I like Calia

Ohhh I know just the one. Mind you I’ve mellowed a bit in the time since I made this.



I just love that.


They should have kept her on the Alliance.
I haven’t met a single Horde player that doesn’t find her absolutely insufferable.


I think she’s better suited hanging out with the Argent Crusade or some other noble and good but neutral organization.

Probably the best solution in my opinion


Actually, the best solution is to burn her at the stake.

EDIT: Okay but seriously what would really make her interesting is if the Forsaken corrupt her and she becomes as jaded and prone to cruel pragmatism as the rest of them are.


Am I the only one that thinks she looks more like a marble titan construct than the “bright lady” Sylvanas inversion they were obviously gunning for?

She looks more like Ironaya than any species of undead.

Know what would have been a real Slyvanas inversion? Making her fair and just but a red bloody horror to look upon. Her intentions are pure but no one trusts her because she’s vailed or behind a screen. Because she looks like ground chuck roast.


there are some things in the subtext of Calia that rub me the wrong way.

It’s been a longstanding canon fact that the Forsaken feel abandoned by the Light. Sure, there are undead priests but we have been told that undead is the anti-thesis of the Light and channeling the Light causes undead searing pain.

Calia was made by the Light, can channel it freely and feels no pain. Had they actually shown Calia be in constant torment by being raised by the Light I would have potentially liked her but they made her essentially bend the established lore rules, which is a big no no.

She’s arguably Alliance.
In addition to what is mentioned above, she’s not only “special” she’s lawfully “good” and that makes people assume she’s aligned with the Alliance. Which is absolute toxic Alliance bias. This has led some of the more partisan Alliance fans believe that she exists to “fix the Forsaken and bring them back into the Alliance” and that has some extreemly toxic “white savior complex” vibes.

From a purely female perspective, Calia represents this ingrained bias for the “good obedient woman” a stark contrast to Sylvanas’s “evil disobedient woman.” Ingrained misogyny is a microagression that often goes unnoticed and unrecognized but it psycologically imprints societies expectations of women on them. One of the reasons I like Sylvanas is because she represents a chaotic female archetype. I recommend the book Women Who Run With the Wolves, by Clarissa Pinkola Estes,Ph.D. as a source on these feminine archetypes and why archetypes of the disobedient women are so important in modern media.


I remember there was Youtube video that went deep into exactly what you’re saying here.
The point that stuck out to me the most was how Anduin was lecturing Sylvanas about how she never moved past her trauma, which is a stupid thing to say because SHE BUILT AN EMPIRE FROM THE GROUND UP!
If there was ever a symbol of moving past your trauma with your eyes on the horizon it’d be Sylvanas. But since she’s a woman who likes to be in charge that makes her “out of control”.

Also this wasn’t in the video, but I also want to point out that Anduin who usually can’t go three sentences without bringing up his father, shouldn’t be lecturing ANYONE on being unable to move on.


As much as I love Sylvanas, not the ICC crap or what came after BS, this doesn’t mean she moved on. She could have still been dealing with and not really moving past her trauma, wow and it’s devs all seem to have the same mindset as my father and grandparents, ignore it and work until you can’t think about it, that’s not moving on or working through it that’s just ignore it and letting it fester and dominate your existence.

Sadly this just reinforces the old idea that work and “not thinking about it” are all you need to move on. For some that might be and perhaps for her it was enough, but then ICC shows she hadn’t because they had her jump… which is a whole other thing regarding blizzard and their handling of depression.

Sadly, a lot of people can’t handle women not being subservient. That’s more an indication of their insecurities than anything. Yes, that includes women who believe they and all others should be submissive as well, if you want to be, that your choice it shouldn’t be a requirement.

Ah yes, Anduin, designated hero of the setting and top contender for daddy issues in a sea of characters with daddy issues. Honestly, I feel like quite a few characters can’t move on in this setting and I’m not convinced it’s because of story needs so much as the author can’t handle the idea of someone moving on.


cough Christie Golden cough

Okay, that’s not fair of me. But it is hard to get a bead on her.


The only part I begrudgingly accept with Calia is her presence shuts up the MHP RPers who think the Alliance were going to swoop in and “reclaim” Lordaeron, as if they had any legitimate claim to a fallen kingdom in the first place.

The rest of her characterization reeks of a white savior trope coming in the rescue the unclean savages from themselves.


But they will, and are growing in numbers by the day, without the Scourge threat and post Fourth War with the undead of Lordaeron unable to muster a proper force to even maintain their holdings. The time will come where Hillsbrad, Southshore, Silverpine and beyond in the former Plaguelands. Humans will continue to populate. While by attrition of war and use of their bodies the Forsaken wear away and slowly die out. That’s the fate of the undead, without new undead and without some intervention of the Shadowlands the undead of Lordaeron will fade away in time.

That’s the facts, and the relevance which we know from the resurgence of the Scarlet Crusade and the Eastern Kingdoms book. What we are seeing with the resettlement of Gilneas and Southshore etc. What you think is irrelevant, Midnight will prove to be true. Lordaeron will eventually have more living humans than undead and on that day. The undead will be facing a situation unlike any other - Make peace with the living to maintain their holdings or rage against the resurgent humans become what many suspect them to be - monsters. The undead under Calia Menethil would be wise to heed her council. Consider the facts the days of the Scourged wastelands of Lordaeron are coming to an end. What replaces them will be seen in the next few years.

Humans breed like rabbits, like goblins. Humans have 7-10 kids for each couple. Those 7-10 kids will have 7-10 kids more, and by 2-3 generations a new nation shall rise. Consider the settling of North America after the genocides of the Native Americans. How long did it take North America to repopulate the continent with millions 50 to 100 years? 150 years? My grandma is 103, and she is one of 12. Each of her siblings and herself had 3-4 kids on the low end. Each of us are having 3-4. The numbers don’t lie where once a few thousand now number in the millions for each generation breeds more and more. Lordaeron is being cleansed by the Argent Crusade and the Druids of the Cenarion Circle. How soon before those thousands of survivors outnumber the undead? Fertile is the lands of Lordaeron and their people.

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But our world isn’t suffering world ending cosmic threats every other month and it’s fine that Humans breed like rabbits, because just like the goblins, they also die in droves every time we face a world ending threat, so it balances out in the end.

There’ll always be enough forsaken to hold Capital City and never enough humans to take it from the forsaken. It’s all equal in the end


Yep, it’s pointless to argue population numbers because Blizzard makes them up to be as many or as few as they need to be for their story beats to work. One expansion there’s thousands of human soldiers to throw at a problem… then the next expansion they’re calling up the children and the farmers to fight with pitchforks. Population numbers don’t matter in this setting.


I suspect like the new Night Elf capital that Capital City will be neutral where the living and undead can meet and greet. When it gets properly updated we may see a hybrid capital shared by all. We shall see though, it doesn’t make sense to make the Night Elves share their capital and not the Forsaken.

Ok so in light of the PTR Gilneas reclamation storyline, would you guys be interested in hearing my opinion on Calia Menethil

Actually it’s Queen Calia now sorry


Incoherent horrified screaming


I love how Blizzard simultaneously took a massive steaming pile of crap on both Worgen and Forsaken players with this questline. I genuinely don’t get how they can be this bad.


The same company who told the worgen community they suck for loving the worgen and people are shocked they put this garbage out?