I like that Blizzard is punishing popular exploits

The motto “exploit early exploit often” is becoming “frig around find out” and that’s good.

Edit: To those saying they received “a slap on the wrist” you are right. WF streamers won’t feel a thing with a 4-day vacation, but in the future they will think twice before exploiting again. This punishment was a kind gesture but in the future it could always be something worse.

Editedit: I’m out, good luck in season 1.


Can someone please explain to me what this “exploit” is that people are apparently being punished for?

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the renown one that some players who have done it got a 4 day vacation

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if i understood right, you could only do it if you had multiple accounts on your battle.net. people were able to exploit somehow with the severed threads rep and just keep spamming the quest until they maxed out

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Did Blizz reset their renown to 1? Because that would be better than a 4 day vacation.


I suspect they will set it to where it should be, but it would be a good laugh to see it dumped to zero. It sure would not break my hart to see the crying.

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Beware the Blizzard Message its fake they will not sent you a message Blizzard [DM] and a link to visit the link is Bad meaning it is perhaps a hack, In the past couple weeks i got a few.

They did receive a rollback.

they did reset them to the right lvls not to renown 1

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Exploit early, take a vacation!

How does this effect you? It doesn’t. That’s the only answer. If people want to run and do exploits that blizz intentionally leaves in as bait to drop temp bans, that’s on them. Blizz shouldn’t even be banning for it if it’s only effecting the single players who do it. Fix your game, and don’t leave exploits in, and the problem is solved. Leave em in, and players are running intended features.

Are you… nvm

The punishment seems like a slap on the wrist, but it’s a step in the right direction.

We don’t want a community full of dishonest cheaters.


Not a single thought behind those eyes


Dangerous mentality that promotes bad gameplay. This works in a singleplayer game but in a multiplayer game what happens is the behavior begins to spread and the whole system goes out of wack. If we was allowed to exploit everything without fear of being banned what would happen would be the game would become a rush to find the exploits and use them as much as possible. Blizzard would have to somehow try to balance the game with understanding people are going to find and use exploits because as exploits get used others will have to use those exploits as well to stay caught up meaning everything would have to be calibrated under the assumption your exploiting. It would be a mad max world where chaos reigned.


a 4 day ban is nothing. thats not even a punishment. so no, it is not becoming a “frig around find out”. punishments for these kind of things have always been lax at best

keep in mind its a 4 day ban that’s making them miss the first 3-ish days of the season starting. for some people that’s a pretty big deal, i imagine

they will still have more than enough time to catch up before mythic raid comes out

I don’t think that’s why it was there. I think incompetence could be one possible explanation.

Another might be that they left it there to benefit top players without realizing how popular it would be. There are often such exploits that come out of a PTR where many reports have been made. Those in the know are able to take advantage of them, and rarely are there any sanctions. Then a few days later a big nerf comes down, and most players are like, oh, well. Exploit early, exploit often.

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