I logged on to see

Blizzard actually started making this game good again with hot-fixes.

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bro??? what the

yeah because hpally mana wasnt a problemā€¦ will you ever make sense you baboon

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yes it was a problem

heres a crazy idea

make mana run out

but also make heals do healing


There ya go.

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War against the pillar and the devilā€™s triangleā€¦ I like itā€¦

Im going to need screenshots of a holy paladin ooming before this hotfix. I legitimately do not believe it possible for a holy paladin to oom before any other healer outside of maybe Rdruid.

Watch the arena tourney, it actually happened.

We were all in shock.

You keep posting anarchy like this in the forums weā€™re gonna have a riot.


Also make utility cheaper if you wanna go that route. I acually think the way disc is, is honestly not a horrible way to balance mana. Radiance and Shadowmend oom you quickly but atonement when useful is very efficient but doesnā€™t have solid recovery. Efficient weak heals should exist to keep your team neutral when offensive, and expensive strong heals should exist when on the defense. When dampebing gets higher if a match comes to that you should be forced to use expensive heals to recover so that you can just keep your team alive.

When properly set up (this change or idea requires multiple other things to set up though), the ideal would be that good teams would want to control their enemy and migigate as much damage as possible in order to stay mana positive, while bad teams would not manage this very well, panick, and lose quickly.

Damp games could happen with really high tier teams but it would actually be exciting. This also has to be combined with specs having higher dps and healing output across the board and utility as I said being efficient such as purges and CCs in order to give opportunities to keep yourself ahead and to recover too by finding good windows to control your opponent.

Ty for listening to my TED talk.


This was literally how the game was set up for several expansions.

They made it so that all healers had a slower effecient heal with low throughput and then a ā€œflash healā€ equivalent that was quick, powerful, but very mana intensive.

Every healer followed that template. Most still do to a point? At least Hpal/Hpriest/Rsham still do. I guess technically disc does as well.

Rdruid and MW are sort of the outlier to that.

Iā€™m not sure if Blizzard has given up on that ideal or just decided it was too hard or what.

Iā€™m aware which is pmuch why I referenced that.

Can still keep things complex honestly without needing insane ability bloat which is what I guess devs want to avoid still. Can still make game complex/rewarding on high end but friendly for noobs.

Feeling OP is definitely part of that. If you feel like your class is awesome it makes the game fun even if in reality things are even. I remember arguing with friends like ā€œNaw my class is more OP if I play wellā€ when I was younger. People used to try to prove really hard their class was good but thatā€™s kinda long gone and also sorta going off topic :stuck_out_tongue:

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Iā€™ve seen Ronpaul oom to Boomy sub rogue in about a minute itā€™s possible bro!


I mean 50% reduction to regen of the 0 mana you use isnā€™t too huge they should still have the best mana efficiency right?

I swear yal complain about hpals never ooming, itā€™s not like the heals we do actually do anything anyways.

I havenā€™t queued since like the first week or so of this season when maledicts became an issue, and from what people are telling me this hotfix made not only healing miserable but just arena in general.

Iā€™m so thrilled blizzards priorities are so far out of line that I have lost 100% interest in queuing this game all together, as many others have.

I wish blizzard would listen to the actual not brain dead players about what changes need to go through, rather than listening to Tournament casters in a tournament setting / cdew rant tweets, and the general forums. Really upsetting seeing awful changes like these due to being uneducated about their own game.

After quen some games, Iā€™ve noticed a few things. Unless ur a mw,(counter magic renew and vivify spec) spriest dh teams are going to be insanely strong in the mana game. On my MW, Iā€™ve healed 10 min games, drinking multiple times to pull out a win doing 14k hps in a 8-10 min game. Iā€™ve noticed in these comps I double the healers healing (rsham)

On my hpal I healed vs dh destro for about 8 minutes til I oomed and barely won. Not even being meele wings.

Mana rift is back and game changing in the most brain dead away.

Both oh hpal and my mw Iā€™ve never had a Druid oom before me. They seem to always have just enough in the tank around 15% mana or so.