I like to see Blizzard make San'layn Elves

Everyone is talking about wanting High Elves . I want this Vampire Blood Elves called San’layn .
Having Death Knights and San’layn would be a perfect fit for Shadowlands .
Players who want a new class to be a caster , than maybe a Vampire range class . This caster can drains things with blood and also heal with blood too .
Soon as players reach level 50 they can turn into bats for as flying . No need for a flying mount .


me too but it doesn’t seem like Blizz is going to make more elf races soon.

I’d like to see no more elves when there are interesting or different races that could be added instead


A Vampire race would be different from other elves .

Id gladly sacrifice all the High Elves if it meant we could get San’layn customization.


If Blizzard could make San’layn , than I would forgive them for taken away Blood Death Knights 's dps .

I want Taunka added as a customization option, or a racial option (For different racials) before they add another bloody elf… 10 years they’ve been part of the horde, and almost zero acknowledgement.


I like both to be added in at some point in the game. But heck San’layn is a good option for Blood Elves. Since there’s not really a Vampire Theme playable race at all.

kael’thas in shadowlands is a venthyr like blood elf he uses blood orbs. so its possible he comes back as the new leader of quelthalas and of the undead and of the sanlayn and sylvanas comes back to along with the other loyal quelthalas people who died.

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I’d rather have vampirates.

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How about we leave some things as NPCs

even better undead elves basically it would be all the elves of quelthalas who died who became undead or were made into vampire like blood elf sorta like kael’thas is on all the images of him in shadowlands with kaelthas coming back as the leader sylvanas as his ranger general I mean 90% of the elves did die so if they came back from the shadowlands as vampirelike you get your san’layn you get dark rangers cause red eyes it be awesome.

I want them to incorporate a proper sub-race system.

And then Allied races can be new races.

There’s a megathread for this here:

But if we’re talking customization instead of an AR this is probably the place.


Ya vampires would be great and I was looking at dnd beast I want a undead druid option 4 undead sharknbear form from dnd

San’layn Elves got to have a Gothic look to them , so they can look apart from the other elves .

be a belf join the venthyr

Only if the Alliance version is something equally as sought after and not designed by the interns while the devs are out enjoying a round of beers.

horde get vamp elves

alliance gets mecha-horses


lightbound undead. calia leading them