I like BM but dislike that it has a lot of negative

Like in the previous reply. You’re the one who brought up the comparison of the two.


Don’t you have to press buttons for all classes?

Pushing your rotation as BM isn’t complicated at all.

This kind of argument is so useless…
Demo’s damage is more than 60% pets, it can even be over 70%. This is a much higher percentage than BM, so according to your own logic, Demo is a lot easier than BM.

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What? I’m talking the specific rotation. Demo actually has to set up their damage

BM doesn’t require any setup at all.

That is specifically NOT what you were saying. You just used the fact that a high percentage of the damage comes from pets as a measurement on how easy the spec is. This is what im criticizing since its nonsense.

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No I didn’t. I said BM is one of the easier specs to play in game and that a good portion of it is from pet damage that doesn’t require any setup.

I corrected that to what you said earlier. If you dont not see the difference in those statements, i cant help you. If you didnt mean to say what you said earlier, fine, but dont pretend you didnt say it, it is clearly visible in your post…

There really seems to be a lack of argumentative understanding and logic going around…


Please actually read what you’re quoting before you make a reply.

Did I ever say as much?


Like Gromgarr has already said, this was not your initial argument. Nor is this…addendum of yours…true.

BM gameplay involves multiple GCDs spent not only on several CDs of varying length, but it also has the Frenzy-mechanic to deal with. By definition, that IS what you’d call “setup”. Just because you think that it does not equal brain surgery-levels of complexity, doesn’t mean that it’s not there.

Like we can see above, this is not what you said earlier.

You said this:

No part of this includes your recent addition of “setup” as a basis to support your argument. Which, it still does not btw.

45% damage from pets is a good portion. Especially when it requires very little setup

Yeah it’s coming from you.

Yes it is.

Actually that’s management not setup.

Demo locks have actual setup in order to maximize their tyrant windows

I probably could have worded it better but I literally say BM is one of the easier specs because of the pet
Damage which requires zero setup outside of pressing bestial wrath and maximizing barbed shot.

The stigma is generally overlooked if you have strong numbers. Where the judgement comes is when you are playing what is perceived as a ‘coasting spec’ and your numbers are mediocre or bad.

It’s a fine way to get used to playing with a pet as you find your rhythm.

BM is easy, yes, but playing it in raids is smooth.
they turned this game into a DDR mess, every second there is some stupid mechanic that forces you to stop casting, i quit my warlock last expac because on top of destro being turned into a meme “infernal” spec, playing casters is just excruciating in raids, i play MM for m+ and BM for raids.
If they made other classes be able to instacast and do stuff on the move, this would fix this issue, sadly, BM is the only ranged that can do this, hence why i enjoy playing it, as easy as it is.

Granted I haven’t played a Lock since WotLK, but I assume you’re talking about how one has(would want) to manage the calling/summoning of other demons to line up with your Tyrant, for it to extend their duration uptime?

That’s just a different way of cooldown- and resource-management compared to BM.

Anyway, not interested in going through this by comparing every class and spec in detail. Mostly because it’s not what the conversation was about anyway.

I agree with you that the gameplay of BM isn’t very hard. But again, that last part…

which requires zero setup outside of pressing bestial wrath and maximizing barbed shot

…you did not include this with your initial argument. This addendum makes all the difference when viewed from the outside(when you’re the one reading it, not writing it). Or more specifically, what you wrote when you first changed your initial argument.

In short, this is what your argument said the first time:

“BM has it easy because their pets make up for so much of their total damage.”

You here implied that so much of our damage comes from a source that does it automatically, which isn’t really the case. We still have to perform the actions required for our pets to do “so much damage”.

After, you then changed your argument, you acknowledged that we do have to press buttons but that it, the gameplay, requires no setup or management. Which is also incorrect.

You then changed your argument yet again to “BMs have to press buttons, and they do have some setup/management to deal with, but it’s so little…”.

My point here isn’t to continue this discussion, but rather to show you why both me and Grom replied the way we did after your initial argument.



Kind of. Basically you want to have as many demons (imps summon felguard) as possible when you tyrant because the default talent gives a bonus damage to the tyrant based on how many demons you have up.

Which is why I said I should have worded it better.

Go with what you like. This is my main toon i’ve played since Vanilla. was at one point a “hardcore” raider got burned out and since LEgion have been one of those “Casual” players. the key is do stuff for your guild they appreciated (put stacks of feasts in the GB, crafted items, etc. ) and they may be gracious enough to tag you along.

Reason i say that BM has had its ups and downs throughout WoW, but i’ve been steadfastly playing BM since after WoTLK, took a long hiatus, came back to legion and never looked back regardless of what elitist thought.

BM is the only ranged pet spec so its that or nothing. The actual rotation might be simple but hunters are assigned all the mechanics, we are expected to move and dps at the same time which, depending on the encounter, can be challengin even with a simple rotation. We dont just get to stand there and cast. We also have pet management to consider.

I have plenty of other dps alts. They’re not all that complicated compared to BM. Anyone who says it is is either a bad hunter or just trying to flex.

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It is not the " only ranged pet spec", MM Hunters are ranged, and can run with a pet as freely as a BM Hunter.
Back to the topic. BM and negative stigma. Weak compared to MM? It depends on the situation. Weak is more likely to be determined by mistakes made, than by Spec superiority.
MM probably will offer more chances to look the fool than BM.
Simple rotation? Meaning there’s just a few buttons?
Simple answer is, it’s never been the number of buttons you push, it’s WHEN you push them.
As a BM Hunter, there’s no place on Azeroth you and your pet can’t go.

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AMEN to that !

Also, if barbed shot procs, you have to make the decision is it worth it to use immediately for the beastial wrath cd or hold on to it for the 3 stack up time. If that 3 stack falls off, dmg down the drain. If you can squeeze more cd off of the beastial wrath while maintaining 3 stacks of frenzy, dmg good.

People who don’t play BM think it’s easy. People who play BM correctly know it’s calculated timing.


You’re the one paying the sub so you play the way you want to. Why on earth would you take any notice of what other people think?

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