I leave mythic pluses

Now you’re just coming up with loopholes that will let trolls push the penalty onto someone else by just trolling a run (which can be done very subtly … maybe I just forget my rotation or die to mechanics more) and forcing them to give up or someone else to take a penalty.

How is a leaver count or punishment system going to IMPROVE the experience for players?

People will still quit runs. Runs will still fail. The only difference is people have will have arbitrary and possibly unfairly “earned” numbers attached to them and I’d argue that makes the whole system worse for everybody and would make things 10x as toxic.

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Because it gives the group leader information on how much effort the player is willing to put into the completion of the dungeon.

Who would I rather pick a 1k io player with an 80% leave record, or a 900 io player with a 10% leave record.

To the grief comment, read my prior post on this topic.

Sounds again like people complaints against .io in general.

The problem with that is you often know long before the 30m or so timer has expired that you’re not going to make it. Some other possible issues:

1: What’s the counter behavior if someone is removed?

2: If the counter isn’t incremented by someone being removed, how to you address the behavior of a player afking and refusing to move.

These are just off the top of my head. What you propose might work okay, but i’d personally be much more in favor of a lot of context being provided, and not just a counter.

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  1. Being removed doesn’t count towards counter, like being the player with the key, simple fix.

  2. Grief reporting… It’s the same reason they put dungeon deserter in.

Not when everyone gets the debuff.

Remember, if the leader kicks someone, then unless they can four man the rest of the instance, finishing it, the leader and every other member will get the debuff when they fail and give up and leave.

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I get numberous hearts as my ideas are excellent.

But yes, indeed, this would put pressure on Blizzard to appropriately tune their dungeons and timers as people leaving would become a major issue.

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There are more ways to grief or sabotage a run than just standing still.

I just auto attack. I could do my rotation half speed.

How do you tell that apart from someone who is just bad?

The only thing that could be reported for griefing would be if you said something in chat. Anything else could just be poor play.

Personally I’d rather someone just quit than mess up my run and waste even more time.

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False equivalence. The average complaint about RIO is not founded on logic. All RIO does is collect data already available to players and puts it in a more accessible format. All it does it show that you have, or have not, completed dungeons in the range of the key being attempted. That’s, it.

Punishing players for leaving bad runs would only hurt the bottom end of players, maybe some in the middle. The top end of players who do 16+ keys is a very small community of people. They wouldn’t be hurt by this at all. However on the low and middle end, where more trolls are present and leavers/casuals.

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Yes, everyone would get the same punishment, unless of course they could finish the dungeon 4-man.

I love the Rastlin way of thinking. Leaving currently isn’t that big of a deal but if we make it a big deal then Blizzard would have to make the dungeons so easy that no one would ever leave. I got 10,000 to 1 odds on that ever happening.

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I’m not against context being provided outside of the counter, I just know how pugs work, context doesn’t mean much outside of counters, so it’s a small fix for this player behavior, just like .io this can be cheesed, but I still don’t see how it’s okay to have io info, but not leaver info. Honestly, I would rather have dungeon parses like they do for raids, that would really give player way more info to work with.

You can log dungeons.

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You can log dungeons, but it works like .io it doesn’t show your parses like raid bosses.

It’s far more complicated to parse a dungeon to be fair. They’d have to design the system around so many variables. Just coding it to parse vs item level and class is complicated enough. Throw in dungeon level + affix combination and you have a nightmare amount of data to collect and compare.

It would be nice to have, don’t get me wrong. I just don’t expect it to happen.

That’s assuming your tank is doing a good job, and your healer is keeping everyone alive.

I specified pugs for a reason.

What do you mean by this? warcraftlogs certainly works more or less like it does for raids, including breaking down trash and individual bosses.

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Flamebaiting. It’s a form of trolling.

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Yup. The only difference is you have less reliable parsing because of the huge variables. But the data is all there.

Yeah comp and affixes make a huge difference (and the fact that nearly everyone logs raids, and very few people seem to log m+).

The data isn’t there like raid bosses, they aren’t seperating the keys up but providing the information on scaling keys. A higher key with lower parses yields higher points, you can look into the log and see the general information which is useful, but when it comes to PuG, it provides little information because the point system is too convoluted. For this reason, people use .io significantly more then warcraft logs even though warcraft logs runs parses with a similar scoring system as io.

If it provided dungeon at key, like its own raid bosses, and parses classes against each other at key, it would have useful information that I would suspect players would use it over raider .io. It would separate, with easily readable information, the carries from the carried.

Actually, correction, because I haven’t looked at it for M+ in a long time. It works exactly like .io. Parses plays no role in how much points you get, your key completion does.