Ken M is a blessing.
We Are All Teldrassil.
Just going to keep repeating this for everyone who can’t wrap their head around this concept that Lordaeron IS NOT JUST A CITY.
And we will again keep saying that just because a continent is named that, does not mean the identity of Lordaeron is offered to all. Brazilians are not Americans, despite living in Americas.
Sure, just like Stormwind isn’t all human. But it was mostly human, and the Forsaken are mostly Lordaeron humans.
Maybe once. Not anymore. Now it’s the “Eastern Kingdoms”, and Lordaeron is just a city.
So, if you’re using the “of Lordaeron” title and you’re not Forsaken, thanks for helping us to reclaim our home, the ancestral home for most Forsaken.
Yeah, and her family owned all of that, didn’t they?
I’m pretty sure Lordaeron, the land, belongs to the Menethil family. She’s the last one. So it’s hers.
This honestly makes the most sense to me.
And Blood Elf Dark Rangers. They don’t live in Silvermoon anymore and are Forsaken now per the lore in the questline that unlocks both them and the title.
I proudly use that title on none of my characters🤓
Yes, it is. Because people were and are still from there.
This was a pretty horrible analogy and this isn’t the real world.
And there are Lordaeron humans living there now. Thank you for proving my point.
And guess what? Once there were more than just Undead there, too. They don’t get deleted just because you Undead live there now. We even reclaimed Southshore and apparently Gilneas.
Last I checked, her family didn’t own Arathi, so no.
It isn’t.
“Of the Undercity” >>>>>> “of Lordeoron”
Or maybe forever.
Who knows.
Exclusivity is bad
…I don’t think I ever said or implied that? All I’ve said is that Lordaeron (the city, since this is a discussion forum for the World of Warcraft game, and in the game the continent is called “Eastern Kingdoms”) is the Forsaken’s home, as far and away most Forsaken are formerly humans from Lordaeron.
…so? What does that have to do with the Forsaken’s home, Lordaeron (again, the city in Tirisfal Glades, Eastern Kingdoms)?
The Forsaken don’t associate themselves with Lordaeron anymore - if they did, they would have wanted Calia as their queen - but they don’t. (And she doesn’t want to be).
They associate themselves with the Undercity they built themselves under the ruins of Lordaeron, not with Lordaeron.
If anything, of Lordaeron should be a human-only title, with Forsaken being given an Undercity based title. (But that’d be silly, so having it for everyone is fine)
Your argument would be like if Void Elves asked for the title “of Silvermoon” which is currently Horde-only, because they come from Silvermoon - they don’t associate themselves with Silvermoon anymore. Same deal with Forsaken and Lordaeron.
It was other people’s home too. Not just yours. You don’t own it. You don’t get to tell others how their heritage is known or how they helped and get to wear it with pride the same way we get to wear “of Gnomeregan” when we’re not gnomes.
I rp this toon as a former Lordaeronian so I appreciate the “of Lordaeron” title for her.
Honestly I think my only complaint about the title is that its not just unlocked for the account but requires any toon you want it on to do that quest line.
Lordaeron is a fallen kingdom. In all likelihood, the only reason the Lordaeron symbol is still used amongst the Alliance, is because for WC3 fans, the Lordaeron “L” literally represents the Human Alliance.
There are still people who fled Lordaeron, sure. But that’s the thing; they FLED Lordaeron. That’s not who they choose to fight for anymore. The Forsaken, while certainly quite different to who they were before the Third War, are the CURRENT citizens of Lordaeron.
And honestly, it is quite surprising that a quest-chain revolving around the Forsaken finally moving forward as a people, doesn’t actually give THEM any sort of unique reward. Dark Irons and Elves got snazzy new things this patch, but not the one race that the story literally revolved around this patch?
I’ll bet that has nothing to do with a Lordaeron/Undercity distinction. I’ll bet a large part of that has to do with her brother being the Lich King who killed and raised them all. Guilt by association and all that. Had Anduin become the Lich King, killed all the humans of Lordaeron, and raised them into undeath, they might feel a bit different about having a Menethil queen.
I’ll bet most of that is coming from the fact that as the Forsaken were first organizing into a “thing”, it was much easier to defend the Undercity than the above-ground palace. Pretty much everyone wanted to kill all the Forsaken at one point.
Now… especially with Sylvanas gone… I’ll bet that’ll start to change.