Same. I made a boat load of gold also in WOD.
SL is pure trash.
Same. I made a boat load of gold also in WOD.
SL is pure trash.
It’s always good seeing the different views regarding SL and Legion. Saying SL is better is wrong though.
Non-deterministic legendary is a better design than the system we have now. There will always be a best legendary but when you can’t control which one you get players can’t impose restrictions on who they invite.
Legion was 1000x more grindy and alt-unfriendly than SL. It was just more bearable because each class had a unique questline and weapons to explore and play with.
The player base doesn’t know what it wants. They scream for the opposite every other expansion. Now in SL people are missing world quest grinding, they are missing rep grinding and moaning about lack of “world content” while they spent all of legion and BfA complaining about mandatory world quests and how horrible grinding was.
Not saying Legion was bad, I enjoyed it immensely but to say it was casual or alt friendly is serious revisionist history
do you remember ppl lvling 3 toons to have more chances to get the right leg ? yeah I do
The common complaints we heard during Legion were from raiders who thought it was too casual friendly.
Every bit of AP you got on every character you played felt like you were making progress.
it was never about casuals it was about the RNG
What was compelling? I’m not talking about the story. I like covenants more than Order Halls, and I do hope we end up getting more flavor out of them than how hollow and forgotten Order Halls became. Time will tell.
Here are some interesting topics from the time. Some differing opinions, and you can see some similarities to topics we are having right now.
Again, this isn’t anything new and I am pointing out that we have had three expansions in a row that are alt unfriendly out of the gate. I am merely taking people’s word on BfA as I didn’t actually play it in its entirety. It changes later on as catch ups kick in, but please don’t pretend these same complaints aren’t the norm for every expansion.
What I do find interesting, and the same in all these threads on SL, is you have totally split opinions. People hated RNG but also people loved RNG. People hated Covenants but also people love Covenants.
Tried my best to find posts and threads as close to Legion’s release as possible
Edit: I apparently can’t include links in my thread Wasted effort
I wouldn’t even call Legion that much of an “Ion era” expansion.
Tom Chilton was the game director throughout pretty much all of Legion’s development. Then when it launched Ion took over. The foundation created at launch was just so rock solid that the expansion never ceased to have things to do.
I like the gameplay better for sure. I just wish the zones were bigger and that anima farming for cosmetics wasn’t so ridiculous.
I disagree heavily. To get any of the rewards, you need a ton of anima—a LOT of anima. It’s hard to afford the cosmetic gear with the prices available. Casual PvP has been butchered, most reputation gear is gone, the vault is a flawed system, and raiding is less friendly than ever.
I agree with this 100%, even though some of the raid bosses are easy, the most hardest part is the loot itself. Every week, you’re expecting that exact gear will drop, but nope you get the same ol stuff over and over again. And the vault is mediocre at best and covenant trasmog are expensive and a waste of time to get. Like there is no other ways to get a full set which sucks lol
That’s fairly said.
That being said though, I liked filling out tax forms more that I liked Legion.
There is more in SL that I like than not (except perhaps the Maw).
I do refer BfA though… Which fact may tell you what sort of casual masochist I am though.
came into thread with torches and pitchforks, proceeds to read statement of your defense, puts pitchforks and torches away you bring valid points to the table as well as those who agree with and their valid points. But as someone posted here i too hate how anti casual shadowlands is.
Have fun with that, look what happened to WoD, that “expansion” for the first time gave us Nothing. The storyline doesn’t make sense and the patches were short and bland. They continue doing this to BFA where they gave us a necklace that did “Nothing” again until later on. But however you have to do this boring tedious grind to get to that point and what we have here right now in SL as you guessed it, the same thing all over again but more worse. Instead of upgrading a piece of gear hears on end, you’re upgrading conduits that is not worth doing weeks over and over on. The point is this, Nothing good is coming in SL. Its a massive blow to the game and its doing a good job of it.
I loved Ashran. I played it constantly. The only thing I did in my garrison was my gladiator’s sanctum.
You wanted to log in. It felt like every hour you spent playing clearly was character progress. That’s what “compelling” means to me. You don’t have to make your own fun.
I liked that place too. My only regret is not doing it earlier since I only manged to complete three of those achieves to kill X amount of a certain race to get the titles. Twas lots of fun.
I don’t think arguing about “causal friendly” is worthwhile because we can’t agree on what causal means.
But we can agree on what alt-friendly means for anyone who does end-game content, and I think SL is pretty alt-friendly all things considered. Probably the only scary part about the “alt-friendliness” part of Shadowlands is what happens next patch with memories from Nathria when no one is doing Nathria anymore. Will those memories be moved to other forms of content?
They will probably just be LFR drops.
Why would people run LFR for Nathria though when it will be dropping 187 ilvl gear and world quests award 203 ilvl gear that can be upgraded all the way up to like 240 something?
Maybe for some mogs I guess? That’s about it.