I like BM but dislike that it has a lot of negative

stigma around it like easy rotation, weak compared to MM.

Wondering does this affect anyone else that mains BM? asking because im thinking of maining a hunter after many years of not maining it. used to play MM but i like the pet aspect and various pets BM gets.

plan to do everything M+, PvP, raiding, wpvp as BM. of course not to high levels like world first or anything but as high as i can go.

I use it to use other transmogs and farm leather for my long boi. What was the question again?

I’ve played it in all forms of content for almost 17 years. You do you.


Idk why anyone would like BM. It’s really boring in my opinion. But I’m not sure why you care what other people think about it.


The only good thing about BM is taming King Krush


The rotation/priority isn’t easier than most other dps specs in this game nowadays, and it’s not hard either.

MM does pull ahead slightly in some cases, but not to a degree that really matters outside of competitive levels of play.

It has been my go-to choice as a hunter since Legion, switched to it when they removed the ranged Survival spec there was before then.

I can’t speak for everyone else ofc. I’m certainly not playing at a competitive level. I do raid at mythic level and clear 15s or higher in m+.

BM does more than well enough, for what I do. I don’t PvP but several others do so as BM, incl at higher levels.

In other words, BM is more than fine for what you want to do. The question is whether you enjoy playing it or not.


Its literally 3 buttons and a cd. Thats it. Its the most braindead spec in the game. At least with DHs they have to move around. BM is just afk.


Way to miss the point entirely.


DH core gameplay:

1 melee-attack to build Fury
1 melee-attack to spend Fury
1 hit-on-CD-attack that works more or less like a concentrated Barrage
1 hit-on-CD AoE instant attack
1 hit-on-CD-attack that just deals passive damage to nearby enemies

And then a major CD that you use every 4-5 minutes that doesn’t make it more difficulty to play the spec in any way whatsoever.

As for the movement of DHs, I guarantee you that anyone who plays BM who is interested in optimizing gameplay, spends more time managing their pets than DHs spend thinking about movement…


You have no idea how to optimize DH play. Just stop…


im just looking for opinions on what others think since i don’t main the class yet i always hear negative stuff like it’s easy etc…

i kind of have to care on a side note mostly because i pug content. with negative stigma it can be hard to pug content like M+ or raiding and really for me there is no way around say pugging raids due to my work schedule. But meh i mean i’ve had that same issue with this mage as well so it kind of defeats the purpose i suppose.

You should consider the context in it’s entirety, when partially quoting someone…

Anyway, I’m not interested in an argument with you in this topic. Your written language is more or less the same as Scabbers on this forum from a while back.

Your posts on the matter of RSV says it all really. But either way, best to keep that away from this topic as that wouldn’t help OP at all.

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First, I didn’t agree or pile on saying BM was the easiest class. While no class is hard these days, BM isn’t anymore easy than some of the others. That said, I did correct your completely wrong assumption about DH. Using momentum is a DH’s highest output potential. As such, movement is far more important than you insinuated, and more difficult as using a movement ability at the wrong time can easily get you killed in higher keys.

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Hell yes lol tamed him and Loque as soon as I hit 40 on this guy

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If you like it, play it. Others opinions only become your concern when they pay your sub fees


this is already more to do than playing BM. When it comes to pets you can macro what you need them to do with specific spells so no, DH is still harder to play than BM.

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aka I have no idea what im talking about and know I cant debate about it

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Havoc vs. BM

Demon’s Bite - Barbed Shot
Chaos Strike - Cobra Shot
Blade Dance - Multi-Shot(Beast Cleave)
Eye Beam - Mechanically closest to Barrage, but since Barrage is a talent, let’s put Kill Command here instead.
Immolation Aura - Bestial Wrath
Metamorphosis - Aspect of the Wild

There is ofc more to each spec than this, but that wasn’t your argument anyway(and it applies to both specs, not just Havoc) as you were just counting button presses…

Again, not saying that BM is hard to play, but you do know that pet management involves more than simply macro’ing a few commands, don’t you? Besides, again, this wasn’t your argument…

Your argument was that DHs also have to spend time thinking about movement.

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So DH are already more difficult to play than BM by your own words. And no, macroing your pets movement and ability’s to your own is simple and in no way difficult. If you have think otherwise your doing something wrong.

For someone who, in the past, has made the “reading comprehension”-argument, you really should go back and check your replies(and others). Anyway, again, you’re completely missing the point relative to what OP was asking…


I already made my point originally. Per usual you got irked and tried to debunk it which failed again. There wasnt much else to it after that.