If I look at, say, a night elf or a tauren running around boasting “of Lordaeron”, I’m not gonna think “wow, Lordaeron is their homeland too!?” It’s just an honorific given to them by the Desolate Council to appreciate their help in clearing the plague.
Living humans are a bit more of a question. They could bear the honorific, or, from an RP standpoint, their family could be from Lordaeron, having escaped the Lich King to Stormwind. Either way, I don’t care.
…unless they’re using it as part of a campaign to retake Lordaeron for the living. In which case they can pound sand. ![:slight_smile: :slight_smile:](
Honestly,dk,because we really don’t know where we came from in the first place. We may not be lordaerians at all not everyone is based on a city.
Only because the Forsaken went on to murder all the survivors of Lordaeron and claim only they were the real ones.
Also, I got a “Hordebreaker” title but nothing was done to the Horde whatsoever so… these things really don’t have any meaning.
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Lordaeron was once an human/alliance capital and kingdom, so no there’s no way those filthy undead can claim this title only for themselfs.
In fact, i think all undead should be purged and Lordaeron reclaimed by the alliance humans, this is all Arthas and Sylvanas fault.
Arthas killed his father and king and destroyed the city/kingdom, Sylvanas allied with humans to reclaim Lordaeron from the Drealords and after that, she BETRAYED the humans that helped her and killem them all, claiming Lordaeron for her and her forsaken scum.
AND THANK YOU for making my point. That is why Calia will be the new queen of the horde. Some people are bashing me for even suggesting but your thread is yet another valid point of why it is going to happen.
Personally, I’d rather see it going back to the Alliance, but I’m bias.
I knew there had to be one come along sooner or later. Pound sand, breather. Lordaeron is ours.
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For now. Enjoy your peace while you can, you filthy abomination and betrayer.
This coming from a Death Knight. Pot? Meet kettle.
Should’ve been a title only for Forsaken and Humans, possibly Dwarves and Blood Elves but that’s still kinda pushing it. It doesn’t make any sense why a lot of the races can use the title but at the end of the day, it’s not a big deal
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You’re a Death Knight!!! You just as much of a zombie as I am!
Don’t compare me with the likes of you, i fought and died as a proud human of the Alliance! The Lich King forced me without my will to serve him, when i regained my freedom i chose to use my second chance at life to serve the Alliance once again, until the day i face destined death.
I am not a corrupted undead and forsaken like you, i’m a human and i’m proud of it! I have honor! You don’t!
We have almost the same lore, the only difference if that the humans gave you a chance because you look fresher. Yeah, they may have spit on you and yelled at you but they still gave you a chance. Me they turned me away as a monster, but I am still human…dead but still human. I went with who gave me a chance to live.
I agree, the Forsaken kinda get overlooked for special, positive things.
Sir, I’m not sure how to tell you this, but you have no pulse either.
Your are conflating Lordaeron with Undercity. They’re not the same.
We are AlphariusimeanLordaeron . . . yea . . . We are Lordaeron . . .
looks around all shifty like
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You wanna know the difference between you and the Forsaken? I’ll show you:
Me too!
Me too!
Wow, we’re like… the same, you and I. Like brothers!
Hmmm well it would probably make sense for just Forsaken and regular Humans to have it since some were from Lordaeron too but since Blizz made the quest for everyone to do everyone should get the reward - which is the title. It’s not a big deal. I think most people will use it on their human or undead characters anyway.
I think the bigger slight was not giving Forsaken the dark ranger skin. Even though they were BEs they were still Forsaken so it would have been cool - and evened things out. And maybe prevented most of the complaining about VEs getting it (probably not though
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