I love new titles, of the "of Lordaeron" title really NEEDS to be Undead-exclusive

They’ve already had it. White skin, red eyes was a customization since they revamped them for the Forsaken.

I’m assuming that why they didn’t bother with Nightborne (besides being lazy.)

You know the current leader of the Alliance/Stormwind is Turaylon, a LORDEARON CITIZEN. Request denied.

Lordearon is as important to the Alliance(if not more so) then it is to the Horde. Hell, it even has Terenas’ crown.

Bring it, goat. The last time you guys tried to take it, we melted you.

Melted us too but whatevs, we won.


That was not a win because the forsaken ended up homeless. As of the EK the Alliance has taken back Southshore, so we already control a part of Lordearon.

It was the nation of so many before y’all became undead, sorry.

Lordaeron is the northernmost continent[n 1] of the Eastern Kingdoms. It was named after Lordain, a general of Arathor who sacrificed himself in the Troll Wars.[1] Separated from Khaz Modan by a narrow strait, the continent of Lordaeron stretches from the Arathi Highlandsin the south to the Eversong Woods in the far north. Historically, the continent has been populated by humans in the northern, western and southern regions, trolls in the eastern regions; the Hinterlands and Zul’Aman and high elves in the far-northern Quel’Thalas.


Nah the new questline is about us getting it back. We have plague eaters working on it now.

All joking aside, in a book? It’s still destroyed in game.

The world is stuck in Cata. Having said that it is still lorewise ours, just as Arathi is now fully Alliance(even if gameplay wise it is stuck in BfA)

Where does it say that in lore? I’m curious.

(Seriously, I’m curious. Not being snarky.)

Apparently it happened in BfA and was referenced in a book. :woman_shrugging:t4:

Raleigh the Devout survived the destruction of Southshore and, years later, returned to clear it of the blight with a cadre of paladins. The Horde tried to enrage the blight creatures to disrupt their efforts.[6] The Alliance troops blew up the Horde apothecary experiments about weaponizing the blight infecting the ruins and encountered Master Apothecary Faranell.[7]

It appears the Horde’s efforts were unsuccessful, as Mathias Shaw notes when traversing Azeroth in search of artifacts that the ruins were claimed by the Alliance and are undergoing rebuilding by the end of the Fourth War.[8]

Edit to add: I had no freaking clue any of this happened. :flushed:


Got ya. Thank you.

I was pretty surprised to get the title on my night elf. I really do think it should be forsaken exclusive though, or horde exclusive at the very least.


I swear I have no idea where that even happened in BfA. I’ve played both sides and still don’t remember when that happened. :flushed:

Also: if we’ve got Southshore back, then dammit I want it back!!

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As I recall we had a few mission tables about it. So yeah, it happened off screen and Blizzard being Blizzard is very terrible at showing Alliance wins.

… this is one of the reasons I freaking HATE mission tables. I’m so glad that crap is gone next expansion.


sulks and hugs my mission table

( I suspect the only reason the mission tables had this lore is because at some point in the development of BFA there may have been warfronts planned for Lorderon/Gilneas and the Barrens )

Haven’t done the quest yet because my undead hunter is only 56.

Is the title in relation to the battle where she gased it or the original destruction when Arthas destroyed it?

a good opinion

Those Forsaken were from Lordaeron. They claimed it because it was their home.

This was also an issue when during WoD they gave the title Deathstalker to the Alliance, but not Horde, despite the fact that Deathstalkers are titles given to the rogue wing in the forsaken military. On top of giving away blood elf models and letting alliance have the “of Lordaeron” title I’m really confused with Blizzard’s decisions.

This can be a decent compromise, but still I find it a tad bit unfair. The actual Lordaeron humans are the Forsaken.

Note that it does not include Stormwind humans (or any other alliance except gilneas?), though. And for all intents and purposes, Forsaken inherited Lordaeron and have it as their own identity. Can be argued its not too far off from North America/country of America (united sates of) identity split.


Note that not all Humans originated from Stormwind and had to go somewhere after Lordaeron was overrun. Case in point: Turalyon and others.

No… they squatted and then took over a sewer. They don’t get to be the only ones to claim they’re from there.