I love making 1,400 in tips from Boosting zg Thank you

I did ~3k gold from boosting mara, then i got bored of doing it over and over.

You naive little fool.

GF means girl friend

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I hope you get banned and they take all your gold.


Do you even know what “tip” means?

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Exactly anyone making that much gold is likely selling their gold for real money.


Tip me 1k g and I’ll agree with you

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and now this is a peasant revolt…

bring on the guillotine!

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Flexing on your contribution to breaking a servers economy isn’t anything more than a humble brag. You’re not special. And it doesn’t put you ahead of the curve. It means you know how to follow instructions on how to break a game. Thats my true opinion.

That being said. Make that paper boi!


ey he made you talk about him, you’re seething and probably loathing

he just won plain and simple


Not even. He’s not on my server and generally I don’t care. I’m just irrated someone chooses to brag about something that they know while doing it is bad for the game. If you’re gonna do it, be smart and shut up.

I think he’s smart for getting what he wanted

attention and tears from loathers like you :smiley:


My opinion on this is the exact same as my opinion to every single forum post that goes up. 1. Kill premades 2. Alliance shorthand in AV 3. Longevity of classic phases 4. World buffs allowed in raid 5. Instance lockout 6. Realm layering

All these people are the same people who WANTED vanilla WoW with no changes, they got it.
They’re the same people who cried for change when it didn’t suit them. They got it.

Regardless of whether the changes made were to their liking, they got it. And in EVERY instance, complained about the change. So which is it? Change or no change? Because either way, they’re not happy.

My MO, play the game you wish to play, in the fashion you want to play it. If there are policies in place to make YOUR playstyle undersireable, that’s on you. You pay for access to a game, you don’t pay for access to dictate how its played.

Classic only lasts so long so make of it what you will. Blizzard isn’t going to give another do over so just as in life, put your best foot forward. If you want to cheese the system, you make it less fun for everyone and that’s on you. Thank you for your contribution, but shut the hell up on forums. #endrant


And you sir are nothing more than a troll who is clearly tired of playing but still to addicted to do anything else in life.

May your shnitzle ever be small and wife ever be unhappy. I salute you.

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hahahahahha got em

what a loather gotta love it :smiley:

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it always amazes me what people will do to AVOID playing the game they actually pay for… Good for you man!

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we had a server booster who has apparently made 50k gold per day boosting

Hey if you’re on a highly populated server and not killing it’s economy, I say do you. But something that good only lasts so long given a server intake of money from the paid client ve output into the server economy. I dont knock boosting in itself, as long as it’s not built on an enterprise that’s intention is to gouge the market on rarities. Personal in game quality of life trumps 3rd party quality of life values.

But thats the game.

That honestly seems to me to be the first thing I’ve seen that legitimately sounds like it’s in the “spirit” of the game.

Lol no one cares fam.