I liked BFA’s story - AMA

You can have a tree that terminates in a single node where all the individual branches are still coherent, though. This is not what we got for BfA. Again, the issue isn’t “BUT I DIDN’T GET TO WIIIIN AS THE BAD GUY”; it’s that the PC got moral whiplash going between the war campaign quests because of the starkly different assumptions those linear, mandatory quests made about the PC. Because of this, I’d argue that the story’s internal contradictions for the PC constantly broke immersion, which is a big problem for good rp.


“The orcs cannot change, Jaina! They will always be warmongers!”

“Actually, Dad, after a few more wars, a couple hundred of them will eventually get tired of committing heinous war crimes. A couple of them might even experience some sort of regret, although mostly over how it makes them feel with little regard to the experiences of their victims. So HAH!”

Daelin Proudmoore destroyed with FACTS and LOGIC


Humans in real life still war even tho war is bad and they get tricked too just like Sylvanas tricked the horde remember when Iraq had wmds

Ah yes, all those people that Sylvanas “tricked”.

How did she trick them? When did she strick them? Can we see any scene of her deceiving them instead of people who supported the war talking about it with no details in the past tense?

No, of course not, shut up!


Yeah in a good war when she tells Saurfang yeah we should war against the alliance cause they gonna attack eventually

And there’s the whole turning killing her own people into a false flag attack

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That’s not a “trick”. That’s an idea, that was actually pretty reasonable at the time, and one Saurfang agreed with.

It’s also one person.


Yeah the USA sure thought it was reasonable that Iraq had wmds both Sylvanas and the cia had nothing but bro trust me

Now now we both know blizzard never tells us what the general population thinks

One day I believe you will discover the edit post button instead of posting every sentence as a different comment. One day.

I know I’ve explained this before, but Warcraft does not exist outside of what is written. It’s fictional. If Blizzard does not write dissent, there is no dissent.

If Blizzard does not write deception, there is no deception.


There was deception tho against our main cast of horde leaders

For some people I am almost positive it is, just like for Alliance many of their only problems with the story is “WHY. CAN’T. I. GENOCIDE. THE HORDE!!!”.

Your other points are noted and valid, but again personally they to me are not insurmountable for RPing nor necessarily unique to BfA when it comes to WoW. Some of it is also simply subjective with how you experienced it. I thought BfA was bad and do agree with many of the complaints, but, again, found myself having more fun coming up with things Horde side.


There was none. Saurfang is given an argument based on reasoning and he agrees with it. Nobody lied to him.


Saurfang: “Those Alliance that want to murder us gotta be somewhere. Nope. No Alliance that want to murder us over there. Maybe under here…”

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so why did Sylvanas leave and call the horde nothing but pawns seems like she was just using them :smile:

She definitely wasn’t trying to stop a war before it started, my dude. Sylvanas’s whole “feed the maw” deal was pretty much behind all of this.

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You’re brave to come out and say you enjoyed it lol, but I’m glad you did. You mentioned that you wouldn’t want a full N’Zoth expansion, as it would lead to purple fatigue. Do you think you would like the idea more if each patch rolled through different aspects of the old gods?

Let me elaborate. Launch patch we could have potentially seen the normal faceless, the usual bunch we’ve always dealt with. Potentially at this point we release N’zoth as well. Next patch sees a focus on the naga, which have always felt vastly different from the rest of old god culture. Last patch we see full blown Nzoth architecture like we have now. But instead of it just appearing instantly, nzoth has been prepping nyalotha over the entire expansion.

Idk, seems like a fun ride to me. Releasing nzoth and dealing with him so quickly seemed poor in my taste. And ghuun felt like nothing to me, so a raid replacing it with the release of nzoth just seems cooler.

Anduin was literally holding a sign that said free peace, come help us heal the world thats dying.

You’re not getting it.

Attempts to downplay the Horde’s actions during the war by saying they were “tricked” is stupid. It’s not like they thought the Alliance was cooking up and eating orphans all day. Nobody thought there were WMDs under Brennadam, or chemical weapons in Teldrassil, not that such a thing would justify what happened there even if it were true.

What it comes down to in the end is that the Horde went to war because they were told to. “Sylvanas tricked us” is BS Blizzard is feeding people because they don’t have a good answer for why all these characters you’re meant to like were super on board with this obviously villainous campaign, and congrats, you’re eating it by the plateful.


Thats what happened, she told them the alliance would attack one day, and then we read bts and elegy and that just isnt true the alliance wouldnt have attacked them

most where not, thats why baine wasnt invited to the blitz of ashenvale