I like the Void Elves but I think they need more development

Depends on how one looks at it.

Void Elves have something like… 20 skin colors, 20 hair colors, 20 faces, 12 hair stryles…

Just on a numerical level, they probably do have more than some Allied Races (certainly Mechagnomes I would imagine). As for possible combinations, well, I think they must come in dead-last, given just how few categories for customization they have.

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Mechas actually have a LOT of customizations.

They just look terrible in nearly all transmog options.


Only the Chestpiece and Helm. Rest of the Armor Pieces is good.

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Go away! Shoo

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I really like the void elf heritage armor.It was the motivation for me to make a void elf. I do wish it game in a color other than purple and gold. My lock does wear a shirt underneath.

I do think the void elves need to get more different types of character creation customization options (like the core race customization options added in 9.0). All allied races should eventually have the wider variety of options that were given to core races, like how male night elf facial hair options were adjusted in 9.0 (going from 1 combined set of eyebrows and facial hair to 4 separate options - eyebrows, sideburns, mustaches, and beards).

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This in here feels like a great example of the concept of privilege and the statement of “give an inch and they’ll take a mile”.

From the start of Allied races, the condition of some, like Nightborne, was absolutely appalling when compared to those like Void elf. The other Allied races were brought up to a standard, this does not mean that Void elves have been “left out” and deserve more.

With that said these are Allied races, not main races. They are a gimmick to allow for some customisation. While they can borrow concepts from the race they copied from, it can only go so far.

Perhaps more toggles and otherwise can be added, who knows, but as it stands so far by numbers alone, we have the below.

Some proof of the current setup:

Comparing Alliance selection choices alone:

(Hair is male count then female count)

~Void elves:

Skin color: 20 (not including dark ranger)

Faces: 18

Hair styles: 13 - 11

Hair color: 16

Eye color: 8 (not including dark ranger)

Extra: earrings, ear length, facial hair, tentacles etc

~Dark iron:

Skin: 8

Face: 10

Hairstyle: 8 - 11

Hair color: 10

(No eye color choice)

Extra: Tattoos, Piercings etc


Skin: 6

Face: 7

Hairstyle: 6 - 10

Hair color: 7

Eye color: 6

Extra: Moustache, Beard, necklace


Skin: 7

Face: 10

Hair: 13 - 13

Hair color: 10

(No eye color choice)

Extra: Jewellery, tattoos, tendrils etc

~ Mechagnome:

Skin: 8

Face: 7

Hair: 7 - 9

Hair color: 7

Eye color: 13

Modification: 20

Extra: upgrades, facial hair etc


Every race needs significant lore development.

I feel like Void Elves will get a lot more attention, when we inevitably get to the void-themed expansion.

Moira’s son is old enough to be the throne of Ironforge, imo, or at least have the Dark Irons build a new city. Ragnaros has been dead, same with anyone else in Blackrock Mountain- they should have 100% control at this point.

Gnomes haven’t had anything in years, outside of Mechagon. They could probably start cleaning out and reclaiming the city at this point, or soon. It got nuked again in Cataclysm, but that was years ago.

Tauren got that questline in DF, but that’s basically it. Similar to gnomes, there’s stuff going on in the background, supposedly Magatha is still around.

Trolls, not much but we know Vol’jin might replace Rezan as the new Loa of Kings, it’s kinda a secret right now.

Draenei are probably the ONLY race to get a satisfying ‘resolution’ with Argus and Antorus.

Forsaken have been pretty much left alone after BfA, which sucks. Calia and Lilian, idk what’s going on with them and the Desolate Council.

Orcs, well Saurfang is dead, and Thrall is missing, kinda? He’s around, but he’s not around at the same time lmao.

Humans have Turalyon sitting on the throne and Anduin chilling in the Maw with Sylvanas, so they’ve got something set up for the future.

Night Elves are probably ‘next’ in getting their major lore moment, because we know they might be getting a new world tree. Heavily hinted at.

Goblins had a nice moment with the heritage armor, but that’s it. Same with Worgen.

Pandaren- Who?

But yeah, some races need some desperate story attention.

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Um… meanwhile Nightborne with:

Female Nightborne:
10 skin tones
12 faces
16 hair styles
16 hair colors
3 eye brows
2 eye options
5 eye colors
4 eye sight options
Hair jewelry toggle
9 face tattoos
Another toggle for head jewelry
8 ear rings
5 jewelry for the cheeks
5 jewelry for the chin
4 necklaces
3 colors for jewelry
7 body tattoos
Glowing hand toggle

As it stands now, Nightborne have even more options than their core race.

I really don’t like people, who are gatekeeping stuff for others. All races need more options and I stand with what I said, void elves are pretty lackluster when it comes to their customization options.


This right here!

Also, can we get some slider customizations too?


Already addressed. You’re choosing to ignore to try and bolster your claim that has no merit.

You insisting the Void elves are deprived and deserve more, while ignoring the numbers, in comparison to the vast majority having far less, is in itself a form of gatekeeping as you try to focus the design purely on them…again.

The Nightborne were given a massive overhaul because of how terrible their original release was and the upset of the player base. The model and choices were just laughable. They were thee iconic Legion race, and needed to be brought to a standard.

They also became one of the most prominent races in Horde storytelling, currently leading the story alongside the Bloodelves. Yes they were going to be given more assets, at the bare minimum for the NPCs.

That in itself may be indicator for future concepts of face jewellery or otherwise to be added for other races like you’re complaining about, but in no way shape or form are the void elves deprived in comparison to the obvious numbers above.


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I think it looks cool minus the helm. I can make various tmogs with each peice it’s very versatile imo .

The main difference between you and me is that my statement is that all races deserve more, regardless of how many options they already have. On the other hand, you enter the thread and say, “nope, void elves don’t deserve more because race XY has less,” and you mention, among others, the Nightborne who not only have more options than Night Elves but also have rich lore, an adjusted model (presumably because the Night Elves’ model looks too bad), and a gigantic city, the largest in the entire game.

In contrast, Void Elves have no home, just a few tiny tents on a rock, no proper lore, no adjusted model and a laughable range of customization options, on top of that many of their hairstyles look broken.

And again, all races deserve more. Coming into a thread and indirectly telling others that they shouldn’t want anything more because you believe they don’t deserve it… well…


I love our VE heritage armor, idk why so many of you are hating on it :frowning:

I don’t like the helm but I rarely do like helms in this game so that’s nothing. The chest is especially awesome being both s’mog and voidy wings :grin:
I just wish the pants were equally as s’mog xD

I’m a lot more satisfied with VEs since we got more hair colours and skin colours but I would love to see more options like void tattoos (seriously how awesome would that look!) And similar jewellery to BEs and also more hair styles especially for the males. That widows peak is an eyesore :sweat:

Oh and the biggest thing for me is more classes, I neeeeed VE DHs and Pallies and I needed them yesterday xD

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The wings desperately need to be made into a back piece and separated from the chest armor, I want to use the wing all the time they are such a cool model but I hate the stupid 80s collar bikini.


Most of our hair is bad, and the tentacle stuff is kinda slapped on.


Is false and based on false or inaccurate data you’re using to push an emotional appeal towards a race (Allied race at that) that is clearly not lacking in options while dismissing the very idea of the Allied race concept and what standards are being applied.

The entirety of your posts have in no way shape or form been objective. This is all based on personal benefit and outlook.

Using the model does not make an association. You’re again trying to use theories to support facts rather than facts to support theories.

The Zandalari also use the night elf model. Does that mean they get the same customisation? Of course not. It’s because from the start Zandalari and Nightborne are very distinct to Nightelf culture.

The same cannot be said for void elf and blood elf which is the same people but one “got edgy” with the void. It would be very easy for blizzard to turn on blood elf customisations for void elf. Should they? Not without some color redesigns I believe.

To be entirely fair, when counting something like faces void elves don’t actually have 18 faces. They have something like 9 where they had to be copied to accommodate the void and natural skin tones. This kind of thing cropped up when “orcs have the most customization!” got waved around before.


Nightborne and Void Elf both got hideous heritage armor.

The starcursed texture is great, but then it just ended there and the big wonky shoulders and the ugly wings and the lack of a shirt…just makes it terrible.

Nightborne have a hideous dress and chin beard, like some bastardized Egyptian (in all honesty if the Nightborne were thematically more like Egyptian culture that would have been cooler)

The biggest crime for Nightborne is that they have all the textured armor in the world from the NPC’s to work off and their ugly heritage armor was apparently the best we got.


Yeah… I don’t wanna look like a stripper. It gives us a reputation with that armor and our tentacle thing…

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My biggest want for a heritage set revision is a variation of the chestpiece without the void wings and standalone void wings as a cape item (bonus points if they can provide a couple of different wing designs).

Sometimes I just want the revealing chestpiece… other times I really wanted the wing applied to other sets that look voidy.