three tall Forsaken stepped forward from their own line, advancing
hesitantly. Emma stared at them as they approached. They had all
been so large and fit in life. Such strong young men. How confident
they had been, how proud to serve Lordaeron. Now they were but skin
and bones and limp clotted hair. It took her a moment to read their

Her sons, once laughing and confident, looked…frightened.
They are more afraid here, in front of me, than on a battlefield,
Emma realized. And then all the differences between her and them
suddenly didn’t matter.

She started to weep even though she felt her mouth curve in an
enormous smile.

“My boys,” she said. “Oh, my boys!”

“Mama!” Jack said, lurching toward her.

“We’ve missed you so much!” Jem said. And Jake simply bowed his
head, overcome with the moment. Then, all three of the Forsaken bent
to embrace their mother.

The above passage is from Before the Storm.

Here are some more passages and my all time favorite…

“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” Elsie said. “I can’t betray my queen. Not
even for you.” She turned and shouted, “Retreat! Retreat!”

The Forsaken are split and this novel does a fantastic job at showcasing that. What strikes me is how this Foraken, while still loyal to Sylvanas, calls Calia “Your Majesty”. Blizzard did that on purpose.

Not “Calia”, not “My Lady,” not even “Lady Menethil.” Straight up… Your Majesty. She put some respect into addressing Calia because even this Forsaken, while still loyal to Sylvanas, knows she’s in the presence of Lordaeron’s heir.

Some Forsaken want to remember Lordaeron and their life from before, other’s don’t.


The “Your Majesty” seems flippant in the context you presented.

Can argue it should be available to human DK’s, night elfs/blood elfs/void elfs because of dark ranger customization, etc. At this point just give it to all.

I really think you’re looking to argue for the sake of arguing, because I don’t think I ever said it wasn’t.

Sorry to break it to you, but we do now. And we have since… well, since there’s been the Forsaken.

Again, let me sum this up for you: Lordaeron (the city in Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms) is the home of the Forsaken. In life, most of the Forsaken were humans from Lordaeron (the city, but also the surrounding areas when it was called “Lordaeron”).

I don’t see why this is an issue for you.


While I do get where you are coming from to an extent, I’d like to counter that.
Death Knights.

We were begrudgingly accepted back into our factions during Wrath. Canonically, I would not be surprised if some among both factions still don’t trust us, and frankly they have good reason not to as the Third War era knights did some pretty sketchy things during Legion (yeah, you can still do these things as a Fourth War era knight from one of the allied races, but canonically it was our predecessors that started in Wrath)

And really, with some of the Fourth War era knights as well, I’d have to imagine many aren’t accepted back into their respective groups. Lightforged Draenei would be horrified to see one of their own risen into undeath.

What about the Dark Rangers risen from the night elves killed during the Burning of Teldrassil and the subsequent battles around Darkshore?

All those groups need a home and a place to belong, regardless of original faction or affiliation. I’m thinking the intent is to have Lordaeron be that place.

Not only that: aside from the folks that want to cling to it desperately like a security blanket since getting rid of it is apparently “not Warcraft,” but it seems to me like Blizzard has been slowly setting up to actually end the faction war once and for all.

  • Prior to the start of the Fourth War, we had The Gathering. Anduin was ready to actually welcome Forsaken that wanted to reconnect with their living families into the Alliance before Sylvanas and her loyalists slaughtered nearly everyone there (including Calia, which is yet another example of why major lore NEEDS TO BE IN THE GAME!)
  • Calia and Derek Proudmore are part of the new council in Lordaeron, yet both are most definitely NOT seen as Horde characters.
  • It’s been said several times now that the expeditionary force being sent to the Dragon Isles is going to be a joint operation between the Alliance and Horde.

Honestly? I would not be surprised to see Lordaeron rebuilt over the next two expansions to serve as a neutral city, especially if there is a Cataclysm style world revamp in the expansion after Dragonflight. In fact, I could even see a new starting experience centered around Tirisfal becoming the default in an expansion following DF if all the cross faction stuff becomes far more widespread.

On a different note:

Apparently, Kul Tirans are not human…

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I read the scene are someone with stockholm syndrome.

“You are my people, and I want to help you,” Calia pleaded. “I only
came to observe, to begin to get to know the Forsaken of Lordaeron.”
“Undercity,” Elsie said. “We live in the Undercity.”
“You didn’t once. You won’t have to live in the shadows anymore.
Just—please. Come walk with me. Parqual, the Felstones, all the
others—see them? They’re defecting. Anduin will shelter and protect
you all; I know he will!”
“But—the Dark Lady—”
As if in response, the horn sounded three sharp blasts. Elsie turned
her gray-green face back toward the wall and the Forsaken banner that
had been unfurled.
“I’m sorry, Your Majesty,” Elsie said. “I can’t betray my queen. Not
even for you.” She turned and shouted, “Retreat! Retreat!”

Posted the whole exchange. To me it read like this Forsaken was very hesitant because her life was catching up to her at that point. Calia Menethil was challenging everything that she had endured for the past few years.

She stuttered when talking about Sylvanas. I read that as she was afraid of Sylvanas. Prior to this scene, Sylvanas I believe confiscated any memorabilia Forsaken had of their old life. Sylvanas didn’t want them to think about Lordaeron. They weren’t humans anymore. They were her people.

The book showed Sylvanas as super controlling at points, almost like a mother afraid of losing her children. Which I understood.

But yeah, I still think some Forsaken have respect toward Calia. Belmont on the other hand wants her gone lol.

Back to the topic at hand…

Lordaeron belongs to the Menethil family! Calia was super nice and is giving up that claim to her people. So now the Forsaken own it.

Gnomes stay out! (Unless you’re leper gnomes).


…they literally returned to the Alliance in 9.2.5. It was part of the questline as Alliance. Well, passing dialogue from Velonara if you’re Alliance, but it was there either way - it’s why Night Elves were given the Dark Ranger skins.

I fully expect whenever they revamp Lordaeron - either in WoW or in a future Warcraft game, Calia will have made Lordaeron a safehaven for Forsaken and Humans who wish to live together with former family, with someone else like Lilian rebuilding Undercity for the Forsaken who don’t affiliate themselves as human anymore.

Y’all gotta remember, Calia has seen firsthand that the humans are willing to accept their forsaken family members. She was literally killed for witnessing it and giving the Forsaken hope of reuniting with family.

Hold on…

In the quest where Alleria goes to Silvermoon, she is banished. Lor’themar tells her Silvermoon isn’t her home anymore. But… Alleria says:

“I will not be taken prisoner in my own homeland”.

Then she meets with Anduin and talks about how Silvermoon and the High Elves fought alongside the Humans against the Horde." She then tells us of the void elves who have been exiled.

Just because someone has been exiled doesn’t mean they don’t associate themselves with their home anymore. My Void Elves RP as exiles. They’re still from Silvermoon and I dress them to look like Blood Elves. They didn’t leave by choice, they were forced out.

I would love for my Void Elves to get that “Of Silvermoon” title because they’re from Silvermoon.


Nope. I’m just pointing out the same things over and over that people keep ignoring to try to argue.

No. You don’t. But keep reaching.

“Of Lordaeron” isn’t about the city.

Wrong. The Undercity was the home of the Forsaken. They left the Ruins of Lordaeron city to rot.

I’m not the one with the problem trying to change a title.

I came in with facts. People decided to get uppity over it, not me.

But have fun arguing for something that isn’t changing, I guess. I’ll leave y’all to it.

They fled under the city of Lordaeron because they were being hunted lol.

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Except you know, when they expanded the Forsaken lands into human lands in Hillsbrad and tried to go into Arathi, and you know, into Gilneas.

That may have been the original reason they used the sewers - but they had PLENTY of time to move to Lordaeron if they wished.

Hell, we saw in the Calia cutscene this patch the blood in the throneroom is still there.

They made zero effort to even clean that up.

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They had zealous humans to the north. Scourge to the east. Crazy worgen humans to the south.

Of course they were going to fight back. They were pushed back against the wall and Sylvanas only negotiating tactic was to punch someone so hard they can’t punch back.

Additionally, since Sylvanas was the leader, how much affiliation with Lordaeron did she have? She was a High Elf. I doubt she cared much about Lordaeron. Also… that pesky Lordaeron human Othmar Garithos, was super racist toward Elves. So, I really think Sylvanas didn’t care about Lordaeron.

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They literally invaded Gilneas unprovoked, but go on.


Yeah, I already see Belmont becoming an issue and a potential catalyst for starting factional nonsense again.

Hey, this is interesting, and not really apropos of anything.

I’ve done the quest line on two characters. This guy, and an Alliance nelf demon hunter. Right now, if I go to Lordaeron on my demon hunter, both Calia and Liilan are gone. Derek is there, red, red, red. Alonsus is there, but he’s green.

On this guy, they’re all there, all green.

And this is within seconds of each other, swapping logins multiple times to check.

Again, apropos of nothing. Just interesting.

Don’t get out much, do you? Did you try going to the Ruins of Lordaeron as Alliance? There were abominations and other guards all over the place, just waiting to make a corpse of you.

Don’t read much, either. I never said anything about changing the title, other than (by completing the questline) it was handed out in game by the Desolate Council for helping to clear the plague from the Ruins of Lordaeron… the same Desolate Council who holds Calia Menethil as one of their members. I’m pretty sure she can give the title to whomever she pleases, for whatever reason she wants, being the only surviving member of the Menethil family, the rightful rulers of Lordaeron.

The “of Lordaeron” title has almost nothing - except for a cool bit of RP sympatico - to do with the current Forsaken home of Lordaeron, and the fact that most Forsaken were humans from Lordaeron in life.

Ahh the good ol’ days when Sylvanas was cool.


…that was a thing?


I would argue that void elves, blood elves and humans should be allowed to rock the title along with the Forsaken as all of these races would’ve been present in Capital City during Arthas’ attack.

Using that title would indicate that a character had somehow survived and escaped that particular massacre.

Unprovoked… I swear some worgen growled at me. :smile:

My doorbell camera has proof the worgen went on my lawn.


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