I like the Void Elves but I think they need more development

I like the Void Elf Race since they brought back Blood Elves but different and of course even High Elves and Dark Rangers as well. While I do like the Race in terms of being a Alliance Thalassian High Elf. I can’t deny that they lack alot of stuff atleast in terms of lore, their own rep faction, their own starting zone could be bit bigger than a rock, lack of capital city, lack of the void hawkstriders, still lacking hairstyles and other customization options, and I think the Heritage Armor is bit of a mess while half of it looks nice other half not so much atleast in terms of theme.

That’s why I am hoping that blizzard would fix them or atleast add more development to them like fixing the Heritage Armor to be more like Warcraft 2 High Elven Armor Set but Void Elf Theme or atleast do the Blood Mage but unique or atleast do a better spellbreaker armor than a flat Helmet, and dull chestpiece that doesn’t have robes or plate armor.

Add Character Customization Options like Scars, Tattoos from Warcraft 2, Hair Color Shades of Dark Blonde, Light Brown, Dark Orange, Light Blue, and etc Hair Colors like Pink for example, Eye Colors like Emerald Green, Brown Human Eyes, Void Black Eyes, Red, Deep Purple, and etc, Void Corruption Features like 3 to 4 Eyes, Mess up Faces, Void Parasite Hair, Fangs, and more, and etc.

Add Class Combos like Paladins to bring in Elven Paladins, Druids, and Demon Hunters.

Add more Lore Characters besides Umbric and Alleria like existing ones or new ones into the Void Elven Race of the Ren’dorei.

Give them a actually home that isn’t a rock like in Northern top of lordaeron where Western Plaguelands Mountains is with the Highborne City or something for a Alliance Elven City.

Their own Faction Rep besides the Broken Draenei One from Argus.

Tabard available to all.

Ren’dorei Flags.

Armor Sets and Weapons.

Void Elf Building Models, and etc.

Plus even More Void Hawkstriders would be nice for a change.

In end I want what’s best for Void Elves in like not just as a High Elf Race but basically a Thalassian Race that is United as Exiles, and Selfless Elves that Stands against the Rich and Corruption of Silvermoon that banishes them for aiding the Alliance or seeking out newer magics of the Void and Deep Arcane. I want the Void Elf Ren’dorei Blood Elf/High Elf Experience back into the Screentime of the Alliance. Not just Humans all the time and other two races or the current ones right now that is happening on the Alliance.


I feel like the Void Elves need a significant overhaul on just about every level to bring them up to other races.

For starters, let’s talk about the Telogrus Rift.

As it is right now, Blizzard has no reason to do anything with it. The rift would need to be opened up for players of other races to visit. This, of course, becomes difficult considering the Void Elves are an Alliance race, and that’d be a bit like walking into Stormwind as an Orc. There really isn’t a logical reason why they’d start welcoming the Horde to the Rift, beyond the Silvermoon Researchers. To be honest, there isn’t much reason other Horde races would want to go to the Rift either.

Assuming we can get past that hurdle though?


Blizzard needs to focus on making the place an actual settlement, rather than a tent or two on floating rocks. Even if it’s three or so buildings surrounding a plaza, something is better than nothing. We’d also want to see more than just… dead space rocks. Grass, trees, pools of water, etc… These are elves. They like their pretty forest environments. Well, let’s make that, but with Void colors. I think Shadowmoon Valley would be a great basis for some examples.

Furthermore, we missed out on a lot of Void stories for the Void Elves in BFA, but I do feel we should at least retroactively include them. Have ornate, elven bridges connecting isles where you’ll find research stations. There can be an island that is almost entirely a lake full of the Naga’s mind squids, and maybe even a Naga Voidcaster or two (captive or willing traitors to Azshara). There can be another with some of the obelisks and cages and what not from the assaults on Uldum and the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Another could have samples of Ghuun’s rot on it or something.

Maybe make Telogrus a kind of hub for a specific type of content going forward. Evergreen content. Stuff like the secrets. Maybe there’s a library crediting the players whom discovered the solutions to past secrets. Regardless, attach a reputation to it, so the Void Elves finally have that for them. Kind of sad that High Elves have a dedicated reputation to grind, but Void Elves don’t.

When it comes to the Heritage Armor, Blizzard needs to accept that Dreadlord Armor dipped in purple with Magneto’s helmet just doesn’t really scream anything except Memelord.


Add in a Robe variant and take the opportunity to make it entirely different from the existing stuff. Make something much more elven looking. For bonus points? Make it look good dyed blue and gold as a High Elf variant, without looking remotely void themed. Replace the void gems with arcane gems or something.

In terms of characters, the Void Elves are lacking, and because they never existed, that’s not something easily remedied.


Blizzard should kill two birds with one stone.

Release a short story focusing on at least one new major lore NPC for the Void Elves, but also touching on a few more that can fill out a roster. Take us from the end of BC to the present. Show us growth, strife, a developing culture, etc…

What should be important here is making it evident the Blood Elves are not the bad guys in this scenario, without making them look like White Knights either. Blood Elven ruthlessness and cunning should be preserved, but it also needs to be very clear, this situation is one entirely of Umbric and his follower’s making, and they’d have plenty of warning and opportunity to change course.

Lastly, Blizzard needs to think long and hard about how to set the Void apart from existing magic, because all we’ve seen from the Void Elves has been mage portals but purple, and one case of pseudo-necromancy, and that’s not nearly as impressive as it used to be when you realize the Light gets away with it too.


Void Elf heritage armor is terrible, and I’m tired of pretending it’s not.

It straight up looks like there is no chest piece at all.

And that helmet…gross.


This was addressed though during Alleria’s questline. They literally have the same exact history and story as the Blood Elves up until they left and got trapped in the Void. Other than that they haven’t really done anything besides joining Stormwind and aiding in BfA for a short period of time. They are making their way in the world not being trapped. That’s their story.


We’ll get it in the Void expansion.


I hate hate HATE the purple and gold combination. At least make it purple and silver and match the shoulder effect with the belt/knee pad color scheme. And what’s with the exposed mid-riff as well. They’re on an asteroid rock, it’s probably freezing but they acting like they’re heading out for an afternoon at the beach.

  1. Their lore is the exact same as the Blood elves. That’s the point.


  1. The fact you mention blood mages, hawkstriders and spell breakers, a blood Elven theme, to be made for them, shows you understand that at some level.


  1. They don’t get a capital or otherwise because they are by definition a renegade group of elves that didn’t care about safety or rules and wanted to experiment anyway. Now they’re edgy.


  1. They already have more customisation options than the majority, if not all, of the other allied races. Your point here of complaining for lack of is mute.


  1. Anything you mention for void elves from their “culture and past” is blood Elven by definition. Even Thalassian tattoos. You need to think of a new path and concepts, not take blood Elven themes and say “but void elf!”.


1000000% this. Cannot stress THIS enough. You’ve hit the nail on the head. This is single-handedly the BIGGEST problem with the Void Elves. Even more problematic is that their past as Blood Elves is virtually non-existent and unexplored, BECAUSE Blizzard pulled them out of thin air as compensation for the Horde getting Nightborne.

There should be a path forward where we’re still seeing them as Elves, but more uniquely their own group. Tell us that time moves more slowly in the Rift or something, and then show us some real changes. Maybe 10,000 years have passed in the Rift since the Void Elves joined the Alliance. Whatever it takes to make this an over-night change to show us that they’re now a proper RACE with their own culture.

It should still be possible to see that the foundations of this new culture are rooted in Thalassian cornerstones, but they should still deviate greatly otherwise.

The Void Elven version of the Magistry exists, except its not the Magistry, it doesn’t have Magisters, and it’s not just focused on magic, but collective knowledge. Rather than tomes, show us memories and visions stored within some vast well, with it’s keepers able to manifest these visions at a whim. Let there be groups whom dedicate themselves to unraveling the mysteries of visions, of sorting through the half-truths to find value, and let the value they find not always be obvious, but always be fruitful in the end.

The Void Elven version of the Farstriders exists, except they’re not just a bunch of hooded archers hiding in the woods. They wear blank masks obscuring their faces completely, wielding twin blades and stepping through the shadows to find their marks, having the power to defy gravity, taking a single step and then standing on ceilings as if that’s the ground, or even walls. Their base is a twisting maze where this technique is the only way to navigate it.

The Void Elven version of the Spellbreakers exists, except they’re not Spellbreakers at all. These armored men and women wield the void to consume the assaults of their foes, redirecting that power as void magic at their would be attackers. They regularly hunt beings of the Void to hone their arts and discover new techniques and powers. Like, their actual gimmick is, “I ate a Fireball spell cast at me. Now I can cast Voidfireball. Well, at least once. I’ll need to eat another before I can cast it again.” They often use this power to show new spell concepts to the not-Magisters, whom in turn can study and attempt to replicate them into new powers for Ren’dorei society.

We should absolute see where these orders came from, but still let them be so unique and different from what we see with the Blood Elves that it truly feels like a new culture has been created.


Considering we have had several story beats about the void with zero ren’dorei representation I’m just assuming the void elf race is the dumping ground for any cosmetic elf themed offshoot.

I just want to change my entropic embrace to look like Alleria as a consolation at the very least.


I’m about to leave for a thing today but, Obligatory link to my customization thread. >.>

I’mma come back and comment when I get home tonight though! I got thoughts!


The heritage armor slaps and their racials are amazing and fun.

Lots of races need attention before VE on these grounds.

However I agree with other things like including them more in stories / giving them more heroes.


Well, this is subjective.

You’re entitled to like the Heritage armor. Speaking for myself, stuff ripped off of a Dreadlord’s corpse and dipped in void koolaid, and Magneto’s Helmet, doesn’t, “slap.” As for their racials, Entropic Embrace is obnoxious and ugly (nothing at all like Alleria’s), and should be customizable. Their movement racial is… not useful. It doesn’t move fast enough to really outpace your run speed by all that much. I’d honestly sooner replace it with a Void Rift racial that allows you to teleport to any major expansion city.

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The heritage armor should have been purple and gunmetal. Entropic embrace needs at least three toggle options (the one we have, one like Alleria, and one like old void eruption).

As a DK, though, that movement racial has saved my butt more than you’d expect. Being able to precast it before knowing the group is about to move gives me a head start so I don’t fall behind.

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Gonna have to add a fourth toggle for, “Off.” For the High Elf crowd.

Ideally, I’d like for entropic embrace to also have an optional, “always on,” toggle for the visual effect, and then expanding on customizations for it. Stuff like claw hands, tentacle arms, additional eyeballs on the body (shoulders, hands, chest, etc…), void themed wing effects (maybe some that are kinda like Diablo angle wings but black, some that are just swirling holes like Voidwalkers have, some like Dark Naaru crystalline wings, etc…), that sort of thing. Let players go absolutely crazy with their Void Form and choose to be able to look like it all the time if they wish, and just keep the actual damage buff a random proc every 10 seconds.


My kingdom for an “always on” toggle!!!


What bothers me the most about them (besides the extremely hole-ridden lore) is the fact that, unlike the other Legion races, they haven’t received a decent update. Especially the hairstyles, particularly for the males, are largely very poor and appear unfinished in some cases.
Aside from that, they don’t have anything really appealing about them. No tattoos, no proper jewelry, feathers like Alleria’s or even additional void tattoos, for example…

All in all, they seem to have been slapped together in a very careless manner.


When they were added, they were the only allied race to have no options beyond the five basic categories of: skin color, hair color, hair style, face, and beard/jewelry. Even now, that hasn’t changed. Everyone got eye color as a new basic option. At most, Void Elves got the tentacle toggle, but this didn’t exactly add tentacles to hairstyles without them.

What the Void Elves have received as far as customization goes, amounts to Eredar for the Draenei: another race being made playable through them via customizations. Specifically, High Elves with incomplete options, and Dark Rangers which… don’t make a ton of sense if we’re honest, but it is what it is.

Despite that, you will find players saying they’ve received too much, or…


I love the void elf heritage armor
Its my favourite set in the game. I wear it all the time with a few tweaks


They were fan service for the alliance during a time when alliance numbers were low.


Now this is just silly. Nightborne seem to have more options now than their core race. HMT have a lot of stuff going on, too. Not too sure about Lightforged, since I don’t play them.

Void Elves… not so much. They are very lackluster. :sweat_smile: