I like that Blizzard is punishing popular exploits

That seems pretty blatant. If that’s the case, I think it should have been much longer. Make them miss the first month of S1.

yeah they might. still, it might be enough of a deterrent to prevent them from exploiting next time

wont deter anyone that competes, because everyone who competes will know 4 days can easily be caught up since the real push isnt out yet

Should have set them to level 1 renown. The ban is like jail time, the reset to level 1 is like paying the court costs. Have to make it hurt.

not to mention they always have back-ups to fill in as well

i dont see why it wouldnt deter them. they got nothing at all out of it and are missing out on 4 days of play time for all their trouble, why would you bother doing it again

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because 4 days is nothing when there is just a chance at action being taken, never a guarantee

lol well this is why i’m not an exploiter i guess. i’m not an idiot

literally just gave them a slap on the wrist, nothing more

It could get much worse in the future but we’ll see.

Except there was no real punishment for these people. Four days? That doesn’t do anything.

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Yes, it “could”, but it never does. Which is why people continue to exploit, and why the phrase “exploit early, exploit often” even exists. If blizz actually cared to penalize them, they would come out with an actual punishment. punishment isn’t a new concept, blizz has always been lax in this regard. No indication that they will start sending out actual punishments

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They definitely should have been banned for longer. Make them miss the first 2 weeks of raid.

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You were rewarded rep for each character that was logged in on your account anytime you received rep. So for instance log into 5 accounts and finish a quest that normally awards 500 rep and you would instead get 2500.

There were at least half a dozen variations of this but I don’t know if they were all caught so don’t really want to go into to much detail.

I don’t know if the rep was rolled back (I don’t think any players know until the first people log in after 4 days.) There was talk however that it is impacting rosters on the world first race but honestly thats not something I care about so I wasn’t paying attention.

Zero impact on them. They can still get back on and play in time for what they were prepping for?

Also, the bug was idiotic and should have been caught. I guess Q&A can’t replicate group play because there’s only one a person in that dept. now. Here’s to hoping they actually staff that dept in the future.

/s at the end obviously, but come on…

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It was caught. By players in beta. And it was reported. They just didn’t do anything with that information.

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It’s good they punished obvious exploiters, but seems like a lot of innocent people (myself included) got caught in the crossfire. Luckily I have the disposable income to buy a new account and friends to help boost me in time for raid so I don’t have to miss out, but it is simply awful for those who miss out on IMO one of the best experiences of a new xpack (brand new raid with friends).

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Until it blew up in their face. Yet, they want to blame players for their own mistakes :roll_eyes:

just like the pandara world boss mount drops are 100% drops for the evokers when they was released

I highly doubt that