I legitimately believe I was falsely banned for "hacks" due to a broken keyboard that spams keys

If a keyboard breaks like if / gets stuck, yes if you open notepad or are talking in chat, it might go ////////////////////////////////////////. But WOW itself would just see / being held down.

There is no situation where a keyboard, by itself, would continue to /////////////////////// in WOW and repeat whatever action that key does. A partially broken key or mouse button might click 2 or potentailly 3 times with one press. But it would just be that one key, not the entire keyboard. There is no situation where a broken keyboard would spam commands in WOW, because it’s not possible.

I’ve had a mouse with worn out switches click more than once before. Even then it happens randomly. It does not sit there and act like I’m rapidly clicking the button.


This is partially true and also a bit misinformed on how some keyboards read keystrokes.

Its pretty complex stuff, but a good keyboard to see this issue are ducky ones they are well known for double keying aswell as like keying many times after getting dusty. It just gets caught and keys it due to high sensitivy. The keyboard is built to encourage very light touching for very small response time for very high apm games.

It can cause keyboards to double key within miliseconds like


Different anounts of key inputs and late depending on how quickly you are typing etc.

That may be true but it would never by itself cause an issue in WoW. What Vralok and I are trying to say that no matter how many times the key may be clicked/pressed/whatever due to being broken, it cannot circumvent the in-game mechanics. Fire bolt will only cast once/on cooldown (with click to cast enabled) within the parameter of the game.

The only time it could maybe (huge maybe!) cause issues is if it is spamming nonsense in chatnand for reported for spam. But that would not be hacks for the reason for any account action.


Yeah i agree, i dont think the warden system would see this either as a issue. I dont know and dont want to speculate at all. Truly do feel bad of course for anybody if they were flagged / temp banned for a period due to this. Mistakes happen.

Yep. Can a broken key cause the odd double button press with hitting the key once? Yes. Same with worn out/faulty mouse button switches. Would it continue to spam abilities in WOW? Not a chance, not possible.

The true possibilities we’re looking at with faulty/junk keyboards is 1) a key being stuck, WOW will see that as the key held down - no problem. 2) a broken/faulty key or mouse switch. Occasionally double or even triple clicks with one press. That still isn’t a pattern of behavior, and the GCD would prevent spamming abilities that way. There is no way to use that to get WOW to repeat actions. Plus, this would be on an individual key basis. It’s statistically impossible for every key on a keyboard to get broken in this exact way.

What the OP is claiming is a “bad keyboard” caused abilities to spam repeatedly. That is not possible without extra software, designed to cause keys to “rapid fire” if they are held down. Like, for example, AutoHotKey. That is not normal functionality.


Yeah on reflection i think speculating on their situation isnt helpful or discussing if a keyboard can or cant rapid fire keys. Best we summarize incase OP still reading

  1. nobody here can help you in regards to a resolution
  2. we can only speculate best you wait for blizzard to review your appeal
  3. they most likely wont tell you the cause either way
  4. queue time is around 86 hours right now

I’m glad everyone has determined it can’t be my keyboard.

Even not using AHK with wow open can have it trigger warden, I mean does that not seem just wrong. I have put thousands of hrs into this game, for it all to be stripped because of that. Great.

I agree i had a mouse that would double click. It would do the one click twice in a row each time you clicked. But would never just keep going more the twice from one click.

Replaced it soon after and never got banned

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We have been warned for quite a while now that automation programs, whether they’re running or not, are prohibited. In my opinion, that does not seem wrong. I am sorry to say you got caught with illicit software on your machine and called out for it. Now, you seem like a respectable gamer, so I would recommend removing any software from your rig that could be considered automation and then using the same battle.net account to make a new WoW licence and come back and enjoy the game with us.


You can keep appealing for another set of eyes to look at the evidence until you’re told that further tickets would be considered harassment. None of us knows what triggered the action and what evidence they collect, but there’s always a chance that if it turned out that it was triggered by AHK being installed but not used in WoW and if they don’t find any kind of gameplay behavior that seems like it could be considered exploitative (no continuous mob farming, fishing, gathering, playing multiple accounts at the same time, constant AH scanning and reposting, etc, instead just going about doing dailies and dungeons and such) you never know, it could be overturned or the penalty could be lowered to a suspension instead of a permanent ban.

Don’t take my random speculation as any kind of confirmation of anything, though!

Well yeah, exactly.

Yeah lets keep the .02 cents to ourselves I think. Nobody here can support OP ( in terms of resolution ), nor can we really help outside speculation.

lol i guess you have never been on that amazing “reddit” thread with gm replies.

They HAVE and do this or use to do this all the time.

The general policy is that Blizzard will not specifically “approve” use of X software if they don’t make that software. Obviously if they don’t make it, they have no idea what the author may change. Something that is ok today, may not be in the future.

There are some obvious things though that they will answer. Like, can I stream music while I play WoW or will my third party streaming software get me banned? They will explain that does not usually touch game files so would be a safe type of software.

They tend to be pretty careful with it though. There are thousands of third party software options out there and they can’t review and test each one, then approve it again each time it updates. That would be unreasonable. So that is why it is pretty much “Blizzard won’t approve third party software for use with their games”. They just point people towards the rules and let the person and the third party software maker sort out if it is worth the risk.


I guess you’re just now learning that people lie on the internet, huh? There aren’t any “GM’s” posting on reddit.


I think they mean people post copies of CS (GM) ticket replies.

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Or supposedly doing so anyway. Surely noone would ever edit an email to push their agenda anonymously on the internet!

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Idk how else to show this, but in both email and a ticket I got this response. Also, like I said twice now, I have nothing to prove to anyone, I am literally and desperately trying to figure out what this could have been because of.

h ttps://imgur.com/a/eE9Fttx

“However, Yolomouse is generally considered a system-level program that changes the appearance of your cursor outside the game, rather than modifying the game itself. Based on this, it should not result in a ban.”

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As said, this is very very very likely what it was. If you had AHK in memory then that is likely what Warden detected, even if it was not actively being used with WoW.


As for this,

I already tried that, but I couldn’t do it. While leveling a new char I couldn’t help but fixate on what I lost.
I had saved up about 10-15mil gold and during mop remix leveled about 50 characters to 70. Losing everything and knowing that I’ve never cheated or anything has me feeling literally sick. Not sure what to do now, but since my (perma) ban was “upheld” I know whoever “reviewed” and upheld my appeal didn’t do it properly.

Yes, they did review it properly.

You had software that can, and has, been used to cheat in this game open while playing.

Whether or not Blizz gave approval for Yolomouse to you is a moot point. AHK is what got you banned for cheating.