I like BM but dislike that it has a lot of negative

BM is not difficult for me to play, but i also created tons of tools and wa’s that help me out.

Easy or hard? doesn’t matter.
Do you enjoy playing the spec? That matters.

You really have to go to a competitive extreme before your spec’s performance counts against you. Heroic raiding and M+15-19 is fine for bm


I don’t think you’ll have any issues playing BM. I’ve had someone ask me my spec like maybe once before inviting me to a key in m+. I don’t think you’d get kicked by any group for being BM unless you were going for like some really high key and they wanted more aoe.

As for PVP BM’s really good. I mean BM isn’t like a bad spec or anything and it has good single target. Hunters in general are pretty desirable for dungeons and I try not to raid much but I think you won’t have any problems there either.

This. The gnome speaks truth.

Whatever gets you through the day.

Mm is easier than bm in my opinion. With bm you have to get your barbed shots off at the last possible second of the dot/buff to maximize its uptime to do good damage. With mm there is nothing to maintain like that.

It’s a little funny seeing people argue over stuff like this.

In truth, it’s really pretty subjective which spec is “harder” — or to be more accurate, which spec is less intuitive for people to pick up.

I’ve been playing since 2005, and due to the fact that I never have the time to commit to raiding/M+/rated BGs/arenas… I’ve long since put my main focus on solo content AND helping out new players in my guild.

(I love, love the new guide feature, y’all.)

And over those years, I’ve come to learn a few things:

  • You cannot assume that certain things would be easy for new players. Some players are completely and totally new to MMO/RPG/MMORPG — I’ve met a couple who couldn’t even wrap their heads around how to change their gear (despite the fact that one was actually my IRL friend and I’ve shown her in person how to do it multiple times. She was That Overwhelmed).

  • Similarly, you cannot assume that certain classes would be easier for them. Originally, I used to insist that the new players roll Hunters “as an easy class to start with” — and half of them hated it! Half were bored (crazy, I know), and the other half kept dying to everything because they couldn’t figure out pet maintenance. I’ve since learned to, instead, suggest playing Paladins (hard to kill even for the new players), or Druids (apparently the shapeshifting entertains the new players) in addition to Hunters.

  • Lastly, I’ve learned that you cannot assume that a specific spec would be easy and/or intuitive for everybody. I’ve met a few Hunter players (mostly guildies) that just could not wrap their heads around playing BM or vice versa with MM (and likewise with the old RSV… I haven’t really met a newbie MSV hunter). My old guild master used to have me be the default “Hunter class master” in the guild — in other words, I was the one to pull aside the struggling Hunter and walk them through playing the specs. I’ve had to explain to BM hunters how Frenzy worked (Cata), MM hunters how armor penetration worked (WotLK), and RSV hunters how Black Arrow worked (MoP). And without fail I’d have them tell me that the other specs were easy compared to the one they’re struggling with.

Ultimately? You really can’t assume and/or predict what people would find easy, and what they would struggle with. It’s truly all subjective!

And THAT is my long-winded way of saying… “Don’t sweat what others tell you. Play what you enjoy, and find easy/intuitive to play.”


It only affects me in positive ways.

I use their salt for my margaritas. It makes my drink taste that much better.



Anyone who says the BM rotation is easy doesn’t know what Frenzy is.

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3 buttons for life

If its so easy and only 3 mindless buttons why would I absolutely destroy your parses if we both played BM side by side in the same raid?


It’s the WOW forums. 95% of posts are mindless and negative. Play whats fun, BM is fine.


i have been BM since a cpl yrs after the Goblins come out. I LOVE the Hunter and love it so much? I shelved my Tauren Warrior for good.
During Legion I became a fairly good Hunter. B.A. taught Me how to a lot better. So, with those items said?
This SL x-pac? Has changed How i play a Hunter as Beast Master.
Seems to me, it is more of a group support class. I watch and protect Squishies . I ice a lot of secondary foes. Mt DPS has dropped some. But I care less. My thing is keeping the bad guys off of the good guys. Using everything at my disposal to tend to the " Group "
When I am soloing? I have a blast. I pull everything around, practicing good crowd control, while trying to keep my DPS numbers high.
Let’s not forget, as BM? I get the coolest pets :=) I have some of the rarest and definitely , some of the most difficult Pets to get. The first one that comes to mind? Dethilac the purple spider out of Molton Front. I also have the Yellow spider and the Green one from molton Front.
So, if you are a BM hunter? You know why you allow the DPS loss. It is insignificant in the long run. A smart group? Raid or 5 man, know that You are there for Them. Not just for Yourself

So sorry about the run ons and the spelling here folks.

Cripplewe and lovin it


You’re literally comparing the two easiest to play specs.

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This is factually not true.

Different classes have more stuff to manage. Most of BM damage comes from the pet which is why it’s considered one of the easy specs on top of the stupid strong mobility.

It takes less forethought to do good damage as bm compared to say a Destro lock or arcane mage.

I said “intuitive,” which is an entirely different ballpark.

And yet, I’ve — and I’d bet that you have too — met people who were overwhelmed by the concept of pet management, for whatever reason.

Ultimately, the gameplay and specs really, really are subjective — what might seem to be “stupidly easy” to you and me can still be a concept that is tricky for other people.

I’ve learned that lesson many times over the 16 years I’ve been mentoring people in WoW.

I used to think exactly the same of you — the less number of the buttons, the more easily a newbie would pick it up.

And I’ve been proved soundly wrong many times, including with my IRL friends, even with me literally sitting at their sides.

I really do mean it when I say that it’s a subjective thing, and that what is intuitive for one person is not so for another.

You can disagree, of course. But it’s not “factual.”


Pet management isn’t even a thing outside of pvp. The only times you need to manage it is things like the Sire fight because of the mirrors.

Again that’s actually wrong. Spec difficulty is based on performance at the 95th percentile.

It doesn’t matter if someone playing x spec struggles with it and parses gray.

Actually it is factual.

love BM mained over 15 yrs , dont care what ppl say . ali only !


Hey I said that too

Did I say that either of them was hard to play? No. It was just a response to Metroid’s post. He was the one to bring up the comparison with DHs.

Roughly 45% of your total damage comes from your pet’s on ST encounters.

Having said that, you do know that to achieve that, you as the player actually have to press buttons, don’t you? Just like every other class and spec does.