So how long til blizzard fixes rdruids ya think?

2 weeks have past since the buffs and you are already asking for nerfs… man, chill out. HPals weren’t the ones with extra charge on a couple of spells that made then harder to kill/kite in the past and then Blizz ended up reverting those to only one charge? I can’t remember others off the top of my head, but hey, you guys were doing fine on S1 and were all over the place on Blizzcon, why not let others shine a little bit?

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We were all over the place at BlizzCon? Wtf are you smoking man. There was like one rmpala that got knocked out lol


The same time they make hpal abilities cost mana.


I’m assuming the reason we can’t access your character profile is because you changed its name to Çrybaby.


That’s hilarious, tell me another joke please

imagine if mana was actually a factor. if your running into prblems winning games cuz hpal is outmaning then yikesss.

BlizzCon 2018 teams with HPal on it:

  • Method Black (Turbo and RMPal)
  • Unitas Red (RMPal)
  • Tempo Storm (Turbo and RMPal)
  • Cohesion Dream (SP, Mage, HPal and RMPal)

I think you are mistaken about the team with only one type of healer that was knocked out: Pen and Paper played Turbo with Resto Druid ONLY on the first round, after that they used MW.

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Stop your complaining

Sorry you can’t get wellfare glad and your dps has to be on par skillwise with heals

God forbid you you have to coordinate stuff

I blew sac wheres abom, or pyro burrgurgurk

A pali complaining about mana.

Must be a bad joke

So, we should say this about everything thats broken/over tuned in this game… So you actually think everything is balanced? Good to know

yes, because pally is the best healer at the moment? Keep showing how little you know

Okay, okay

The commentators laughing at the mention of any other healer being played except Rdruid at the moment.
That should show how over the top it is.

everyone sees how broken or busted rdruid is at the moment except the people playing rdruid or playing with them.

Can you go que lfr since it’s obvious you don’t pve? Might as well post on ur rdruid instead of this alt as well lol

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pally is the 2nd best healer rn

You realize mw was literally 100 x worse.

Now rdruid is on par with pali and has higher skill cap we hear all the QQ

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Not even close. MW was still a viable kill target… Rdruid isnt even close to a kill target.
And think pally and rdruid are on same tier is laughable.

Cringe thread


Imagine thinking being a kill target define how good the class is.